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open access

Final Report-Confirmatory Survey Results for the ABB Combustion Engineering Site, Windsor, Connecticut; Revision 1 (DCN 5158-SR-02-1) (Docket No. 030-03754; RFTA No. 12-003)

Description: The objectives of the confirmatory activities were to provide independent contractor field data reviews and to generate independent radiological data for use by the NRC in evaluating the adequacy and accuracy of the contractor�s procedures and FSS results. ORAU reviewed ABB CE�s decommissioning plan, final status survey plan, and the applicable soil DCGLs, which were developed based on an NRC-approved radiation dose assessment. The surveys included gamma surface scans, gamma direct measurements… more
Date: January 28, 2013
Creator: ADAMS, WADE C
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The European Parliament

Description: This report provides background on the Congress-EP relationship and the role of the TLD. It also explores potential future options should an effort to strengthen ties between the two bodies gain momentum.
Date: January 14, 2013
Creator: Archick, Kristin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The U.S. Congress and the European Parliament: Evolving Transatlantic Legislative Cooperation

Description: This report provides background on the Congress-EP relationship and the role of the TLD. It also explores potential future options that could be considered during the 113th Congress should an effort to strengthen ties between the two bodies gain momentum.
Date: January 2, 2013
Creator: Archick, Kristin & Morelli, Vincent
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expert Meeting: Optimized Heating Systems Using Condensing Boilers and Baseboard Convectors

Description: On August 11, 2011, in Denver, CO, a Building America Expert Meeting was held in conjunction with the Building America Residential Energy Efficiency Technical Update Meeting, to review and discuss results and future plans for research to improve the performance of hydronic heating systems using condensing boilers and baseboard convectors. A meeting objective was to provide an opportunity for other Building America teams and industry experts to provide feedback and specific suggestions for the p… more
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Arena, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Algeria: Current Issues

Description: This report focuses on current political issues, as well as Algeria's economy, its foreign policy, and U.S.-Algeria relations. Key issues include reform efforts initiated after anti-government demonstrations in early 2011 and amid the regional tumult of the "Arab Spring"; terrorism and related security issues; human rights; national reconciliation following the "dark decade" of the 1990s Islamist insurgency; and activism in ethnic Berber areas.
Date: January 18, 2013
Creator: Arieff, Alexis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Crisis in Mali

Description: This report provides an overview of recent developments in Bali, and discusses the current issues facing Bali, and U.S. policy and foreign assistance to Bali.
Date: January 14, 2013
Creator: Arieff, Alexis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Distributive Distillation Enabled by Microchannel Process Technology

Description: The application of microchannel technology for distributive distillation was studied to achieve the Grand Challenge goals of 25% energy savings and 10% return on investment. In Task 1, a detailed study was conducted and two distillation systems were identified that would meet the Grand Challenge goals if the microchannel distillation technology was used. Material and heat balance calculations were performed to develop process flow sheet designs for the two distillation systems in Task 2. The pr… more
Date: January 22, 2013
Creator: Arora, Ravi
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Domestic Food Assistance: Summary of Programs

Description: This report offers a brief overview of hunger and food insecurity along with the related network of programs.
Date: January 3, 2013
Creator: Aussenberg, Randy Alison & Colello, Kirsten J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Debt Limit: History and Recent Increases

Description: This report gives an historical overview of debt limits, discusses how the total debt of the federal government can increase and how the current economic slowdown has led to higher deficits and thereby a series of debt limit increases, as well as legislation related to these increases.
Date: January 10, 2013
Creator: Austin, D. Andrew & Levit, Mindy R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mammalian Tissue Response to Low Dose Ionizing Radiation: The Role of Oxidative Metabolism and Intercellular Communication

Description: The objective of the project was to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the biological effects of low dose/low dose rate ionizing radiation in organs/tissues of irradiated mice that differ in their susceptibility to ionizing radiation, and in human cells grown under conditions that mimic the natural in vivo environment. The focus was on the effects of sparsely ionizing cesium-137 gamma rays and the role of oxidative metabolism and intercellular communication in these effects. Four Specific Aims… more
Date: January 16, 2013
Creator: Azzam, Edouard I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Suicide Prevention Efforts of the Veterans Health Administration

