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"Granite" Exploration Hole, Area 15, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada -- Interim Report: Part A, Structural, Petrographic, and Chemical Data

Description: From introduction: The "Granite" exploration hole was core drilled to determine the character of the igneous rocks from the surface to a depth of 1,200 feet and the degree of structural anisotropism of the rock within 200 feet of a point 950 feet below the surface. This report summarizes the data on the structure, chemistry, petrology and alteration of the rocks exposed at the surface in the immediate vicinity of the drill site and in the core.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Houser, F. N. & Poole, F. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Possible Test Sites in Granitic Rocks in the United States

Description: Introduction: This report describes areas of granitic rocks suitable for underground nuclear tests within Federally-controlled land in the continental limits of the United States. This information was requested of the U. S. Geological Survey by the Albuquerque Operations Office of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, and was compiled during March 1959 by D. C. Alvord, W. J. Carr, P. M. Hanshaw, S. P. Kanizay, C. S. Robinson, R. W. Schnabel, J. A. Sharps, and C. T. Wrucke.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Alvord, Donald C.; Carr, Wilfred James; Hanshaw, Penelope M.; Kanizay, Stephen P.; Robinson, Charles Sherwood; Schnabel, Robert W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The control of beryllium hazards

Description: From abstract: "The toxicological properties of beryllium and compounds of beryllium are briefly reviewed, together with the historical development of the recommendations for maximum permissible beryllium air concentrations. The application of the enclosure technique presently in use at this laboratory for the control of beryllium hazards is described... Monitoring procedures used to evaluate the performance of enclosures are discussed."
Date: July 15, 1959
Creator: Lindeken, Carl L. & Meadors, Orville L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electron-Population Analysis and the Dipole Moment of the LiH ¹Σ⁺ Excited State / A.M. Karo

Description: Abstract: "Detailed consideration is given to some properties of the first excited electronic state. Following the analysis proposed bv Mulliken, SCF LCAO-MO coefficients are used to obtain qualitative information about the electron distributions. Comparison is made with earlier work with respect to the description of the excited-state dipole moment, the effective electric moment between the ground and excited states is also calculated. From this, the oscillator strength for the first allowed t… more
Date: July 1959
Creator: Karo, Arnold M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes: The Experimental Verification of the Onsager Reciprocal Relations

Description: Report discussing theories of irreversible thermodynamic processes. "The purpose of this review is to collect the presently available experimental data for a variety of quite different irreversible phenomena and to show that this evidence does indeed verify the Onsager Reciprocal Relations."
Date: July 30, 1959
Creator: Miller, Donald Gabriel
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrologic and Tracer Studies in Mohawk River at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory

Description: Preface: In 1948, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission, initiated a study of the hydraulics and hydrology of Mohawk River in the vicinity of the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) near Schenectady, N.Y. The purpose of this study was to determine the probable effects of release of low concentrations of radioactive wastes from the Laboratory to Mohawk River.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Simpson, Eugene Sidney; Beetem, W. A. & Ruggles, F. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. I

Description: This report analyzes a linear, hard-core pinch tube built to examine tubes afflicted by small-scale instabilities evident from many observations.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. II

Description: This report describes a toroidal version of the hard-core pinch and the additional information it can obtain to what the analogous linear pinch can get.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: Phase 1 Report

Description: From preface: This report covers Phase I of the authorized work, consisting of determination of the specific reactor concept and size for the most economic reactor, preparation of a reference design of the most promising concept and estimated capital and generating costs, evaluation of the variations in cost as a function of unit size, and evaluation of the reductions in ultimate costs for a power station having multiple units of the same type.
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 235 Mw Coal-fired Generating Plant

Description: "This study is one of four initiated in 1958 by the Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, to assess the feasibility of power generation through the use of certain types of nuclear reactors. These studies are available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C."
Date: July 1959
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Reactor Development.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 1]: 306 Mw Power Reactor Conceptual Design

Description: From introduction: In general, the objective of this study is to provide for the development of the conceptual design criteria for the most promising type of boiling water reactor and associated complete electrical generating plant consistent with a schedule calling for start of construction in July 1960.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 2]: Separate Studies

Description: From introduction: This section presents the principal results of the optimization study done to establish the economic basis for selection of the core and fuel design.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Water Reactor Study [Part 3]: 306 Mw Coal-Fired Installation

Description: From introduction: The objectives of this study are to determine the estimated capital and energy costs of this typical conventional coal-fired installation, consistent with a schedule calling for completion of construction April 1964.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic Cooled Reactor Study [Part 3]: Reactor Concept Evaluation

Description: From summary and conclusions: The purpose of this volume is to present the results of design studies to select the optimum-sized electric power station utilizing an organic cooled nuclear reactor and to evaluate and optimize the various reactor concepts, with special attention to selection of the moderator, consistent with the basic design criteria established by the AEC.
Date: July 1959
Creator: Bechtel Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement No. 1. Projections of Costs, 1959-1975 for Nuclear-Conventional Power Plant Cost Study. Conventional Coal Fired Power Plants : 25,000 KW to 325,000 KW for Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

Description: In order to establish a basis for comparing the estimated cost of nuclear power plant designs, a set of general and detailed design considerations for conventional coal-fired power plants was established. Five preliminary designs of conventional coal-fired power plants ranging in size from 25to 325 mw were selected, and cost estimates were prepared. Supplement 1 shows a year by year projection of costs for the period 1959-1975.
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Chittenden, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kinetics of the Alkylation and Acylation of Nickel Dipivaloyimethide

Description: Abstract: A study was made of the reactions of nickel dipivaloyimethide with the following reagents: tirphenylmethyl chloride, benzoyl chloride, [rho]-chloro and [rho]-methyl benzoyl chloride. Infrared spectra of the easily hydrolyzed product of tritylation seem to indicate that enol ether, the product of O-alkylation, is formed. the acyl halides reactor to give the triketones. the latter have been characterized by spectra and C, H, analysis. the kinetics of all the reactions studied were … more
Date: July 1959
Creator: Johnson, Kenneth Eugene & Hammond, George Simms, 1921-2005
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Earth Lining Materials Courtland Canal, Bostwick Division, Missouri River Basin Project, Nebraska

Description: Report presenting results of laboratory studies performed on soil samples representing the existing compacted earth lining in the Courtland Canal. Testing procedures and summaries are described along with density analyses in graphical form and a map of field density test locations.
Date: July 16, 1959
Creator: Lowitz, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Research on the Lift and Stability of Wing-Body Combinations

Description: The present paper summarizes and correlates broadly some of the research results applicable to fin-stabilized ammunition. The discussion and correlation are intended to be comprehensive, rather than detailed, in order to show general trends over the Mach number range up to 7.0. Some discussion of wings, bodies, and wing-body interference is presented, and a list of 179 papers containing further information is included. The present paper is intended to serve more as a bibliography and source of … more
Date: July 2, 1959
Creator: Purser, Paul E. & Fields, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee as a Source of Uranium: Final Report

Description: From major objective: The over-all aim of the study has been to obtain a thorough geologic picture of the Chattanooga shale in the area under consideration, with emphasis upon stratigraphic relationships and associated special problems from which, in turn, implications may be obtained as to the origin and age of the formation and possibly the source of the uranium. The study has not been aimed primarily at exploration for uranium and its economic aspects.
Date: July 1, 1959
Creator: Stockdale, Paris B. & Klepser, Harry J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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