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open access

A Guide to the Best Revenue Models and Funding Sources for your Digital Resources

Description: With the support of the Jisc-led Strategic Content Alliance (SCA), Ithaka S+R has developed this guide to support those who are actively managing digital projects and are seeking to develop funding models that will permit them to continue investing in their projects, for the benefit of their users, over time. This report updates Sustainability and Revenue Models for Online Academic Resources (2008) in two major ways: first, by expanding the list of revenue models covered in order to take into a… more
Date: March 2014
Creator: Maron, Nancy
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

French-Indian Interaction at an 18th Century Frontier Post: The Roseborough Lake Site, Bowie County, Texas

Description: This report discusses archaeological findings at the Roseborough Lake Site 14 miles west of Texarkana. The research is oriented towards forming a concept of village life for the indigenous people of the area (and the French settlers who intermarried), as well as a model of the village itself.
Date: May 1986
Creator: Gilmore, Kathleen
Partner: UNT Institute of Applied Sciences
open access

Conference on Quantum-Mechanical Methods in Valence Theory

Description: Proceedings from the Conference on Quantum-Mechanical Methods in Valence Theory organized into six sections: Atomic and Molecular Problems, The Link with Chemical Valence Concepts, Intermolecular and Nonbonded Interatomic Forces, Transcending the Primitive Approximations, Mathematical Developments, and Integrals. Some papers include additional discussion from other participants. Table of contents starts on page iii.
Date: 1952
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research: Appendix, Volume 1

Description: Second part of an appendix to accompany a report describing the conclusions of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research regarding ethics in research: "This Appendix contains (in two volumes) the full text of the papers that were prepared to assist the Commission in its consideration of the basic ethical principles that should underlie the conduct of research involving human subjects" (title page). This volume has three sections: III. Bo… more
Date: 1978
Creator: United States. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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