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open access

Airborne Reconnaissance Project, Ruby Range and Sweetwater Basin, Montana

Description: Abstract: A low-level airborne radioactivity survey of parts of Beaverhead and Madison Counties in southwestern Montana was undertaken from June 6 to October 14, 1955. Flying centered around the Ruby Range-Sweetwater Basin area and concentrated on the Precambrian metamorphic complex and Tertiary lake-bed sediments. No commercial uranium deposits were discovered, and no extensions were found of the few known small occurrences. Five areas of high background detected through the survey were invest… more
Date: April 1958
Creator: Pruitt, Robert G., Jr. & Magleby, Dan N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Knob Creek Monazite Placer, Cleveland County, North Carolina

Description: From abstract: The area comprising the first flood plain downstream from the headwaters of Knob Creek was one of three monazite placer deposits near Shelby, N. C., recommended by the Geological Survey for investigation by the Bureau of Mines as a joint effort by the above two agencies. Past production of monazite from the headwaters of this stream and its drainage of an area of known source rocks were factors influencing this selection. Drilling of the deposit was started on November 26, 1951, … more
Date: January 1953
Creator: Griffith, R. F. & Overstreet, William C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology of Lukachukai Mountains Area, Apache County, Arizona

Description: From introduction: The purpose of this paper is to present the geologic facts which have been discovered thus far about the Lukachukai area and to draw conclusions about uranium mineralization. Basic data of general nature are included to facilitate the work of future geologists in this area who may find the information applicable to new ideas.
Date: May 7, 1952
Creator: Masters, John A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Occurrences in Wilson Creek Area, Gila County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: The Wilson Creek Area, in northern Gila Cointy, is about 10 miles southeast of Young, Arizona, along the east side of Cherry Creek. Four claims covering concentrations of uranium mineralization in the Dripping Spring Formation are owned by the American Asbestos Cement Company. The claims are located in typical plateau-type topography, with flat mesa* and nearly vertical canyon walls. The bedded zones of uranium mineralization are exposed in the Dripping Spring Quartzite near the botto… more
Date: December 1953
Creator: Wells, R. L. & Rambosek, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Occurrences of Gila County, Arizona

Description: From purpose and scope: This report is designed to summarize the available information on the geology and ore reserves of the uranium deposits. Detailed geological work has been confined largely to those areas which contain the more promising uranium occurrences with at least 80 percent of such work being concentrated in the Sierra Ancha district.
Date: October 1957
Creator: Schwartz, Roland J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Occurrence of Uranium in the Diamond Head Group, Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: The Diamond Head droup area is entirely igneous. Tight fractures in alaskite and granite, which have been altered by heiratite and kaolinization contain narrow seams and very locally,pods of sooty uraninite. A greater percentage of the structures in the area strike about east-west and dip steeply to the north, while the radioactive structures have similar strike, they dip steeply to both the north and the south. A drift has been driven on a mineralized structure far enough to ascertai… more
Date: September 1956
Creator: Miller, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Subsurface Isorad Methods, Temple Mountain, San Rafael District, Utah

Description: From abstract: The subsurface isorad method is an attempt to locate areas favorable for uranium ores by the use of contour maps which show localities having greater radioactivity. The construction of isorad maps entails the measurement of the area under the curve of a gamma-ray logo The figures obtained indicate relative amounts of gamma radiation and are used to locate the isorad contours. This work was started at Temple Mountain in the San Rafael Swell area during the spring of 1952. The purp… more
Date: September 2, 1952
Creator: Hinckley, David Narwyn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Dripping Spring Quartzite Formation in Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona

Description: Abstract: A four-week reconnaissance of certain portions of the mountainous area in Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona, was undertaken in March and April, 1953, to inspect accessible outcrops of Dripping Spring quartzite, a pre-Cambrian formation which has lately attracted the interest of the Atomic Energy Commission by the discovery of two separate occurrences of uranium mineralization. Although no new deposits were found during the field work, a more thorough examination of the quartzite seems … more
Date: June 1953
Creator: Mead, W. E. & Wells, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium in Peru

