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open access

Determination of Radium 226 in Mill Effluents

Description: Recent attempts at the Laboratory in determining radium-226 in effluents from mills engaged in processing uranium ores several significant sources of error were discovered that had not been previously known. In order to make this information available to interested parties at the earliest possible time, a brief description is provided.
Date: unknown
Creator: Ebersole, Earl R.; Harbertso, Alan; Flygare, J. Kenneth, Jr. & Sill, Claude W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure Cementing of Water Wells on the National Reactor Testing Station Idaho

Description: The purpose of pressure cementing water wells is to prevent the vertical migration of contaminated fluids between the casing and the wall of the hole. This is accomplished by forcing a neat cement grout upward in the annulus behind the casing.
Date: unknown
Creator: Keys, W. Scott
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazardous Material Filter Manual for the National Reactor Testing Station

Description: The Filter Advisory Committee (FAC) was established at the National Reactor Testing Station in June 1961 to review existing filter programz and problems that demanded immediate attention. Due to the absence of the use of filter technology prior to the FAC establishment the FAC recommend the purchase of testing equipment to address the storage of radioactive materials.
Date: unknown
Creator: Held, B. J.; Wehmann, G.; Mousseau, D. R. & Anderson, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ABWR: PL-2 Design Report

Description: From preface: This report satisfies the quarterly progress report requirements for PL-1 and PL-2 plant design work for the period ending September 30, 1960 At present time a SL-1 Core 2 is under construction. This is a replacement core for SL-1 (ALPR) and will be identical to a PL-2 core; a PL condenser is under test at the SL-1 facility; final construction plans for PL components and modules which are not site sensitive will be completed in March 1961.
Date: October 15, 1960
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Pile Test of Prototype ML-1 Fuel Elements

Description: Report documenting the testing of prototype fuel elements used in a mobile nuclear power plant. Includes descriptions and evaluations of the test.
Date: June 1964
Creator: Brunhouse, J. S.; Burgess, A. B.; Geering, G. T.; Nakazato, S. & Titus, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

STEP Project Quarterly Technical Report: January-June 1964

Description: Report regarding the Safety Test Engineering Program (STEP), the transient and destructive testing of the aerospace SNAP 10A/2 reactor, and the evaluation of the results of these tests.
Date: June 1965
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Idaho Operations Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Special Power Excursion Reactor Test III Pressurizer Vessel Failure

Description: Report documenting results of a study of the cause of failure at the SPERT III reactor facility.
Date: January 29, 1962
Creator: Heffner, R. E.; Wilson, T. R.; Halls, D. P.; Hickman, W. W. & Hoopingarner, K. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Monthly Progress Report: April 1959

Description: Abstract: This monthly progress report covers the activities of the Army Gas-Cooled Reactor System Program for April 1959. The program includes a water-moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite-moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas-cooled reactor (ML-1), and the coordination of the Gas Turbine Test Facility. [It reports] the progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicable design crit… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Aerojet-General Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Design 30,000 KW Prototype Partially Enriched Uranium, Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant (Prototype of an Optimum Plant) for United States Atomic Energy Commission, Idaho Operations Office contract no. AT(10-1)-925

Description: Report containing the preliminary design for a nuclear reactor plant and its facilities. Includes a description of systems, safety procedures, costs, and a glossary.
Date: March 1959
Creator: Kaiser Engineers
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental Aspects of the Materials Testing Reactor Operation

Description: The U.S. Weather Bureau and the U.S. Geological Survey have prepared reports for the MTR Site. The Weather Bureau was prepared specifically for the December, 1952 meeting of the Reactor Safeguard Committe and contains the latest theoretical estimates of ground concentrations of stack effluent based on two years of meteorological observations using a tower the same height as the MTR stack. The report of the U.S. Geological Survey was developed from investigations directed primarily toward eval… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Humphrey, P. A.; Wilkins, E. M.; Jones, J. R. & Voegeli, P. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement to Uranium Production Reactor Preliminary Design Report

Description: This report pertains to the UPR and attendant facilities modified and designed to operate as a dual purpose reactor, and supplements the UPR Preliminary Design Report which was issued on August 1, 1953. In order to insure continuous production of isotopes and uninterrupted power output, two identical reactors, complete with instrumentalism and piping, have been included.
Date: unknown
Creator: Idaho Operations Office, AEC
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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