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Search Results

open access

In-Pile Tests of GCRE-IB Prototype Fuel Elements: Interim Report, 1958-1959

Description: Interim report for the Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program, discussing various tests in a project to "develop and evaluate a ceramic-core, pin-type fuel element" (p. 1).
Date: December 1960
Creator: Watanabe, H. T.; Janne, J. E. & Wilson, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The ML-1 Design Report

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the design of the mobile nuclear power plant which is to be the prototype of a mobile, low-powered nuclear power plant intended to furnish electrical power in remote locations."
Date: May 16, 1960
Creator: Linenberger, G. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transportability Studies : ML-1 Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Report that discusses programs to determine the transportability of the ML-1 nuclear power plant via railroad, tractor-trailer, and aircraft.
Date: April 1960
Creator: Blakley, J. W.; Alcorn, J. S.; Del Valle, L. G.; Healy, P. W.; Moran, D. H. & Scott, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposal for an Advanced Engineering Test Reactor : ETR II

Description: Report containing "the results of a study which was directed at providing additional experimental loop irradiation space for the AEC-DRD testing program. It was a premise that the experiments allocated to this reactor were those that could not be accommodated in the MTR, ETR or in existing commercial test reactors" (p. 5).
Date: March 17, 1960
Creator: deBoisblanc, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ETR Nuclear Instrumentation : Final Report

Description: Report regarding the primary nuclear instrumentation at the Engineering Test Reactor (ETR) and early difficulties.
Date: February 3, 1960
Creator: Hanson, D. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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