Description: Introduction: From the inception of the effort to utilize atomic energy Perú has been of interest as a possible source of radioactive raw materials because of its great variety and abundance of metals. Because of this and a desire at that time to develop additional supplies of uranium, a cooperative program to search for uranium deposits was initiated in 1953 by the Junta and the USAEC.
Date: January 1, 1962
Creator: Gabelman, John W. & Beard, Raymond R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Tocopilla area, Province of Antofagasta, Chile

Description: Abstract: In September-October 1958 a six-day reconnaissance in the Tocopilla area, Antofagasta Province, Chile, was made by members of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas de Chile for the purpose of evaluating reported uranium occurrences.
Date: February 1959
Creator: Bowes, William A.; Knowles, Paul H.; C., Mario Serrano & S., Rudolfo Grüenwald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Chanaral-Taltal area, Provinces of Antofagasta and Atacama, Chile

Description: Abstract: In the Chañaral-Taltal area of northern Chile irregular replacement type iron deposits are especially well developed along a somewhat radioactive lithologic belt in andesite volcanic rocks and Cretaceous dioretic intrusions to the east of the Atacama fault, a prominent shear zone.
Date: December 1961
Creator: Bowes, William A.; Knowles, Paul H.; Moraga B., Aldo & C., Mario Serrano
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Arica Area, Province of Tarapaca, Chile

Description: Abstract: In August 1958 two geologists of the Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas de Chile made a one-week reconnaissance for uranium of the Arica area in northern Chile.
Date: December 1960
Creator: C., Mario Serrano & H., Erik Klohn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Uranium in the San Pedro de Atacama and Laco areas, Province of Antofagasta, Chile

Description: Abstract: A reconnaissance for uranium in and a general geologic study of the San Pedro de Atacama and Laco areas of nothern Chile disclosed no significant radioactivity in the Laco area, but near San Pedro de Atacama slight anomalies were detected in limey silts of the San Pedro formation.
Date: December 1961
Creator: Knowles, Paul H.; Bowes, William A.; C., Mario Serrano & Moraga B., Aldo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Flat Top Uranium Mine, Grants, New Mexico

Description: From introduction: To improve understanding of uranium mineralization of the Todilto Limestone of Late Jurassic age in the Grants district, New Mexico, the mines active in 1957 were reviewed to determine the major types of deposits. A representative example of each type was selected and mapped in great detail to establish a prototype. It was hoped that the analysis of prototypes might shed considerable light on the mineralization process and aid evaluation of other deposits by offering a standa… more
Date: October 1970
Creator: Gabelman, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Uranium Deposits of the Carrizo Mountains Area Apache County, Arizona and San Juan County, New Mexico

Description: Although uranium gas first discovered in the Carrizo Mountains area in 1918, the ores were not developed until 1942. They have, however, been mined continuously since that time. Formations in the area range from the Pernian Cutler through the Cretaceous Mancos shale, and all are intruded by a dioritic laccolith and its related dikes. The older structures, which include the Defiance Uplift, the San Juan Basin, and the Four Corners Platform are somewhat disrupted by the effects of the intrusion. … more
Date: August 1958
Creator: Hershey, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Uranium Deposits of the Carrizo Mountains Area Apache County, Arizona and San Juan County, New Mexico

