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open access

Transistorized Pulse Counting Equipment

Description: This instrument was designed primarily to meet the need for radiation monitoring equipment in chemical process areas where corrosive vapors exist.
Date: July 26, 1960
Creator: Henry, John J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 8, Nike-Zeus Far Site

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 2, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands

Description: From introduction: This study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government for the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 10, Atlantic Barge

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 11, U.S. Naval Air Facility, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Byrd Station Antarctica

Description: From introduction: In the report will be found a description of a proposed 800 kw nuclear power plant together with concept drawings, construction cost estimate, design and construction schedule, and operating, maintenance and fuel costs.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Henry J. Kaiser Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 7, Super Sage Rocky Mountains Area

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 9, Inchon, Korea

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 5, NORAD

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 1, Summary

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations, where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 10 mwe may be required by the Government for the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 3, Guam, Mariana Islands

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Hypothetical Site

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Report 4, Thule Air Base, Greenland

Description: From introduction: The study is essentially an economic evaluation of the construction and operation of nuclear power plants at several designated military installations where increased power generating capabilities of 5 to 40 mwe may be required by the Government during the period 1963 through 1970.
Date: July 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Remote Military Power Applications: Pole Station Antarctica

Description: From introduction: In the report will be found a description of a proposed 500 kw nuclear power plant together with concept drawings, construction cost estimate, design and construction schedule, and operating, maintenance and fuel costs.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Henry J. Kaiser Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Transistorized Reactivity Measurement System

Description: An all-transistor system has been developed to be used in measuring the reactivity of the reactor in the Sandia Engineering Reactor Facility. In operation, the system triggers a pulsed neutron source (PNS) in the reactor and counts the resulting neutron flux, thus giving a measure of the time constant of the reactor. The counting is done in eleven time-sequenced counting channels. The reactor time constant is a measure of the reactor reactivity.
Date: July 6, 1960
Creator: Ehrman, Leonard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

P-V-T Relationships of BF₃ Gas

Description: Abstract: A generalized equation of state developed by Gouq-Jen Su and Chien-Hou Chang is used for predicting P-V-T behavior of BF3 at high gas densities.
Date: July 30, 1960
Creator: Smith, C. R. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A High-Voltage Pulse Generator for Testing Dielectric Samples

Description: Abstract: The purpose of this report is to describe the problems inherent to general dielectric strength measurements, and to act as a guide in establishing a method for pulse dielectric strength measurements.
Date: July 13, 1960
Creator: Kelly, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Valve Stem Freeze Seal for High-Temperature Sodium

Description: Abstract: An experimental study of valve stem freeze seals was undertaken as part of the effort to develop components for high temperature service in advanced sodium-cooled reactor systems.
Date: July 30, 1960
Creator: McDonald, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Velocity Shock Testing, Equipment and Methods

Description: The need for special high velocity shock testing is pointed out and equipment that has been developed to meet these needs is discussed. The concept of velocity-change and its importance in shock-testing technology is brought out. The three types of equipment discussed are: accelerated drop testers, pneumatic actuators, and air guns. Examples of each type and their capabilities and limitations are presented.
Date: July 11, 1960
Creator: Walker, Walter W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Zircaloy-4 Tubing for Fuel Sheathing

Description: Scope. This specification covers Zircaloy-4 tubing, both seamless and welded, for reactor fuel rod sheathing where high integrity, and satisfactory corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures are required.
Date: July 15, 1960
Creator: Perryman, E. C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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