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open access

Multilateral Development Banks: U.S. Contributions FY1998-FY2009

Description: This report shows in tabular form how much the Administration requested and how much Congress appropriated during the past 11 years for U.S. payments to the multilateral development banks (MDBs). It also provides a brief description of the MDBs and the ways they fund their operations.
Date: February 3, 2010
Creator: Sanford, Jonathan E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Emergency Funding for Agriculture: A Brief History of Supplemental Appropriations, FY1989-FY2009

Description: This report provides a table which lists supplemental appropriations for Agriculture. From FY1989 through FY2009, 39 appropriations, authorization, or farm disaster acts added approximately $68.7 billion in supplemental funding for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs (excluding the Forest Service, which is funded annually under the Interior appropriations bill). Approximately $50.2 billion, or just under three-fourths of the total amount, was provided within the last 10 years.
Date: January 20, 2010
Creator: Chite, Ralph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of State and Foreign Operations Appropriations: A Fact Sheet on Legislation, FY1995-FY2015

Description: This report discusses the foreign affairs appropriations passed within the last 21 years; nearly all of them were passed within omnibus, consolidated, or full-year continuing resolutions, and usually after the start of the new fiscal year. Many foreign policy experts contend that stand-alone appropriation legislation would allow for a more rigorous debate on specific foreign policy activities. They also believe that the practice of delayed appropriations has constrained ongoing program operatin… more
Date: March 24, 2015
Creator: Epstein, Susan B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Geothermal Research Program Update Fiscal Year 1999

Description: The Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors have conducted research and development (R&D) in geothermal energy since 1971. To develop the technology needed to harness the Nation's vast geothermal resources, DOE's Office of Geothermal and Wind Technologies oversees a network of national laboratories, industrial contractors, universities, and their subcontractors. The following mission and goal statements guide the overall activities of the Office of Geothermal and Wind Technologies. … more
Date: February 1, 2004
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NIH Funding: FY1994-FY2019

Description: This report discusses funding for the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1994 to 2019. The NIH is the primary federal agency charged with conducting and supporting biomedical and behavioral research. It is the largest of the eight health-related agencies that make up the Public Health Service (PHS) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Date: October 15, 2018
Creator: Johnson, Judith A. & Sekar, Kavya
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appropriations for FY1999: Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education

Description: This report is a guide to one of the 13 regular appropriations bills that Congress considers each year.It is designed to supplement the information provided by the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education. It summarizes the current legislative status of the bill, its scope, its major issues, funding levels, and related legislative activity.
Date: November 19, 1998
Creator: Irwin, Paul M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Landlord project multi-year program plan, fiscal year 1999, WBS 1.5

Description: The MYWP technical baseline describes the work to be accomplished by the Project and the technical standards which govern that work. The mission of Landlord Project is to provide more maintenance replacement of general infrastructure facilities and systems to facilitate the Hanford Site cleanup mission. Also, once an infrastructure facility or system is no longer needed the Landlord Project transitions the facility to final closure/removal through excess, salvage or demolition. Landlord Project… more
Date: September 22, 1998
Creator: Dallas, M. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Infrastructure Financing: History of EPA Appropriations

Description: This report summarizes, in chronological order, congressional activity to fund items in the State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) account since 1987. In appropriations legislation, funding for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wastewater assistance is contained in the measure providing funds for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.
Date: January 19, 2006
Creator: Copeland, Claudia
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Results of NWCF Run H4 Calcine Dissolution Studies Performed in FY-98 and -99

Description: Dissolution experiments were performed on actual samples of NWCF Run H-4 radioactive calcine in fiscal years 1998 and 1999. Run H-4 is an aluminum/sodium blend calcine. Typical dissolution data indicates that between 90-95 wt% of H-4 calcine can be dissolved using 1gram of calcine per 10 mLs of 5-8M nitric acid at boiling temperature. Two liquid raffinate solutions composed of a WM-188/aluminum nitrate blend and a WM-185/aluminum nitrate blend were converted into calcine at the NWCF. Calcine ma… more
Date: August 1, 2001
Creator: Garn, Troy Gerry; Herbst, Ronald Scott; Batcheller, Thomas Aquinas & Sierra, Tracy Laureena
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center Low-Activity Waste Process Technology Program FY-99 Status Report

Description: The Low-Activity Waste Process Technology Program at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) anticipates that large volumes of low-level/low-activity wastes will need to be grouted prior to near-surface disposal. During fiscal year 1999, grout formulations were studied for transuranic waste derived from INTEC liquid sodium-bearing waste and for projected newly generated low-level liquid waste. Additional studies were completed on radionuclide leaching, microbial degradation,… more
Date: October 1, 1999
Creator: Herbst, Alan Keith; Mc Cray, John Alan; Kirkham, Robert John; Pao, Jenn Hai & Hinckley, Steve Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Offsets, Supplemental Appropriations, and the Disaster Relief Fund: FY1990-FY2013

