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open access

Evaluation and Design Heavy Water Moderated Power Reactor Plants

Description: From introduction: This report has been prepared to present the details of the heavy water cooled power reactors, including cost estimates, plant design studies, and other work directly related to the current status of D2O reactors.
Date: April 28, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation of an In-Reactor Loop Capsule for the Determination of "G" Values for the Production of NO₂ in N₂-O₂ Systems

Description: Partial abstract: "The direct utilization of fission fragment recoil energy in chemical production shows outstanding promise as a significant application of atomic energy. Highly efficient use of the liberatied energy under high temperature conditions and with unusually rapid quenching is within engineering grasp. This contract has covered a measurement of the efficiency with which nitric acid can be produced by such a process under industrial plant conditions. Equipment, techniques, and instru… more
Date: April 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Small Size Pressurized Water Reactor Conceptual Design: April 11, 1960

Description: From foreword: The purpose of this conceptual design is to outline criteria for the selection and development of a reactor plant with a fossil fuel fired superheater, a conventional generator plant and auxilary systems constituting a complete operating unit capable of producing a gross electrical power output of 22,000 kw.
Date: April 11, 1960
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1959 - March 1, 1960

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: April 1, 1960
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr. & Klein, Stanley
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transportability Studies : ML-1 Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Report that discusses programs to determine the transportability of the ML-1 nuclear power plant via railroad, tractor-trailer, and aircraft.
Date: April 1960
Creator: Blakley, J. W.; Alcorn, J. S.; Del Valle, L. G.; Healy, P. W.; Moran, D. H. & Scott, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: November 1959-January 1960

Description: From Summary: "The major objective of the run was the investigation of fuel stability. The reactor operated for long periods at the design power of 5 Mw with none of the usual indications of instability while the system pressure was kept at 1250 psig. Run 21 ended on January 22, so that the reason for an abrupt change in the mixing rate of fuel between the core and blanket could be investigated and a reactor steam-system valve could be repaired."
Date: April 29, 1960
Creator: Briggs, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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