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open access

FY 1992 task plans for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project

Description: Phase 1 of the HEDR Project was designed to develop and demonstrate a method for estimating radiation doses people may have received from Hanford Site operations since 1944. The method researchers developed relied on a variety of measured and reconstructed data as input to a modular computer model that generates dose estimates and their uncertainties. As part of Phase 1, researchers used the reconstructed data and computer model to calculate preliminary dose estimates for populations from limit… more
Date: October 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Practical Superconductor Development for Electrical Power Applications, Annual Report: 1992

Description: Annual report for the superconductor program at Argonne National Laboratory discussing the group's activities and research. This report describes the technical progress of research and development efforts aimed at producing superconducting components that are based on the Y-Ba-Cu, Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu, Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu, and (Tl,Pb)-(Ba,Sr)-Ca-Cu oxide systems including: synthesis and heat treatment of high-Ta superconductors, formation of monolithic and composite wires and tapes, superconductor/metal con… more
Date: October 1992
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Materials and Components Technology Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Yakima River Species Interactions Studies Annual Report: 1992

Description: The Yakima Species Interactions Study (YSIS) was begun in September of 1989 to investigate species interactions among fish in response to proposed supplementation of salmon and steelhead in the Yakima Basin. Supplementation is defined as ''the use of artificial propagation in the attempt to maintain or increase natural production while maintaining the long term fitness of the target population, and keeping the ecological and genetic impacts on non-target populations within specified biological … more
Date: August 1993
Creator: Pearsons, Todd N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Understanding Our Genetic Inheritance: The US Human Genome Project, the First Five Years FY 1991--1995

Description: The Human Genome Initiative is a worldwide research effort with the goal of analyzing the structure of human DNA and determining the location of the estimated 100,000 human genes. In parallel with this effort, the DNA of a set of model organisms will be studied to provide the comparative information necessary for understanding the functioning of the human genome. The information generated by the human genome project is expected to be the source book for biomedical science in the 21st century an… more
Date: April 1, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposed Revenues, Financial Strategy, and Program Costs for FY 1992 and 1993 : Technical Appendix, BPA Programs in Perspective.

Description: Programs in Perspective is the Bonneville Power Administration's public involvement process (PIP) for engaging customers and other stakeholders in a regional dialog to set strategic direction and broad program plans for BPA effort. This planning leads into a biennial rate setting cycle and offers a more accessible and flexible opportunity for dialog on broad issues than is possible under the strict administrative procedures of ratemaking. The self-financed character of BPA has made this public … more
Date: July 1990
Creator: United States. Bonneville Power Administration.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hot Dry Rock Energy Annual Report Fiscal Year 1992

Description: Hot Dry Rock technology took a giant leap forward this year as the long-awaited long-term flow test (LTFT) of the Phase II HDR reservoir at Fenton Hill got underway. Energy was produced on a twenty-four hour a day basis for a continuous period of nearly four months of steady-state testing. Hot water was brought to the surface at 90-100 gallons per minute (gpm) with temperatures of 180[degrees]C (356[degrees]F) and higher. During that time, the HDR plant achieved an on-line record of 98.8%. Surf… more
Date: April 1993
Creator: Winchester, Willanne W. & Bigio, Ruth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biodiesel/Aquatic Species Project report, FY 1992

Description: The primary goal of the Biodiesel/Aquatic Species Project is to develop the technology for growing microalgae as a renewable biomass feedstock for the production of a diesel fuel substitute (biodiesel), thereby reducing the need for imported petroleum. Microalgae are of interest as a feedstock because of their high growth rates and tolerance to varying environmental conditions, and because the oils (lipids) they produce can be extracted and converted to substitute petroleum fuels such as biodie… more
Date: May 1, 1993
Creator: Brown, L.; Jarvis, E.; Dunahay, T.; Roessler, P.; Zeiler, K. (National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO (United States)) & Sprague, S. (USDOE, Washington, DC (United States))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savannah River Site`S Site Specific Plan. Environmental Restoration and Waste Management, Fiscal Year 1992

Description: This Site Specific Plan (SSP) has been prepared by the Savannah River Site (SRS) in order to show the Environmental Restoration and Waste Management activities that were identified during the preparation of the Department of Energy-Headquarters (DOE-HQ) Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Five-Year Plan (FYP) for FY 1992--1996. The SSP has been prepared in accordance with guidance received from DOE-HQ. DOE-SR is accountable to DOE-HQ for the implementation of this plan. The purpose o… more
Date: August 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Infrastructure Financing: History of EPA Appropriations

