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open access

Thorium Breeder Reactor Study: Optimization of a Blanket Processing Cycle To Obtain Minimum Total Inventory in a Chemical Reprocessing Cycle

Description: A reactor which produces U233 from Th232 needs to operate with as low total inventory of fissionable and potential fissionable material, U233 and Pa233, as possible in order to achieve short doubling times. The blanket processing cycle can be optimized to give minimum total inventory by the proper arrangement of Pa233 decay and U233 extraction steps. The optimization consists in choosing the proper storage time associated with each processing step. Graphs are presented correlating the optimized… more
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Carter, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research on Krypton 85 : Seventh Monthly Progress Report Covering December 1, 1959 to December 31, 1959

Description: Work during this report period includes a continuation of the study of the effect of krypton 85 on the polymerization of styrene; an attempt at evaluation of the polymers produced; and the effect of krypton radiation on the electrical properties of gases, such as the rare gases, and nitrogen, and oxygen. the results obtained are summarized in the report.
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Miller, H. S.; Marancik, W. G. & Zufall, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure Vessel Exposure to Fast Neutrons

Description: In a gas-cooled reactor operating at very high power density the thickness of the reflector may be determine by the requirement that the steel pressure vessel be protected from an excessive dose of fast neutrons, rather than by the usual requirements of neutron economy and power distribution. It is important the the reflector not be made thicker than necessary, since an increase in pressure vessel diameter can result in a marked increase in cost, as well as a decrease in the permitted gas pres… more
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Carlsmith, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equipoise-2: A Two-Dimensional, Two-Group, Neutron-Diffusion Code for the IBM-7090 Computer

Description: Equipoise-2, a two-dimensional, two-group neutron-diffusion code in R-Z geometry, has been programmed for the IBM-7090 computer. This code was designed to permit the running of large numbers of cases without requiring excessive machine time. Typical running times are of the order of one to three minutes per case for a 1000-point problems. The maximum number of mesh points that can be used is 1444.
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Fowler, T. B. & Tobias, Melvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Analog Computer Study of the Small EGCR In-Pile Loops

Description: The ORNL analog computer was used to simulate four widely different experiment conditions in the small EGCR in-pile loops. Various control and safety systems were evaluated in each case. Curves are included which show the response to postulated accidents and component failures. The results indicate that one standard control and safety system will probably be adequate for a wide variety of test conditions.
Date: September 21, 1960
Creator: Ball, S. J. & Beasley, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Precipitation of Crystalline Uranium and Thorium Peroxide: Applications to Fuel-Element Oxides and Purifications

Description: Departures from the usual precipitation method produced crystalline uranium peroxide in several forms. Three types of segregated needles were used in the preparation of three pellets for pellet-type elements. Densities of the pellets ranged from 93 to 97% of theoretical, depending on conditions of precipitation.
Date: September 21, 1960
Creator: Whetsel, H. B. & Dean, O. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coagulant Aids as Filter Aids

Description: The Hanford water treatment plants were operated for a number of years with alum as a coagulant and activated silica as a coagulant and a polyacrylamide as a filter conditioning agent. (other polyelectrolytes may be used.) Sufficient time has elapsed to make a comparison of the two methods of operation valid and useful. Such a comparison is the purpose of this paper.
Date: July 21, 1960
Creator: Conley, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Pilot Plant Operation of a Vertical Tube, Recirculating Dissolver for the Dissolution of Uranium Dioxide in Nitric Acid

Description: The need for criticality control in the proposed reprocessing of slightly enriched non-production fuels at Hanford has led to the development of a geometrically "safe", vertical tube, recirculating dissolver. A study of the nitric acid dissolution of uranium dioxide in a pilot plant dissolver of this type is reported here. The study was pointed toward the comparison of uranium dioxide dissolution rates in a batch and a recirculating dissolver and the definition of hydraulic problems associated … more
Date: March 21, 1960
Creator: Smith, P. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report for February 1960

Description: Production Pu nitrate and unfabricated Pu metal during Feb. was below forecast; however FY output is above forecast. Production of UO{sub 3} exceeded commitments; shipments met schedule. Decontamination performance of Purex solvent extraction system was subnormal. Pu nitrate solutions were concentrated. A fire occurred in Purex N Cell during conversion of ion exchange prototype to production facility.
Date: March 21, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation Processing Department Monthly Record Report: March 1960

