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open access

FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act: Selected Military Personnel Issues

Description: This report focuses exclusively on the annual defense authorization process and the interest Congress members have in the military.
Date: February 24, 2014
Creator: Jansen, Don J.; Burrelli, David F.; Kapp, Lawrence & Theohary, Catherine A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY2014 Continuing Resolutions: Overview of Components

Description: This report summarizes the components of the four FY2014 continuing resolutions. They include P.L. 113-39 (Pay Our Military Act), P.L. 113-44 (Department of Defense Survivor Benefits Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014), P.L. 113-46 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014), and P.L. 113-73 (Making Further Continuing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014, and for Other Purposes).
Date: February 24, 2014
Creator: Tollestrup, Jessica
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2014 Budget and Appropriations

Description: This report provides a brief overview of the FY2014 State Department, Foreign Operations and Related Programs funding request, as well as top-line analysis of pending House and Senate State-Foreign Operations appropriations proposals.
Date: January 3, 2014
Creator: Epstein, Susan B.; Tiersky, Alex & Lawson, Marian L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: FY2014 Appropriations

Description: This report will track and describe actions taken by the Administration and Congress to provide FY2014 appropriations for Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) accounts. It also provides an overview of FY2013 appropriations for agencies and bureaus funded as a part of the annual appropriation for CJS.
Date: November 4, 2013
Creator: James, Nathan; Williams, Jennifer D. & Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2014

Description: This report provides government-wide, multi-agency, and individual agency analyses of the President's FY2014 request as it relates to R&D and related activities.
Date: September 5, 2013
Creator: Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2014

Description: This report provides government-wide, multi-agency, and individual agency analyses of the President's FY2014 request as it relates to R&D and related activities. The President's budget seeks $142.773 billion for R&D in FY2014, a 1.3% increase (0.7% CAGR) over the actual FY2012 R&D funding level of $140.912 billion. Adjusted for inflation, the President's FY2014 R&D request represents a decrease of 2.6% from the FY2012 level (1.3% CAGR).
Date: September 12, 2013
Creator: Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Legislative Branch: FY2014 Appropriations

Description: This report provides an overview of the current status of FY2014 legislative branch appropriations as well as figures and tables detailing prior year funding, and more detailed information about legislative branch funding issues for the Senate, House of Representatives, and government agencies.
Date: November 25, 2013
Creator: Brudnick, Ida A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense: FY2014 Authorization and Appropriations

Description: This report discusses the Department of Defense (DOD) budget plan, both the version of the FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act passed by the House (H.R. 1960) and the version reported by the Senate Armed Services Committee (S. 1197.
Date: January 8, 2014
Creator: Towell, Pat & Belasco, Amy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Congressional Action on FY2014 Appropriations Measures

Description: This report provides background and analysis with regard to the FY2014 appropriations process. The first section discusses the status of discretionary budget enforcement for FY2014, including the statutory spending limits and allocations under the congressional budget resolution. The second section provides information on the consideration of regular appropriations measures and an overview of their funding levels.
Date: December 18, 2013
Creator: Tollestrup, Jessica
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2014

Description: Report that provides government-wide, multi-agency, and individual agency analyses of the President's Fiscal Year 2014 request as it relates to R&D and related activities.
Date: August 7, 2013
Creator: Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2014

Description: This report provides government-wide, multi-agency, and individual agency analyses of the President's FY2014 request as it relates to R&D and related activities. The President's budget seeks $142.773 billion for R&D in FY2014, a 1.3% increase (0.7% CAGR) over the actual FY2012 R&D funding level of $140.912 billion. Adjusted for inflation, the President's FY2014 R&D request represents a decrease of 2.6% from the FY2012 level (1.3% CAGR).
Date: September 5, 2013
Creator: Sargent, John F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Veterans' Medical Care: FY2014 Appropriations