Description: This report discusses the history of the use of offsetting rescissions to pay for supplemental appropriations to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) from FY1990 through FY2013.
Date: May 31, 2016
Creator: Painter, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY99 Status Report on the HSV

Description: 'The HSV in storage in MTF has been monitored during FY99, and its overpressure has been sampled and analyzed. The HSV''s internal pressure continues to rise slowly, and the overpressure still analyzes as 100 percent 3He. The titanium tritide sample that was to be monitored annually and which had developed a leak last year has been repaired and isotherms measured. Unfortunately the sample was showing significant unexpected 3He release, so the isotherm data is corrupted by unknown levels of 3He.… more
Date: October 15, 1999
Creator: Shanahan, K. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Superconductivity for electric systems program plan, FY 1996--FY 2000

Description: This describes a comprehensive, integrated approach for the development of HTS (high-temperature superconductivity) technology for cost-effective use in electric power applications. This approach supports the program`s mission: to develop the technology that could lead to industrial commercialization of HTS electric power applications, such as fault-current limiters, motors, generators, transmission cables, superinductors, and superconducting energy storage. The vision is that, by 2010, the US … more
Date: March 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report of FY 1999, 2000, and 2001 Activities: Continued Development of an Integrated Sounding System in Support of the DOE/ARM Experimental Program

Description: OAK B188 FINAL REPORT OF FY 1999, 2000, AND 2001 ACTIVITIES: CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED SOUNDING SYSTEM IN SUPPORT OF THE DOE/ARM EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The basic goals of the research are to develop and test algorithms and deploy instruments that improve measurements of atmospheric quantities relevant to radiative transfer and climate research. Primary among these atmospheric variables are integrated amounts of water vapor and cloud liquid, as well as profiles of temperature, water v… more
Date: April 30, 2002
Creator: Ed R. Westwater CIRES, University of Colorado /NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory 325 Broadway MS R/E/ET1 Boulder, Colorado 80305
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sandia National Laboratories Institutional Plan FY1994--1999

Description: This report presents a five year plan for the laboratory. This plan takes advantage of the technical strengths of the lab and its staff to address issues of concern to the nation on a scope much broader than Sandia`s original mission, while maintaining the general integrity of the laboratory. The plan proposes initiatives in a number of technologies which overlap the needs of its customers and the strengths of its staff. They include: advanced manufacturing technology; electronics; information … more
Date: October 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oil program implementation plan FY 1996--2000

Description: This document reaffirms the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy commitment to implement the National Oil Research Program in a way to maximize assurance of energy security, economic growth, environmental protection, jobs, improved economic competitiveness, and improved US balance of trade. There are two sections and an appendix in this document. Section 1 is background information that guided its formulation and a summary of the Oil Program Implementation Plan. This summary in… more
Date: April 1995
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Institutional Plan FY 1995--2000

Description: This report presents the details of the mission and strategic plan for Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory during the fiscal years of 1995--2000. It presents summaries of current programs and potential changes; critical success factors such as human resources; management practices; budgetary allowances; and technical and administrative initiatives.
Date: December 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tanks focus area multiyear program plan FY97-FY99

Description: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) continues to face a major tank remediation problem with approximately 332 tanks storing over 378,000 ml of high-level waste (HLW) and transuranic (TRU) waste across the DOE complex. Most of the tanks have significantly exceeded their life spans. Approximately 90 tanks across the DOE complex are known or assumed to have leaked. Some of the tank contents are potentially explosive. These tanks must be remediated and made safe. How- ever, regulatory drivers are m… more
Date: August 1996
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Institutional Plan, FY 1995--2000

Description: Sandia recently completed an updated strategic plan, the essence of which is presented in chapter 4. Sandia`s Strategic Plan 1994 takes its direction from DOE`s Fueling a Competitive Economy: Strategic Plan and provides tangible guidance for Sandia`s programs and operations. Although it is impossible to foresee precisely what activities Sandia will pursue many years from now, the strategic plan makes one point clear: the application of our scientific and engineering skills to the stewardship of… more
Date: October 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Functional Design Criteria for Fy 1993-2000 Groundwater Monitoring Wells

Description: The purpose of this revision is to update the Line Item Project, 93-L-GFW-152 Functional Design Criteria (FDC) to reflect changes approved in change control M-24-91-6, Engineering Change Notices (ECNs), and expand the scope to include subsurface investigations along with the borehole drilling. This revision improves the ability and effectiveness of maintaining RCRA and Operational groundwater compliance by combining borehole and well drilling with subsurface data gathering objectives. The total… more
Date: January 1996
Creator: Williams, B. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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