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open access

Spectrographic Analysis of Normal Human Tissue From Richmond, Virginia

Description: As a part of the Internal Dose Program, normal human tissues are analyzed spectrographically for approximately 40 minor and trace elements. This study is performed by the Health Physics Division and the Physics Department, University of Tennessee, under Subcontract 380. Because the amount of data is large, central files reports have been issued which include the data on all tissues received from a city. This is the sixth report in the series, and all tissues here reported upon were received fro… more
Date: August 25, 1959
Creator: Tipton, I. H.; Cook, M. J.; Foland, J. M.; Rittner, Johanna; Hardwick, Michael & McDaniel, K. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Compound CuO-3UO3

Description: A double oxide of uranium and copper has been found to exist at 300'C in the four-component system UO3-CuO-SO3-H2O. This new compound is shown to be CuO-3UO3. The method of preparation, analyses, and characterization of the compound are given. Some comments are made with regard to the homogeneous reactor fuel solution.
Date: August 25, 1959
Creator: Gill, J. S. & Marshall, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Automatic Control and Load Swing Test. Test Results DL-S-144 (T-554924). Section I. Second Performance

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the controlling ability of the Reactor Power and Temperature Control System and to determine the operational characteristics of the station during load swings after change of operating conditions from 523 F, 2000 psi, to 500 F, 1800 psi. The Reactor Power and Temperature Control System satisfactorily controlled rod movements to maintain all primary plant parameters within their individual limits during steady state operation and during ramp function loa… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Mafrica, Roces
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System. Section III. Second Performance. Test Results DL-S-136 (T-550090)

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the performance of the Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System with four reactor coolant loops at operating temperature. Due to the fact that the test was performed with the chamber door open, no significant conclusion can be arrived at concerning the efficiency of the Air Cool System. The 1B supply fan circulated approximately 20 per cent less air than the 1A fan during the test. Later investigation revealed that the turning vanes above the 1B dampe… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimate of Potential Fuel Reprocessing Revision #28 - Part A

Description: The power and estimated reprocessing load are tabulated for existing and proposed United States and United States-built reactors of 10 Kw or greater thermal power.
Date: June 25, 1959
Creator: Ullmann, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brief Review of Heat Transfer Problems Encountered in the Production of Magnetic Fields

Description: The design of internally cooled electrical coils for the production of high frequency intensity magnetic fields presents many new aspects and combinations of the familiar modes of heat transfer. However, the customary methodology appears to be sufficient for preliminary analysis and understanding of those problems. This methodology comprises the derivation of a qualitative, approximate equation expressing the relative performance of the various parts of a system, followed by an examination of … more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Alexander, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Criteria for a Pile Oscillator

Description: In the use of a reactor as a device to measure neutron cross sections, the pile oscillator is often employed because of its much higher sensitivity compared to that available in static reactivity measurements. The factor limiting the available in static reactivity measurements. The factor limiting the available sensitivity is the generation of random noise, which originates in the statistical nature of the chain reaction. In other words, the nuclear reactions which maintain the chain reaction d… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Dresner, Lawrence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report May 1959

Description: The measured diffusivity of uranyl nitrate in water at 25ºC was 0.7*10^e cm^2/sec with about 40% average deviation. A program was started to develop nonnuclear uses for depleted uranium. Two continuous DRUHM reaction tuns were terminate due to erratic operation of the sodium metering system. In the second Fluorox run with crude UF, which lasted for 29 hr, a total material balance of 94.8% was obtained and 17.9& of the theoretical amount of UF was collected in cold traps and chemical traps.
Date: August 25, 1959
Creator: Bresee, J. C.; Haas, P. A.; Horton, R. W.; Watson, C. D. & Whatley, M. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

N. S. Savannah Fuel Design and Development Program: Fuel Rod Vibration (Preliminary Report)

Description: This is a preliminary report on the investigation of the N.S. Savannah replacement fuel rod vibration amplitude when excited by water flowing parallel to the axis of the fuel rod. Methods of calculating the fuel rod frequency in air were verified by experiment. Work is continuing to establish the validity of methods of calculating natural frequencies in water and to confirm the correlation of flow induced vibration amplitude found in reference (1).
Date: September 25, 1959
Creator: Bailey, J. A. & Shields, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Shielding on a 27,300 SHP Boiling Water Reactor Marine Propulsion System

Description: This report summarizes the radiation and shielding analysis for a 30,000 SHP natural circulation boiling water reactor for ship propulsion. The reactor is proposed for installation in a 60,000 DWT, 18 knot tanker of the T-7 class.
Date: July 25, 1959
Creator: Craig, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination of the KER Rupture Experiment Loop. Test Series B - Tests No. 3. Test Series D-Test No. 1.

