Search Results

Primary view of Stock Assessment of the Coral Reef Fishes of Hawaii, 2016
Nadon, Marc O.
February 2017
Primary view of Range-Wide Patterns in Hawaiian Monk Seal Movements Among Islands and Atolls
Johanos, Thea C.; Harting, Albert L.; Wurth, Tracy L. & Baker, Jason D.
February 2015
Primary view of North Pacific Blue Shark Stock Assessment
Kleiber, Pierre; Clarke, Shelley; Bigelow, Keith; Nakano, Hideki; McAllister, Murdoch & Takeuchi, Yukio
February 2009
Primary view of Hawaiian Archipelago Marine Ecosystem Research (HAMER)
Hawaii. Division of Aquatic Resources.
February 2008
Primary view of Hawaii Longline Fishermen's Experiences with the Observer Program
Allen, Stewart D.
February 2007
Primary view of Guadalupe River and Bypass Culvert, San Jose, California: Hydraulic Model Investigation
Hite, John E., Jr.
February 1998
Primary view of The Hawaiian Monk Seal on Laysan Island, 1991
Becker, Brenda L.; O'Brien, Kristen E.; Lombard, Karen B. & Laniawae, Leona P.
February 1995
Primary view of Seasonal, Vertical, and Horizontal Distribution of Four Species of Copepods Around Oahu Hawaii: Data Report
Hassett, R. Patrick & Boehlert, George W.
February 1995
Primary view of Studies of Acute and Chronic Radiation Injury at the Biological and Medical Research Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 1970-1992  : the JANUS Program Survival and Pathology Data
Grahn, D.; Wright, B. J.; Carnes, B. A.; Williamson, F. S. & Fox, C.
February 1995
Primary view of Yucca Mountain Project - Argonne National Laboratory Annual Progress Report, FY 1994
Bates, John K.
February 1995
Primary view of Solidification Modeling of a Spiral Casting to Determine Material Fluidity
Ahuja, S.; Domanus, H. M.; Schmitt, R. C.; Chuzhoy, L. & Grabel, J. V.
February 1994
Primary view of COMMIX-PPC: A Three-Dimensional Transient Multicomponent Computer Program for Analyzing Performance of Power Plant Condensers, Volume 1: Equations and Numerics
Chien, T. H.; Domanus, H. M. & Sha, William T.
February 1993
Primary view of Simplified Linear Equation Solvers : Users Manual
Gropp, William & Smith, Barry
February 1993
Primary view of Chaotic Vibrations of Nonlinearly Supported Tubes in Crossflow
Cai, Y. & Chen, Shoei-Sheng
February 1992
Primary view of The Hawaiian Monk Seal, Monachus schauinslandi, at Kure Atoll, 1982-83
Bowlby, C. Edward; Scoggins, Penelope D.; Watson, Rodney T. & Reddy, Michelle L.
February 1991
Primary view of Materials Performance in the Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Cogeneration Air Heater Experiment
Natesan, K.
February 1991
Primary view of OTTER Experiments Pertinent to CADE-10
Wos, Larry; Winker, S.; McCune, W.; Overbeek, R.; Lusk, E.; Stevens, R. et al.
February 1991
Primary view of Temperature Effects on Waste Glass Performance
Mazer, J. J.
February 1991
Primary view of Activities and Operations of the Advanced Computing Research Facility : January 1989-January 1990
Pieper, Gail W.
February 1990
Primary view of Geophysical Investigations of the Western Ohio-Indiana Region : Annual Report, October 1988-September 1989
Young, C. J.; Lay, T. & Jacobson, Willard J.
February 1990
Primary view of MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS)
Chanin, D. I.; Sprung, J. L.; Ritchie, L. T. & Jow, H-N
February 1990
Primary view of Advanced Materials in the Manufacturing Revolution: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Argonne National Laboratory June 14, 1988
Nevitt, Michael V. & Peterson, Norman D.
February 1989
Primary view of Development of Compressed Multifoil Insulation for High-temperature Batteries and Other Applications
Chilenskas, A. A.; Malecha, R. F.; Tummillo, A. F.; Meyer, F. J. & Missig, J. R.
February 1989
Primary view of Geotechnical Applications of the Self-Potential Method, Report 3: Development of Self-Potential Interpretation Techniques for Seepage Detection
Corwin, Robert W. & Butler, Dwain K.
February 1989
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