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open access

Boiling Potassium Heat Transfer Project Loop Design and Development

Description: This technical report reviews the general purposes and immediate goals of the Heat Transfer Group at BNL's study of the heat transfer characteristics of alkali metals with phase change in forced convective flow. This report also presents a brief description of the design and development of the test loop. Figures detailing findings accompany the report.
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Chen, John C., 1934-2013
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

C reactor overbore fuel failures

Description: The concept of overboring the graphite channels in an older Hanford reactor and installing oversized tubes charged with oversize fuel elements is being investigated at C reactor. Recently a column of these oversized test fuel elements exhibited three uranium cleavage (split) type failures after experiencing severe reactor flux cycling. This report presents a preliminary description of both the fuel failures and the flux cycling encountered by the reactor.
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Ambrose, T. W. & Graves, S. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comprehensive Technical Report, General Electric Direct-Air-Cycle Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program; Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Application Studies

Description: This volume is one of twenty-one summarizing the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program of the General Electric Company. This portion describes the studies of advanced applications of nuclear reactors that were performed, including various types of aircraft, missiles, space vehicles, ships, and portable power plants.
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Comassar, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Linearized Three Component Magneto-Hydrodynamics

Description: "A linearized three component MHD theory is given. The three components are two oppositely charged species and a neutral species. Linearized macroscopic equations are presented which in the limit of vanishing magnet field reduce to fluid dynamical equations, and in the limit of vanishing neutral components is frictional. In addition the sound speed that enters is a function of three equilibrium densities. These equations yield a dispersion relation which is tenth order in the wave speed. The d… more
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Liboff, Richard L., 1931-2014
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maritime Loop Irradiation Program Savannah I Fuel Irradiation Quarterly Progress Report: January 1, 1962 -March 31, 1962

Description: This report covers the S-I-5-B-M fuel irradiation in the GETR Maritime Loop during the third quarter of fiscal year 1962. The data are summarized in Section II. Discussions on fuel performance, fuel environment (water chemistry), and loop operations are included.
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Danielson, D. W. & Gilbert, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of Four Processes for Recovering Uranium From Zirconium Fuels at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant

Description: Four zirconium fuel processes -the present STR process, the modified Zirflex process, the barium fluorzirconate process, and the sodium formate process-were evaluated in detail for technical and economic feasibility. The evaluation was based on installation as the second generation ldaho Chemical Processing Plant zirconium process. Two nonaqueous processes, the ARCO and the fused salt fluoride volatility processes, were included in a preliminary evaluation, but were eliminated on the basis that… more
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Burn, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Integral Design Technique for Wideband Multistage Transistor Amplifiers

Description: Presented herein is a philosophy for designing wideband multistage transistor amplifiers. The amplifier is visualized as an integral unit, the interstage networks constituting the elements of the amplifier unit. By designing the amplifier as a unit and adjusting the overall response (gain and bandwidth) with the interstage time constants, an increase in gain-bandwidth product is realized over the iteratively designed amplifiers. The resulting increase in gain-bandwidth product results from abse… more
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Scott, Larry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Integral Design Technique for Wideband Multistage Transistor Amplifiers

Description: A philosophy for designing wideband multistage transistor amplifiers is discussed. The amplifier is visualized as an integral unit, the interstage networks constituting the elements of the amplifier unit. By designing the amplifier as a unit and adjusting the over-all response (gain and bandwidth) with the interstage time constants, an increase in gainbandwidth product is realized over the iteratively designed amplifiers. The resulting increase in gain- bandwidth product results from absence of… more
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Scott, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MACE--A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Fast Neutron Collimators

Description: MACE is a Monte Carlo code, written for the IBM 7090, to evaluate the efficiency of radiation collimators in terms of the ratio of collided to uncollided flux reaching a target. The analysis can be performed with as many as 30 energy groups. Up to 5 materials (8 elements) may be used in the description of the collimator system. Provisions are included for specification of source particle density and angular distribution functions and for tilt of the source plane with respect to the axis of the … more
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Kaiser, R. E.; Roberts, W. J. & Rooney, K. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Specifications and Fabrication Procedures for Type 3 Fuel Elements

