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open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix M

Description: Appendix containing statistical data gathered on Notropis Hudsonius (spottail shiner) to accompany a report on the environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material as part of a study on the feasibility of marsh development using dredged material at the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: June 1978
Creator: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Columbia River, Oregon: Appendix B

Description: Appendix containing an inventory and assessment of predisposal and postdisposal aquatic habitats to accompany a report on habitat development field investigations of the Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site in Oregon.
Date: December 1978
Creator: Clairain, Ellis J.; Cole, Richard A.; Diaz, Robert J.; Ford, Alfred W.; Huffman, Robert T.; Hunt, L. Jean et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Columbia River, Oregon: Appendix D

Description: Appendix containing the results of the propagation of vascular plants on dredged material in order to identify favorable plant materials for use in larger scale experiments to accompany a report on habitat development field investigations of the Miller Stands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development site in Oregon.
Date: December 1978
Creator: Clairain, Ellis J.; Cole, Richard A.; Diaz, Robert J.; Ford, Alfred W.; Huffman, Robert T.; Hunt, L. Jean et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Buttermilk Sound Marsh Development Site, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Georgia: Appendix D

Description: Appendix containing graphic representation of the dependent variables in the Buttermilk Sound habitat development study to accompany the report on habitat field investigations of the Buttermilk Sound Marsh in Georgia.
Date: July 1978
Creator: Reimold, Robert J.; Hardisky, Michael A. & Adams, Patrick C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix T

Description: Appendix containing tabulated results of avifauna observed during the study period to accompany a report on the environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material as part of a study on the feasibility of marsh development using dredged material at the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: June 1978
Creator: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Columbia River, Oregon: Appendix C

Description: Appendix containing an inventory of prepropagation terrestrial resources at the Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site in Oregon. It accompanies a report entitled, "Habitat Development Field Investigations, Miller Sands Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Columbia River, Oregon; Summary Report".
Date: December 1978
Creator: Clairain, Ellis J.; Cole, Richard A.; Diaz, Robert J.; Ford, Alfred W.; Huffman, Robert T.; Hunt, L. Jean et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Nott Island Upland Habitat Development Site, Connecticut River, Connecticut: Appendix B

Description: Appendix containing a survey of terrestrial ecology and preliminary botanical monitoring of Nott Island, Connecticut to accompany a report on habitat field investigations of the Nott Island Upland Habitat Development Site in Connecticut.
Date: August 1978
Creator: Warren, Scott R.; Niering, William A.; Barry, William J. & Carroll, Allen C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Buttermilk Sound Marsh Development Site, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Georgia: Appendix I

Description: Appendix containing bird species and numbers of individuals observed by sampling period to accompany a report on habitat field investigations in the Buttermilk Sound Marsh development site in Georgia.
Date: July 1978
Creator: Reimold, Robert J.; Hardisky, Michael A. & Adams, Patrick C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effects of Smothering a Spartina Alterniflora Salt Marsh with Dredged Material, Appendix A

Description: Appendix to a report on the definition and quantification of the effects of dredged material disposal on shallow water, wetland, and terrestrial sites. It contains tabulated results of an analysis of marsh smothering enclosure and control areas.
Date: July 1978
Creator: Reimold, Robert J.; Hardisky, Michael A. & Adams, Patrick C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Field Investigations of the Nature, Degree, and Extent of Turbidity Generated by Open-Water Pipeline Disposal Operations, Appendix B

Description: Appendix to a report on turbidity and the nature, extent, and duration of turbidity generated by dredging and disposal operations. It describes the procedures and results of an analysis of bottom sediment samples.
Date: July 1978
Creator: Schubel, J. R.; Carter, H. H.; Wilson, R. E.; Wise, W. M.; Heaton, M. G. & Gross, M. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix E

Description: Appendix containing supplementary data from an experiment conducted to examine variance in physical and chemical variables made at a naturally occurring marsh and an artificially made experimental marsh. It accompanies a report on habitat development field investigations of the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: August 1978
Creator: Labuddle, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Common Marsh Plant Species of the Gulf Coast Area, Vol. 1, Productivity, Appendix A

Description: Appendix to a report on productivity containing an analysis of the above ground production of seven species of marsh plants as part of a study on the the feasibility of using dredged material as a substrate for marsh development.
Date: December 1977
Creator: Gosselink, James G.; Hopkinson, Charles Savage, Jr. & Parrondo, Roland T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Use of Dredged Material Islands by Colonial Seabirds and Wading Birds in Texas, Appendix F

Description: Appendix to a report on vegetation succession and wildlife use of dredged material islands in Texas containing data on physical characteristics and distribution of plant species in all quadrats of each study island.
Date: April 1978
Creator: Chaney, Allan H.; Chapman, Brian R.; Karges, John P.; Nelson, D. A.; Schmidt, R. R. & Thebeau, Larry C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix N

Description: Appendix containing tabulated results of data gathered on species occurrence and number of food organisms from selected Nekton species arranged by total length intervals to accompany a report on the environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material as part of a study on the feasibility of marsh development using dredged material at the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: June 1978
Creator: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Eatons Neck Disposal Site, Long Island Sound: Appendix C

Description: Appendix containing test results of core and grab sample data from Eatons Neck. It accompanies a report on the investigation of the hydraulic regime and the physical characteristics of bottom sedimentation as part of a study to investigate the effects of disposal sites on organisms and the quality of surrounding water.
Date: September 1977
Creator: Bokuniewicz, Henry J.; Dowling, Michael; Gebert, Jeffrey A.; Gordon, Robert; Kaminsky, Peter; Pilbeam, Carol et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix E

Description: Appendix containing tabulated results of adundance and diversity measures for macrobenthos in 160 square centimeter samples to accompany a report on the environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material as part of a study on the feasibility of marsh development using dredged material at the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: June 1978
Creator: Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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