Description: The first series of tests in the KER-REP-1 loop proved that a fission product contaminated loop could be decontaminated to a safe level for contact maintenance. Since a good decontamination process was available, there was much that could be improved about this process. Further testing of this process and several variations of other processes have been scheduled. The evaluation of these processes includes specific decontamination factors, process corrosion, and loop activity reduction factors (… more
Date: November 25, 1959
Creator: Weed, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Test of the Refraction Seismic Method on the Hanford Project

Description: Information was desired on applicability of seismic methods of geophysical exploration in helping to better define and refine hydrological and geological factors affecting ground disposal of liquid radioactive wastes. To date most of information on the area geology has been obtained from surface mapping and well drilling, although it has long been recognized that geophysical techniques may greatly assist in defining the geology of the region. Although direct measurements are generally preferred… more
Date: September 25, 1959
Creator: Raymond, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the Nuclear Materials Content of Non-Production Fuels

Description: In considering the problems associated with the measurement of SSNM content of Non-Production Fuels, two distinct problems are apparent. The first is the technical problem of obtaining highly accurate measurements in a complicated chemical and physical system. The second is the administrative problem of choosing a measurement system which provides a basic of financial settlement acceptable to both the seller (reactor operator) and the buyer (Commission).
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Schneider, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Cooling of the Columbia River By Dam Regulation Part 1

Description: In early July, 1958, it appeared that Columbia River temperature at HAPO would be near 24.5ºC by the end of August. River temperature were averaging 4º to 5º above 1957 figures and were 3º to 4º above the ten year highs. It seemed desirable to examine the problem to determine if any corrective measure could be taken, since it was apparent that production losses were imminent.
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hastelloy F Dissolver Installation in 321 Building

Description: Hastelloy F is a prime contender as a material of construction for plant dissolvers in the power fuel reprocessing program. Consequently, the fabrication and installation of dissolver was undertaken to delineate any unknown problems associated with the use of Hastelloy F; and, at the same time, to provide a vessel for development studies on the Niflex or the Sulfex processes. The purpose of this report is to describe the actual basis for design as well as to present the problems encountered dur… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Cooley, C. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Detailed Procedure for K Reactors Rear ace Decontamination by Chemical Flush or the Rear Crossheaders, Pigtails and Nozzles as Authorized by the Production Test Authorization IP-239-N.

Description: The purpose of this procedure is to present a detailed, chronological presentation of the preliminary decontamination and post decontamination steps necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Production Test Authorization IP-239-N. The procedure attempts to present the required operation in sufficient detail to successfully accomplish the intent of the test. Certain procedures involve operations of a standard nature and have not been elaborated upon to any great extent, as it is expected tha… more
Date: February 25, 1959
Creator: Crossman, W.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Random Loading of E-Metal Dissolver

Description: Nuclear safety in the dissolution of irradiated 0.95 U235 enriched fuel has been investigated. In particular, critical conditions of fuel of this enrichment in a 52-inch diameter dissolver crib were studied. Since a crib this size is not safe by geometry, dissolution procedures as well as maximum safe batch sizes were analyzed. Uranium-water lattices are normally studied in systems in which rods are uniformly dispersed in the moderator. The results of such a study for 1.34-inch diameter solid … more
Date: February 25, 1959
Creator: Ketzlach, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radial Thermal Flux Traverses in Natural Uranium - Graphite Lattices

Description: The spatial distribution of thermal neutrons in a reactor lattices cell is of fundamental importance for many reasons. First of all, this information allows the determination of the relative absorption rates in each component of the cell which in turn enables a determination of the thermal utilization, and the diffusion length of the lattice. In addition, the observed spatial distributions of thermal neutrons in the lattice cell is of major interest in testing various approximations to the solu… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Nilson, R. & Oakes, T. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Separated 1.17-Bev/c K⁻ Meson Beam

Description: This report describes the design and testing of a 1.17-Bev/c separated K{sup -} beam designed in the fall of 1958 in connection with a 15-in. hydrogen bubble chamber experiment.
Date: August 25, 1959
Creator: Eberhard, Phillippe; Good, Myron L. & Ticho, Harold K., 1921-2020
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theory of Asymmetric Arrays of Control Rods in Nuclear Reactors

Description: Introduction: Seldom does the actual arrangement of control elements in a nuclear reactor confers to the ideal and convenient mathematical array. In order to achieve shim control. safety and regulation, it is desirable to design with rods of different sizes and materials. With given fuel element arrangement, typically in square or hexagonal lattice spacing, there will be rods located at different distances form the center of the core and from each other. As the reactor operates, absorbers wil… more
Date: April 25, 1959
Creator: Murray, Raymond L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defect testing of coextruded uranium-zircaloy-II clad fuel material in a 300 C out-of-reactor recirculating water loop: Interim report

Description: A major problem in the development of a pressurized water reactor coolant system for the NPS is the rupture performance of the fuel elements. As water temperatures are increased to 300 C, uranium corrosion rates increase rapidly. Swelling of the uranium fuel by corrosion could cause the process tube to burst or reduce the tube cooling water flow below acceptable limits. The desirability of slow cooling of the water to avoid thermal shocks to the reactor piping after a rupture is detected furthe… more
Date: September 25, 1959
Creator: Hayden, K. D. & Goffard, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expansion program 190 Building studies results

Description: It is the objective of this study to investigate preliminary expansion program requirements for process water, as supplied by 190 Building equipment; from the point of view of practical pumping, flywheel and pump suction head requirements. These requirements are to be determined at this time in such a form and accuracy as to be useful in refined estimating for budget study purposes. In order to obtain the objectives of this study at this time it has been decided to consider five different condi… more
Date: November 25, 1959
Creator: Quackenbush, C. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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