Description: This report discusses seven areas of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) suicide prevention interventions: easy access to care, education, screening and treatment, limited access to lethal means, suicide hotline, media restrictions, and suicide prevention coordinators.
Date: January 10, 2013
Creator: Bagalman, Erin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Traumatic Brain Injury Among Veterans

Description: This report discusses traumatic brain injury (TBI) among veterans receiving care in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities, with particular attention to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans.
Date: January 4, 2013
Creator: Bagalman, Erin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

External Insulation of Masonry Walls and Wood Framed Walls

Description: The use of exterior insulation on a building is an accepted and effective means to increase the overall thermal resistance of the assembly that also has other advantages of improved water management and often increased air tightness of building assemblies. For thin layers of insulation (1" to 1 1/2"), the cladding can typically be attached directly through the insulation back to the structure. For thicker insulation layers, furring strips have been added as a cladding attachment location. This … more
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Baker, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Areas for US-India civilian nuclear cooperation to prevent/mitigate radiological events.

Description: Over the decades, India and the United States have had very little formal collaboration on nuclear issues. Partly this was because neither country needed collaboration to make progress in the nuclear field. But it was also due, in part, to the concerns both countries had about the other's intentions. Now that the U.S.-India Deal on nuclear collaboration has been signed and the Hyde Act passed in the United States, it is possible to recognize that both countries can benefit from such nuclear col… more
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Balachandran, Gopalan & Forden, Geoffrey Ethan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Penetration Photovoltaic Case Study Report

Description: Technical concerns with integrating higher penetrations of photovoltaic (PV) systems include grid stability, voltage regulation, power quality (voltage rise, sags, flicker, and frequency fluctuations), and protection and coordination. The current utility grid was designed to accommodate power flows from the central generation source to the transmission system and eventually to the distribution feeders. At the distribution level, the system was designed to carry power from the substation toward … more
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Bank, J.; Mather, B.; Keller, J. & Coddington, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Policy: 113th Congress Issues

Description: This report discusses various aspects and considerations regarding energy policy in the United States. The report covers topics including energy conservation, efficiency, supply, prices and legislation.
Date: January 3, 2013
Creator: Behrens, Carl E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Technical Progress Report: Development of Low-Cost Suspension Heliostat; December 7, 2011 - December 6, 2012

Description: Final technical progress report of SunShot Incubator Solaflect Energy. The project succeeded in demonstrating that the Solaflect Suspension Heliostat design is viable for large-scale CSP installations. Canting accuracy is acceptable and is continually improving as Solaflect improves its understanding of this design. Cost reduction initiatives were successful, and there are still many opportunities for further development and further cost reduction.
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Bender, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Next generation aerosol-cloud microphysics for advanced high-resolution climate predictions

Description: The three top-level project goals are: -We proposed to develop, test, and run a new, physically based, scale-independent microphysical scheme for those cloud processes that most strongly affect greenhouse gas scenarios, i.e. warm cloud microphysics. In particular, we propsed to address cloud droplet activation, autoconversion, and accretion. -The new, unified scheme was proposed to be derived and tested using the University of Hawaii's IPRC Regional Atmospheric Model (iRAM). -The impact of the … more
Date: January 14, 2013
Creator: Bennartz, Ralf; Hamilton, Kevin P; Phillips, Vaughan T.J.; Wang, Yuqing & Brenguier, Jean-Louis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aging of Alloy 617 at 650 and 750 Degrees C

Description: Alloy 617 has been selected as the primary candidate for heat exchanger applications in advanced reactors. For the VHTR this application could require extended service up to a reactor outlet temperature of 950°C. A key hurdle to using this alloy in the VHTR heat exchanger application is qualifying the alloy for Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In order to Code qualify the material it is necessary to characterize the influence of long term aging on the mechanical behavior… more
Date: January 1, 2013
Creator: Benz, Julian; Lillo, Thomas & Wright, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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