Description: This report summarizes, in chronological order, congressional activity to fund items in the State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) account since 1987. In appropriations legislation, funding for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wastewater assistance is contained in the measure providing funds for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.
Date: January 19, 2006
Creator: Copeland, Claudia
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Offsets, Supplemental Appropriations, and the Disaster Relief Fund: FY1990-FY2013

Description: This report discusses the history of the use of offsetting rescissions to pay for supplemental appropriations to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) from FY1990 through FY2013.
Date: May 31, 2016
Creator: Painter, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geothermal Division Multiyear Plan FY 1992-1996

Description: This administrative report of the Department of Energy is dated December 21, 1990. It is marked ''DRAFT'' as were many of this type of report, most of which were never made ''Final''. It provides contextual elements for program planning, and covers research on Hydrothermal, Geopressured Geothermal, Hot Dry Rock, and Magma Energy systems. (DJE 2005)
Date: December 21, 1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fiscal Year 1992 Annual Operating Plan for the Geopressured-Geothermal Research Program ($4.3 Million Budget)

Description: This plan describes the Geopressured-Geothermal Research Program. A Geopressured well in Texas (Pleasant Bayou) will undergo a slow test and a pressure buildup test. A geopressured well in Louisiana (Gladys McCall) will be flow tested for a short period, logged, plugged and abandoned or turned over to industry early in FY 92. A second deep geopressured well in Louisiana, the Hulin Well, is being kept on standby. Related university research in geology, numerical reservoir modeling, subsidence, m… more
Date: August 1, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogen Energy Coordinating Committee annual report: Summary of DOE hydrogen programs for FY 1991--1992

Description: The Hydrogen Energy Coordinating Committee (HECC) was established over 14 years ago to ensure that the many varied aspects of hydrogen technology research and development within the Department are coordinated. Each year the committee brings together technical representatives within the Department to coordinate activities, share research results and discuss future priorities and directions. An annual report is published summarizing the work in progress. This summary is the fourteenth consecutive… more
Date: May 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Polymers for Subterranean Containment Barriers for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). Letter Report on FY 1992 Activities

Description: The US Department of Energy (DOE) set up the Underground Storage Tank Integrated Demonstration Program (USTID) to demonstrate technologies for the retrieval and treatment of tank waste, and closure of underground storage tanks (USTs). There are more than 250 underground storage tanks throughout the DOE complex. These tanks contain a wide variety of wastes including high level, low level, transuranic, mixed and hazardous wastes. Many of the tanks have performed beyond the designed lifetime resul… more
Date: December 1992
Creator: Heiser, J. H.; Colombo, P. & Clinton, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Department of Energy Information Technology Resources Long-Range Plan: Fiscal Years 1991-1995

Description: The Department of Energy has consolidated its plans for Information Systems, Computing Resources, and Telecommunications into a single document, the Information Technology Resources Long-Range Plan. The consolidation was done as a joint effort by the Office of ADP Management and the Office of Computer Services and Telecommunications Management under the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administration, Information, and Facilities Management. This Plan is the product of a long-range planning proces… more
Date: December 1, 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Techniques for Preventing a Budget Sequester

Description: This report briefly describes the budget sequestration process, including the ways in which a sequester could be avoided under the regular process, and then discusses in more detail various techniques that have been used since FY1991 to prevent a sequester by intervening in the regular process.
Date: March 8, 2002
Creator: Keith, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1961-FY2019

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) authorization and appropriations bills for FY1961-FY2019 including: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Significant definitions are also included.
Date: November 27, 2018
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F. & Torreon, Barbara Salazar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) Project progress report FY 1992

Description: This report discusses project management, research and development, design, and safety at the Advanced Neutron Source facility.
Date: January 1, 1993
Creator: Campbell, J. H.; Selby, D. L. & Harrington.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

International Affairs Budget Trends, FY1980 – FY2000

Description: This report serves as a resource for the annual congressional debate on foreign policy spending, providing context and trend analysis of the past 20 years.
Date: September 29, 2000
Creator: Nowels, Larry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2017

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the Department of Defense (DOD) authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2) for FY1970-FY2017. This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public … more
Date: January 18, 2017
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Mid-Session Review of the President's Budget: Timing Issues

Description: This report provides information on the timing of submission of the mid-session review for FY1980-FY2009, a 30-year period that covers all or part of the administrations of five Presidents, applying to the last two years of the Carter Administration, and the full terms of the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush Administrations.
Date: August 19, 2008
Creator: Keith, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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