Description: Process and product requirements to be met in the fabrication of Type 3 fuel elements are presented. The fuel elements specified consist of thin plates of a dispersion of highly enriched UO/sub 2/ and ZrB/sub 2/ in a stainless steel matrix which is clad with stainless steel on all surfaces. Quality assurance provisions are discussed. Process and material specifications and packaging and packing for shipment are described. Sample calculations and drawings are included. (M.C.G.)
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Edgar, E. C. & Clayton, H. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of Modifications for Ornl Liquid Waste System. I. High-Level Storage Tanks and Intermediate-Level Evaporator

Description: As a means of reducing the quantity of radioactivity released to the environment by radioactive liquid waste discharges at ORNL, it is proposed that two 50,000-gal stainless steel storage tanks and a 600 gph stainless steel, submerged-coil evaporator be installed. The tanks, approximately 10 ft in diameter by 85 ft long, will be equipped with cooling coils attached to their outside surfaces for removal of a maximum of 300,000 Btu/hr of decay heat, and will be supported inside a concrete vauit f… more
Date: April 27, 1962
Creator: Weeren, H. O.; Blomeke, J. O. & Stockdale, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equation of State of Classical Systems of Charged Particles

Description: Recent developments in the classical theory of fully ionized gases and strong electrolyte solutions are reviewed, and are used to discuss the equation of state at high temperature and low densities. The pressure is calculated using the ring-integral approximation, and quantitative estimates of higher correction terms are given. The effect of short-range repulsive forces is shown by comparing the results with two kinds of potential functions: hard spheres of diameter a, and "soft" spheres for wh… more
Date: April 26, 1962
Creator: Brush, S. G.; DeWitt, H. E. & Trulio, J. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Thorium and uranium carbide nuclear fuel particles were evaluated by metallographic and x-ray diffraction techniques. Techniques were developed to etch the polished surface of Th--U carbide to reveal the grain structure. In addition, techniques to determine particle density and coating thickness were developed. Comparison of the data indicates that the use of spherical particles allowed for more precise determination of the coating thickness, density, and strength of coatings. Strength of indiv… more
Date: April 26, 1962
Creator: Engle, G. B.; Luby, C. S. & Bokros, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synergistic Effect of Tri-N-Octylamine on the Solvent Extraction of Thorium by Thenolytricluoroacetone

Description: This technical report seeks to ascertain which amine species cause the synergistic effect exerted by tri-n-octylamine (TNOA) on the solvent extraction of thorium by TTA, the nature of the species formed, and the values of the equilibrium constants involved. This report also includes 2 figures and 2 tables to accompany the findings.
Date: April 26, 1962
Creator: Newman, Leonard & Klots, Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Beryllium Oxide Reactor Program. Quarterly Progress Report for the Period, January 1 Through March 31, 1962

Description: Progress made in the development of the Experimental Beryllium Oxide Reactor (EBOR) is reported. The objective of the EBOR program is to develop a gas-cooled, beryllium oxide-moderated reactor which can be used in conjunction with a closed-cycle gas turbine or a steam cycle for a small land-based or a maritime power plant. Progress is reported on reactor development, reactor physics, and materials development. (N.W.R.)
Date: April 25, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NPR Physics Startup Testing Program

Description: The New Production Reactor, as compared to existing Hanford reactors, employs new and unique design concepts. To properly evaluate these design concepts and their effects on reactor operations, nuclear safety, and reactor life, a comprehensive testing program is planned; this program, with its objectives and restrictions, is discussed in this report. It has been developed along the same line as the C and K Reactors test, programs, and is expected to require a total time of 6--8 weeks of round-t… more
Date: April 25, 1962
Creator: Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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