Description: This document details activities of the Irradiation Processing Department during the month of March, 1960. A general summary is included at the start of the report, after which the report is divided into the following sections: Research and Engineering Operations; Production and Reactor Operations; Facilities Engineering Operation; Employee Relations Operation; and Financial Operation.
Date: April 21, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department monthly report, December 1959

Description: Production of Pu nitrate from separations plants exceeded commitments. Two Np recovery runs were made, a routine one at Purex and a demonstration run at Redox. Total Np recovered in CY 1959 was 5.7 kg. The UO{sub 3} plant production and shipments also met commitments. Production of unfabricated Pu metal continued. Process studies are being conducted in Purex to resolve the problems in the Np recovery effort. A new solvent (hexone) condensate decanter was operated in Redox. Reprocessing of nonpr… more
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: MacCready, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status report - C Reactor process tubes

Description: Data have recently been obtained on a number of C-Reactor process tubes. These data make is possible to reassess the current conditions of the tubes in the C-Reactor and hence to re-evaluate the probable data when retubing of the reactor will have to be started. The results of this reassessment are presented below.
Date: March 21, 1960
Creator: Miller, N. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production Test IP-378-A: Evaluation of heat treatment variables during high temperature irradiation in the KER loops

Description: The objective of this production test is to compare the dimensional and structural behavior of fuel elements with various heat treatments during irradiation at conditions similar to those anticipated for the NPR. Zircaloy-2 jacketed unalloyed natural uranium fuel elements of the same diametral dimensions an those anticipated for the N Reactor inner fuel tube, incorporating various heat treatments, will be irradiated to about 2000 MWD/T in the KER Loops. The elements will be enclosed in a Zircal… more
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Kratzer, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process improvement transition authorization IP-10-I, irradiation of alloyed dingot uranium fuel elements

Description: The objective of this document is to authorize large-scale irradiations of alloyed, low hydrogen, dingot uranium fuel elements in order to evaluate their suitability as a reactor fuel. Although purer than standard ingot uranium, the dingot uranium produced in the past by Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant has demonstrated inferior dimensional stability during irradiation. This instability has been manifest as warp and as swelling at the center of the fuel elements. To reduce this instability 150 ppM i… more
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Shimer, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: August 1960

Description: This report, for August 1960 from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO, discusses the following: Production operation: Purex and Redox operation; finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operation; facilities engineering; research; employee relations; and special separation processing and auxiliaries operation.
Date: September 21, 1960
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplementary Birch Production

Description: In response to specific requests of the AEC and as part of a Combined Operations over-all review, a number of engineering studies have been made of alternative methods for increasing availabiltiy of neptunium at Hanford. The report updates an earlier study in which recycling of both natural and enriched uranium was considered for Hanford. The earlier study showed that recycled natural uranium would provide appreciable gains in neptunium availability but at an excessive cost. Recycle of the slig… more
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Lang, L. W. & Judson, B. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Variable goal exposure plans for C-II-N, C-II-E, K-III-N, K-III-E, O-II-N, and O-II-E material

Description: The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit revisions to the goal exposure plans for C-II-N, C-II-E, K-III-N, K-III-E, O-II-N and O-II-E material. Inherent in these plans is an assumption that the only restraint on metal usage is that imposed by the economics of the plutonium production process and associated uranium cycle. In the case when metal throughput is limited, by ex-reactor physical capabilities, to a level lower than the unrestrained reactor requirements, exposures higher than those… more
Date: April 21, 1960
Creator: Prudich, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Review material on Chapter 5: Control of the pile reaction, Reactor Processing Fundamentals Course

Description: This document is the third of a series of question and answer lists issued as a review of the material discussed in the Reactor Processing Fundamentals Course. Each document represents the material covered by the Reactor Specialists during a typical three-month training program. Each question is discussed individually and the entire list completed during the three-month session. Each three-month-training period is devoted to the complete discussion of a single chapter of the IPD Physics Primer … more
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Lockwood, E. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: October 1960

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for October 1960, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; and special separation processing and auxiliaries operation.
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: November 1960

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for November 1960, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; and special separation processing and auxiliaries operation.
Date: December 21, 1960
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement F, Production Test IP-314-A, Measurement of fuel element temperature changes as the result of film deposition

Description: This document discusses the test program of evaluating the temperature effect of crud film build-up on fuel element heat generating surfaces in a carbon steel system. This program has three phases: Measurement of the effect of film build-up during normal high pH equilibrium operation; measurement of the temperature effect of film build-up subsequent to a loop decontamination; and measurement of the effect of film build-up in the event of loss of pH control.
Date: November 21, 1960
Creator: Kratzer, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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