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open access

The Podmoskovnaya Underground Coal Gasification Station

Description: From abstract: "Survey of the Soviet effort in underground coal gasification and summarizes research conducted at the Podmoskovnaya Station until its close in 1963."
Date: May 15, 1981
Creator: Olness, D. U.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scattering of Zero-Energy Neutrons by a Spheroidal Square Well

Description: From abstract: "Scattering cross sections have been computed for zero-energy neutrons incident upon a square well of spheroidal symmetry, depth 42 Mev, and volume equal to that of a sphere of radius 1.45 x 10⁻¹³ ^1/3 cm."
Date: December 17, 1956
Creator: Uretsky, Jack Leon
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Excitation Functions for Reactions of Bev Protons on Indium (Master's Thesis)

Description: Abstract: "Indium was bombarded with protons in the energy range 2 to 6 Bev. Cross sections are reported for the (p,px+), (p,pn), and (p,p') reactions, as well as those for the formation of Be-7 and several neutron deficient isotopes of cadmium and indium. It was found that the (p,pn) yield increases slowly in the energy range 2 to 6 Bev, while the (p,px+) and (p,p') yields are approximately constant. The variation of the (p,pn) and (p,px+) yields with target thickness is discussed. The yields … more
Date: January 1957
Creator: Nethaway, David Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Off-Gas Treatment in Berkeley Enclosures

Description: "In the past ten years quantities of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and neutron-emitting isotopes handled in enclosures have increased from microcuries to kilocuries. Contaminated-atmosphere problems have increased accordingly. Developments at Berkeley are reviewed with particular emphasis on recent equipment, viz: a multiple-purpose gas scrubber and a total-capture system for slug-dissolver off gas."
Date: January 7, 1957
Creator: Thaxter, M. D.; Cantelow, H. P. & Burk, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Possible Test of Time Reversal in Mu-Meson Decay

Description: Report that discusses the possibility of testing the T-invariance in μ-meson decay. The author describes a past experiment performed by Lee and Yang, as well as the specifics of the proposed experiment to test the time reversal in μ-meson decay.
Date: March 4, 1957
Creator: Kotani, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nonadiabatic Effects in Single-Particle Orbits

Description: From introduction: "The containment of a charged particle in a mirror field has been studied analytically and numerically. Formulas are presented which give the change in the magnetic moment as it passes from one end of the machine to the other."
Date: March 1957
Creator: Garren, Alper; Henrich, L.; Northrop, Theodore G.; Riddell, R. & Smith, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Aspects of the Research on Transcurium Elements at Berkeley

Description: Report discussing the personal aspects involved in the research on transcurium elements at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, as well as a brief summary of previously unpublished work with heavy ions.
Date: April 19, 1957
Creator: Thompson, Stanley Gerald, 1912-1976
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Electrical Design of a Heavy-Ion Accelerator

Description: The following report provides the design and workings of a heavy-ion accelerator designed to accelerate particles of atomic weight 12 through 20.
Date: August 20, 1957
Creator: Voelker, Ferdinand
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A study of the interaction of positive K mesons

Description: From abstract: " The interaction of positive K mesons having energies between 20 to 220 Mev with the nuclei of photographic emulsion has been investigated."
Date: May 15, 1957
Creator: Lannutti, Joseph Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Rf System of the Bevatron

Description: Report discussing details of the design for the Bevatron at the University of California Radiation Laboratory. The Bevatron is a "6-billion-electron-volt (Bev) proton synchotron. This device will receive a 10-million-electron-volt (Mev) proton beam from a linear accelerator, and further accelerate a reasonable percentage of these protons, at a nominally constant radius of 600 inches, to a final energy greater than 6 Bev."
Date: June 4, 1954
Creator: Winningstad, C. Norman
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of Recent External Neutron-Yield Measurements by the MnSO₄ Tank Method

Description: Report that summarizes unreported neutron-yield data for the MnSO₄ tank method. Other yield measurements had been reported in other quarterly reports prior to the completion of this one.
Date: September 17, 1954
Creator: Crandall, Walter E. & Millburn, George P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Production by High-Energy Particles

Description: Abstract: "From neutron-yield measurements made with a MnSO4 detecting solution, the average number of neutrons produced per inelastic event is determined for a series of elements from lithium to uranium for 340-Mev protons, 190-and 315-Mev deuterons, 490-Mev He3 ions, and 90- and 160-Mev neutrons. The results are analyzed in an attempt to understand the total yield measurements for thick targets and to explain the variation of yield with the atomic number of the target."
Date: September 29, 1954
Creator: Crandall, Walter E. & Millburn, George P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Use of Controlled Photosynthesis for Maintenance of Gaseous Environment

