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open access

Hydrogeologic and Water-Quality Characteristics of the Ironton-Galesville Aquifer, Southeast Minnesota

Description: Introduction: The U.S. Geological Survey began a study in 1980 of the quality of water in the principal aquifers of Minnesota. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funded the study as part of the Underground Injection Control Program, which deals with disposal of liquid wastes beneath land surface. The initial report designated 14 aquifers in the State and provided general information about their geologic, hydrologic, and water-quality characteristics (Adolphson and others, 1981). This repo… more
Date: 1982
Creator: Ruhl, J. F.; Wolf, R. J. & Adolphson, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground Water for Irrigation in the Viking Basin, West-Central Minnesota

Description: Abstract: The Viking Basin consists of six glacial outwash areas in Douglas, Ottertail, and Todd Counties, west-central Minnesota. Total area is 340 square miles (880 square kilometers). Soils are sandy and excessively well-drained. Crops grown on the outwash would benefit from supplemental irrigation. Irrigation supplies can be obtained from wells in the surface outwash aquifer in significant parts of the large outwash areas near Carlos and Parkers Prairie and the small outwash area near Cloth… more
Date: October 1975
Creator: McBride, M. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water-Quality Assessment of White River Lake Between Lake Sequoyah and Beaver Reservoir, Washington County, Arkansas

Description: From abstract: A study was made of the White River between Lake Sequoyah and Beaver Lake to determine the quality of the river under existing conditions and how the effluent from the Fayetteville municipal wastewater-treatment plant, the only point source discharger of waste effluent to the river, affects this quality.
Date: 1983
Creator: Terry, J. E.; Morris, E. E. & Bryant, C. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Man-Induced Channel Adjustment in Tennessee Streams

Description: Preface: This report is an attempt to relate the effects of channel modifications to the resulting instabilities in the fluvial system. The primary objective is to provide the Tennessee Department of Transportation with information concerning channel stability in relation to river crossing structures. Several new analytical techniques are presented that can aid in the understanding of channel adjustment to natural and man-induced stress. The methods of analyses presented herein should be applic… more
Date: 1983
Creator: Robbins, Clarence H. & Simon, Andrew
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Base Flow of Streams on Long Island, New York

Description: Purpose and scope: The purpose of this report is to quantify the base flow of 19 continuously gaged Long Island streams during 1960-75, which includes the 1962-66 drought. These base-flow data will be used in calibrating computer models designed to predict the response of Long Island streams to hydrologic stresses such as the lowering of ground-water levels in response to large-scale sanitary sewering. The data will also be used to assess the long-term impact expected to result from storm- and … more
Date: 1982
Creator: Reynolds, Richard J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Red Cedar River Basin, Wisconsin: Low-Flow Characteristics

Description: From abstract: The purposes of this report are to determine the low-flow characteristics in the Red Cedar River Basin, where surplus water may be diverted, and to present methods to determine low-flow characteristics at additional sites.
Date: March 1979
Creator: Gebert, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Quality of Water Discharging from the New River and Clear Fork Basins, Tennessee

Description: From abstract: This report examines and compares "the quality of water discharging from a strip-mined basin and a relatively unmined basin on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee." They determine that "the chemical and aesthetic quality of these waters will directly affect the chemical and aesthetic quality of the water flowing through a proposed national river and recreation area." It includes maps, graphs, and tables.
Date: August 1980
Creator: Parker, R. S. & Carey, W. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Front-Tracking Model for Convective Transport in Flowing Ground Water

Description: Abstract: This report describes a finite-difference numerical model that simulates the convective transport of water or tracer particles through porous media. It can be applied to one- or two-dimensional problems involving either steady-state or transient flow. The model tracks representative water or tracer particles, initially located along specified lines, as they move in response to the ground-water velocity field. Aquifer properties may be both anisotropic and nonhomogeneous. Included in t… more
Date: 1983
Creator: Garabedian, Stephen P. & Konikow, Leonard F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogeology of Parts of the Central Platte and Lower Loup Natural Resources Districts, Nebraska

Description: From purpose and scope: There are two principal purposes for this study. The first is to describe the hydrogeologic system of the study area. The second is to develop and demonstrate a capability for evaluating, quantitatively, the effects of different management alternatives on water levels and on streamflow in the study area.
Date: 1983
Creator: Peckenpaugh, J. M. & Dugan, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Sparta Aquifer System in Mississippi

