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A Study of Alternatives to the Davis (West Virginia) Pumped Storage Project: Volume 1 - Draft

Description: Report presenting the results of a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) study of alternatives to the proposed David Pumped Storage Project in Tucker County, West Virginia. Objects of the study are to provide a common basis for interested parties to gain insights into the costs, benefits, risks, and environmental impacts of options for meeting projected electric power needs within the area to be serviced by the proposed Davis Project. The project setting; evaluation of Allegheny Power System (APS) lo… more
Date: December 22, 1980
Creator: ICF Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic Configured Missile Development - Final Report: Volume 2 - Configuration Development

Description: Report presenting the results of a program investigating aerodynamic configuring as a method of improving long range supersonic cruise and maneuvering missile performance. Testing and development of non-circular body, lifting body, blended wing body, wing-body and favorable interference concepts are discussed. Substantial improvements in cruise range are shown to result from aero configuring.
Date: September 1980
Creator: Krieger, R. J.; Gregoire, J. E.; Hood, R. F.; Eiswirth, E. A. & Taylor, M. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Structural Design and Wind Tunnel Testing of a Forward Swept Fighter Wing

Description: Report discussing design of an advanced composite fighter demonstrator wing, designed employing aeroelastic tailoring methodology to eliminate divergence and flutter at minimum weight. A highly representative dynamically scaled 0.6-size wind tunnel model was designed and analyzed for strength and divergence and flutter characteristics. Three 0.6-scale models were built and tested in the NASA 16-foot transonic dynamics tunnel, LRC, and the results analyzed and documented.
Date: July 1980
Creator: Ellis, J. W.; Dobbs, S. K. & Miller, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix E. Data Plots

Description: Report presenting time history plots of selected parameters measured during the three tests: PCM 8-1 RS, CHF Scoping, and PCM 8-1 RF.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Johnson, Roger L.; Lassahn, Pamela L.; Martinson, Zoel R.; McCardell, Richard K.; Sparks, Daniel T. & MacDonald, Philip E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix D. Postirradiation Examinations

Description: Report detailing postirradiation examinations performed on the three pressurized water-reactor-type fuel rods following Tests PCM 8-1 RS, CHF Scoping, and PCM 8-1 RF.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Johnson, Roger L.; Lassahn, Pamela L.; Martinson, Zoel R.; McCardell, Richard K.; Sparks, Daniel T. & MacDonald, Philip E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix C. Power Calibrations

Description: Report discussing the results of experimental methods for determining fuel rod power needed for three single-rod Power-Cooling Mismatch (PCM) tests.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Johnson, Roger L.; Lassahn, Pamela L.; Martinson, Zoel R.; McCardell, Richard K.; Sparks, Daniel T. & MacDonald, Philip E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix B. Experiment Designs and Instrumentation

Description: Appendix detailing the hardware and instrumentation of test assemblies for the three single-rod Power-Cooling Mismatch (PCM) tests.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Johnson, Roger L.; Lassahn, Pamela L.; Martinson, Zoel R.; McCardell, Richard K.; Sparks, Daniel T. & MacDonald, Philip E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Appendix A. Pretest Fuel Rod Characteristics (PCM 8-1 RS, CHF Scoping, PCM 8-1 RF)]

Description: Report presenting pretest measurement characteristics of the fuel rods used in three, single-rod, power-cooling-mismatch tests: PCM 8-1 RS, CHF Scoping, and PCM 8-1 RF.
Date: November 1980
Creator: Johnson, Roger L.; Lassahn, Pamela L.; Martinson, Zoel R.; McCardell, Richard K.; Sparks, Daniel T. & MacDonald, Philip E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix F. Cladding Surface Temperature Estimates

Description: Report discussing and comparing four techniques used for cladding temperatures achieved during Test RIA 1-1: metallorgraphic examination of cladding microstructures, computations based on isothermal oxidation kinetics, BUID5 computer code calculations, and weight gain calculations for metal-water reaction (p. 305)
Date: September 1980
Creator: Seiffert, Stephen L.; Martinson, Zoel R. & Fukuda, Steven K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix D. Metallographic Examination

Description: Report presenting the results of the metallographic examination for Rods 801-1, 801-2, 801-3, and 801-5 used to supplement the visual inspection and posttest description of the Test RIA 1-1 fuel rods. (p. 177)
Date: September 1980
Creator: Seiffert, Stephen L.; Martinson, Zoel R. & Fukuda, Steven K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix C. Fuel Rod Instrumentation

Description: Tables, text, and diagrams describing the design, instrumentation, and assembly of fuel rods uses in Test RIA 1-1.
Date: September 1980
Creator: Seiffert, Stephen L.; Martinson, Zoel R. & Fukuda, Steven K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix B. Pretest Fuel Rod Characterization

Description: "The pretest characterization of the four Test RIA 1-1 fuel rods and flow shrouds is presented in this appendix." (p. 147)
Date: September 1980
Creator: Seiffert, Stephen L.; Martinson, Zoel R. & Fukuda, Steven K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix H. Fuel Rod Particle Size Analyses

Description: Report presenting fuel rod particle sizes and size distributions as determined for the two failed Test PCM-5 fuel rods.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Kerwin, Deborah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix G. Microprobe Examinations

Description: Report presenting microprobe examination results of fuel Rods 205-1, 205-2, and 205-8 for test Power-Cooling-Mismatch Test Series PCM-5.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Kerwin, Deborah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix E. Fuel Rod Sectioning and Metallographic Examinations

Description: Report presenting preparation of the Power-Cooling-Mismatch Test Series PCM-5 fuel rods and fuel rod sections for metallographic examination and the metallographic examination results from Rods 205-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, and -8.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Kerwin, Deborah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix F. Fuel Rod Temperature Estimates

Description: Report presenting cladding axial and circumferential temperature estimates, fuel rod radial temperature estimates, and the techniques used to estimate the cladding and fuel temperatures for Power-Cooling-Mismatch Test Series PCM-5.
Date: May 1980
Creator: Kerwin, Deborah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appendix B. Fuel Rod Axial Power Profiles

Description: Report presenting details of Test-PCM-5 fuel rod axial power profiles as determined by two methods: gamma scanning of the fuel bundle flux wires and radiochemical burnup analysis of fuel samples from Rods 205-1, -2, -3, -5, -7, -8, and -9. (p. B-2)
Date: May 1980
Creator: Kerwin, Deborah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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