Description: From Purpose, Scope, and Methods: The objective of this study was an evaluation of resources of the Carrizo Mountains area. Four factors: distribution of ore bodies, relation of uranium to the host rock, relation of ore to structure, and circumstances that might precipitate uranium were studied in search of data bearing on manner of distribution of ore, the time and causes of deposition, and the probable source of the uranium-bearing solutions.
Date: August 1958
Creator: Hershey, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology of the Uranium Deposits of the Lukachukai Mountains Area Apache County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: In a study of the comparative importance of sedimentary and tectonic ore controls and in search of data bearing on the origin of the deposits, ten mines in the Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County, Arizona were examined in detail. All commercial deposits in the area are in the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation of Jurassic age. The ore bodies are elongate and horizontally lenticular in shape and consist of one or more ore pockets surrounded or separated by protore. The composit… more
Date: September 1958
Creator: Nestler, Ronald K. & Chenoweth, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geologic and Radiometric Reconnaissance Along the San Juan and Colorado Rivers Between Mexican Hat, Utah, and Lees Ferry Arizona

Description: Abstract: Ten days were spent during June 1955, examining the sedimentary rocks along the San Juan and Colorado Rivers between Mexican Hat, Utah, and Lee's Ferry, Arizona. The most favorable area for uranium deposits occurs in the Shinarump member of the Chinle formation between Clay Hills Crossing and Spencer Camp along the San Juan River. Mineralization is spotty and deposits are small and almost all below ore-grade. Only one small mine, the Whirlwind, is currently producing ore. Gray-green a… more
Date: October 13, 1955
Creator: Dahl, Harry M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airborne Reconnaissance Survey of Northwestern Arizona (Arizona Strip) and Southwestern Utah

Description: Abstract: From December 1953 to May 1954 an extensive airborne reconnaissance program was conducted in northwestern Arizona (Arizona Strip) and southwestern Utah. Five surface anomalies were detected, one of which has possible commercial value. All anomalies are within the boundaries of National Park Service jurisdiction, consequently, this report is not for public distribution until clearance is obtained from the National Park Service. A preliminary airborne reconnaissance program was also con… more
Date: August 1954
Creator: Meehan, R. J.; Lovejoy, Earl M. P. & Rambosek, A. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on Uranium Occurrences on the Yuma Test Station Yuma County, Arizona

Description: From introduction: This report is written in response to a request from the Army Engineers for an appraisal of the uranium potential of the area included in the Yams Test Station. the area of Proposed Expansion of the Yuma Test Station, and the Williams Bombing and Gunnery Range. Only the area covered by the present Yuma Test Station is included here. The other areas will be discussed In subsequent reports.
Date: August 1955
Creator: Reyner, Millard L. & Ashwill, Walter R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report: Airborne Reconnaissance Project Dripping Spring, Quartzite, Gila County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: A low-level airborne radiometric survey of the younger pre-Cambrian Dripping Spring quartzite, undertaken in the mountainous region lying roughly 100 riles east of Phoenix, was completed June 3, 1955. Twenty-seven radioactive anomalies were located. To date seven of these have produced uranium ore, four more will probably become producers, and six others may possibly become producers. Flying was concentrated in the Dripping Spring quartzite, but reconnaissance flights were made over o… more
Date: September 7, 1955
Creator: Schwartz, Roland J. & Magleby, Dan N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology of Uranium Deposits in Tertiary Lake Sediments of Southwestern Yavapai County, Arizona

Description: From purpose and scope: and primary objective was to determine the extent and grade of ore present and the future potential of the district. The second and broader objective was to learn the relationship of ore to stratigraphy and structure, in order to outline similar areas favorable for prospecting.
Date: November 1956
Creator: Reyner, Millard L.; Ashwill, Walter R. & Robison, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petrographical Investigations of the Salt Wash Sediments, Annual Technical Report: 1954

Description: Abstract: This report consists of four parts, the first three being descriptions of investigations compiled in the period October 1st, 1953 to April 1st, 1954; the fourth part is a summary of progress of the research based on our entire investigations completed prior to April 1st, 1954. The first part comprises a set of preliminary experiments investigating the mineral composition of the sandstones in thin sections, in an attempt to differentiate barren from ore-bearing sandstones. It appears t… more
Date: April 1954
Creator: Griffiths, John C.; Cochran, J. A.; Groff, D. W. & Kahn, James Steven
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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