Description: This report focuses on funding for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The VHA is primarily a direct service provider of primary care, specialized care, and related medical and social support services to veterans through the nation's largest integrated health care system. Eligibility for VA health care is based primarily on previous military service, disability, and income.
Date: August 14, 2013
Creator: Panangala, S. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY2014 National Defense Authorization Act: Selected Military Personnel Issues

Description: Report regarding the annual defense authorization process and the interest Congress members have in the military.
Date: August 19, 2013
Creator: Jansen, Don J.; Blakeley, Katherine; Burrelli, David F.; Kapp, Lawrence; Martinez, Lucy P. & Theohary, Catherine A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations: FY2014 Overview and Summary

Description: This report provides an overview of appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The first portion of this report provides an overview and historical context for reviewing DHS appropriations, highlighting various aspects including the comparative size of DHS components, the amount of non-appropriated funding the department receives, and trends in the timing and size of the department's appropriations legislation.
Date: August 27, 2013
Creator: Painter, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Climate Change Funding from FY2008 to FY2014

Description: This report summarizes direct federal funding identified as climate change-related from FY2008 enacted funding through FY2013 and the FY2014 request (as well as a less consistent series beginning with FY2001). It reports the Administration's estimates of tax revenues not received due to energy tax provisions that may reduce GHG emissions. The report briefly identifies the programs and funding levels, as well as some qualifications and observations on reporting of federal funding. It further off… more
Date: September 13, 2013
Creator: Leggett, Jane A.; Lattanzio, Richard K. & Bruner, Emily
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Community Development Block Grants: Funding Issues in the 113th Congress

Description: This report is a review of the Community Development Fund (CDF) account's funding history from FY2000 to FY2014, as well as current funding in FY2015. It includes a discussion of the three primary components of the CDF account: CDBG formula grants; CDBG-related set-asides and earmarks; and CDBG-linked supplemental and special appropriations.
Date: March 11, 2015
Creator: Boyd, Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS): Background and Funding

Description: This report discusses the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which was created by Title I of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-322). The mission of the COPS program is to advance community policing in all jurisdictions across the United States. Legislation introduced in the 111th Congress would reauthorize the COPS program through FY2014 and reestablish COPS as a multi-grant program. This report provides an overview and analysis of issues Cong… more
Date: February 6, 2014
Creator: James, Nathan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Multilateral Development Banks: U.S. Contributions FY2000-FY2015

Description: This report shows in tabular form how much the Administration requested and how much Congress appropriated for U.S. payments to the multilateral development banks (MDBs) since 2000. It also provides a brief description of the MDBs and the ways they fund their operations.
Date: January 26, 2015
Creator: Nelson, Rebecca M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of State and Foreign Operations Appropriations: A Fact Sheet on Legislation, FY1995-FY2015

Description: This report discusses the foreign affairs appropriations passed within the last 21 years; nearly all of them were passed within omnibus, consolidated, or full-year continuing resolutions, and usually after the start of the new fiscal year. Many foreign policy experts contend that stand-alone appropriation legislation would allow for a more rigorous debate on specific foreign policy activities. They also believe that the practice of delayed appropriations has constrained ongoing program operatin… more
Date: March 24, 2015
Creator: Epstein, Susan B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI): Budget Authority and Request, FY2010-FY2016

Description: This report serves as a brief overview of the Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI) and its structure, intents, and funding history. The GCCI aims to integrate climate change considerations into U.S. foreign assistance through a range of bilateral, multilateral, and private sector mechanisms to promote sustainable and climate-resilient societies, foster low-carbon economic growth, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and land degradation.
Date: February 6, 2015
Creator: Lattanzio, Richard K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy and Water Development: FY2014 Appropriations

Description: This report discusses the Energy and Water Development appropriations bill that provides funding for civil works projects of the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), for the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), the Department of Energy (DOE), and several independent agencies.
Date: November 1, 2013
Creator: Behrens, Carl E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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