Description: Abstract: "The problem of maintaining livable oxygen and carbon dioxide pressures in a closed space in which men must live leads to consideration of the possible use of the photosynthesis of green algae. A calculation based on the known respiratory rate of man and the photosynthetic rates of Chlorella indicates that it would be feasible to use algae for this purpose."
Date: September 1954
Creator: Bassham, James Alan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Choline Chloride and Its Analogs

Description: Abstract: "Choline chloride and six analogs have been exposed in the dry, crystalline state to high-energy electron and gamma radiation. This investigation has confirmation the abnormal radiation sensitivity of choline chloride. Its G values (molecules decomposed/100 ev) were found to be: e- -radiation, 20; y-radiation, 175. These high values indicate a chain mechanism for the solid-state reaction. The G values for the choline analogs were found to range from 1 to 18 for the electron irradiatio… more
Date: December 1954
Creator: Lemmon, Richard M.; Parsons, Margaret A. & Chin, Doris M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Focusing in Linear Ion Accelerators

Description: Abstract: "The results of the investigation of three methods of obtaining transverse stability in linear accelerators for ions are presented and discussed. For electric or magnetic quadrupole focusing the range of stable operation, oscillation amplitudes, and the operation of an actual grid is analyzed from measurements of the field distribution. Finally, the formulas applicable to focusing by axial magnetic lenses are presented."
Date: November 24, 1954
Creator: Smith, Lloyd & Gluckstern, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Pressure Low Resistance Joint

Description: The following report describes the usage of tin-foil to obtain a mechanical joint of low electrical resistance while providing a seal to hold water at a pressure of 300 psi.
Date: March 28, 1955
Creator: Peters, Ralph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Numerical Method for Two-Dimensional Lagrangian Hydrodynamics

Description: Abstract: "A completely Lagrangian scheme for differencing hydrodynamical equations in two dimensions is described. The method conserves mass exactly. The advantages of Lagrangian over Eulerian schemes are briefly mentioned. An appendix gives the generalization to three dimensions."
Date: December 10, 1953
Creator: DeWitt, Bryce S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy Fission and Spallation of Uranium

Description: From introduction: "This report is an attempt to examine, semiquantitavely, the way the competition between neutron emission and fission varies for heavy nuclei as a function of nuclear type and excitation energy. Many of the ideas herein are the results of discussions with R. H. Goeckermann and W. Heckrotte of the University of California Radiation Laboratory."
Date: February 25, 1954
Creator: Batzel, Roger Elwood
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Aspects of the Radial Stability in a Magnetic Mirror Machine

Description: Abstract: "The radial motion of an ion in an axially symmetric magnetic field is discussed. It is pointed out that particles of constant velocity have clearly defined upper limits to their radial motion. This is a result of the other constant of the motion, the canonical angular momentum. These limits are independent of the number of times an ion is reflected from the mirrors, providing the field is truly axially symmetric."
Date: March 19, 1954
Creator: Henrich, Louis R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reflection of Electrons by a Model Magnetic Mirror Machine

Description: Abstract: A visualized electron beam has been reflected by a conventional magnetic mirror. Visualization of the beam path from the electron gun to and including the region of reflection was achieved by the "thread ray" technique of Wehnelt. The total current passing through a magnetic mirror has been measured as a function of the beam energy and angular momentum for H₂ over a range of pressures from 0.5 to 5 microns.
Date: May 28, 1954
Creator: Ford, Franklin C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Table Top Ion Source

Description: Report discussing experiments to evaluate ion sources for possible use in a thermonuclear reactor.
Date: June 16, 1954
Creator: Ford, Franklin O. & Zizzo, Samuel G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acceleration of a Plasma by Time-Varying Magnetic Fields

Description: Abstract: An application of the magnetic mirror principle to the acceleration of a plasma is described. It is shown that an axially symmetric magnetic field which increases with time but decreases with distance along the axis can impart a net translational energy to a plasma. This effect on a plasma is contrasted with that arising from an impressed electric field, which is not effective in producing acceleration.
Date: December 6, 1954
Creator: Post, Richard F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the Behavior of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field by Means of Probes

Description: Abstract: "Probes were used to measure certain properties of the cloud of positive ions and electrons ejected from a pulsed ion source having two hydrogen-loaded electrodes. Time-of-flight measurements show: the presence of H+ ions with 50 ev directed energy; an increase of this energy with increasing pulse current in the source; a higher peak yield of ions with higher peak currents in the source; and higher yields and higher ion energies up to 110 ev have been recorded with the use of a pulsed… more
Date: December 1, 1954
Creator: Bostick, W. H.; Zizzo, S. G. & Cook, Buford
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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