Description: This report of figures and tables is the first on the entirety of aquifers in Mississippi.
Date: 1975
Creator: Newcome, Roy, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Urbanization on Floods in the Dallas, Texas Metropolitan Area

Description: From abstract: The analyses indicate that in a fully-developed residential area, the flood peaks with be 1.2 to 1.4 times those from an undeveloped area; and the annual direct runoff will be about double that from an undeveloped area. Data were not sufficient to determine the increase in runoff from a highly industrialized area where the effective imperviousness approaches 100 percent.
Date: January 1974
Creator: Dempster, George R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Resources of Hanson and Davison Counties, South Dakota

Description: From introduction: In July 1977, the South Dakota Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey began a 4-year study to evaluate the water resources and geology of Hanson and Davison Counties. The purpose of this report is to provide hydrogeologic information for future water development and planning in the counties. This study is part of an evaluation of the water resources and geology of eastern South Dakota (fig. 1).
Date: 1983
Creator: Hansen, Donald S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrologic Evaluation of the Arikaree Formation Near Lusk, Niobrara and Goshen Counties, Wyoming

Description: From purpose and scope: The purposes of this investigation are (1) to define the ground-water system in the Arikaree Formation, (2) to determine the hydrologic cause-and-effect relationships resulting from the current ground-water development, and (3) to provide a means of indicating the hydrologic effect of future ground-water development.
Date: October 1977
Creator: Crist, Marvin A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Eastern Oregon

Description: From purpose and scope: This report describes methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods at ungaged sites on streams with unregulated flow in eastern Oregon. The purpose is to provide a method to estimate flood magnitude and frequency and to present the supporting data. The report is based on data from nearly all unregulated streams (or data from regulated streams prior to their regulation) where gaging stations have been operated.
Date: 1983
Creator: Harris, D. D. & Hubbard, Lawrence E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Digital Models of a Glacial Outwash Aquifer in the Pearl-Sallie Lakes Area, West-Central Minnesota

Description: From purpose and scope: The purpose of this investigation is to 1) study the hydrologic system in a glaciated terrain typified by numerous lakes, with particular focus on the effects of lake-ground-water interchange, 2) simulate the natural system by using two digital modeling methods--areal (map view) and vertical section, and 3) evaluate the utility of the models and determine the kinds and amount of basic data needed to obtain reasonable simulations.
Date: November 1975
Creator: Larson, Steven P.; McBride, Mark S. & Wolf, Ronald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Determining Effects of Land Use and Surficial Geology on Concentrations of Selected Elements on Streambed Materials from the Coal-Mining Region, Southwestern Indiana, October 1979 to March 1980

Description: From introduction: The objectives of the streambed-materials rials reconnaissance were to: (1) provide baseline concentrations of selected elements sorbed on streambed materials and (2) determine the effect of land use and surficial geology on the concentration of selected elements on streambed materials from southwestern Indiana.
Date: 1982
Creator: Wilber, William G. & Boje, Rita R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Urban Development on the Aquifers in the Memphis Area, Tennessee

Description: From abstract: This report presents an evaluation and a list of "potential problems associated with increases in pumpage and urban development" in the Memphis area of Tennessee. These problems include "lowered water levels, contamination of the aquifers, and land subsidence."
Date: 1982
Creator: Graham, David D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrologic Characteristics of the James River in South Dakota

Description: From objectives and scope: The objectives of this study were to more accurately define certain hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics of the James River and its tributaries in South Dakota, to analyze the water budget and water quality within the Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and to identify the need for additional studies.
Date: 1983
Creator: Benson, Rick D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground-Water Appraisal of the Pineland Sands Area, Central Minnesota

Description: Purpose and scope: The major purpose of this study is to evaluate the ground-water resources in the Pineland Sands area and their potential for development. The study focuses mainly on the surficial aquifer, the single most readily available source of ground water. Primary objectives of the study are (1) map the areal extent and thickness of the surficial aquifer, (2) determine its ability to transmit water to wells and define the availability of the water, (3) describe the chemical quality of … more
Date: 1977
Creator: Helgesen, John O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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