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open access

Activity Report: A Report of Research Activity in Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987

Description: This report summarizes the last elements of work conducted in this program prior to its termination at the end of FY `87. The work was primarily an analysis of a fuel cell electrocatalyst using electron microscopy. The catalyst was a three component system containing Pt-Co-Ni (3:2:2 atomic ratios) dispersed on an amorphous carbon support in unknown phases, supplied to us by Giner Inc. (designated as their sample no. G82-5-19). The preparation of this catalyst is proprietary, (patent pending). O… more
Date: January 1988
Creator: Ross, P. N.; Beard, B. & Sattler, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Infrastructure Financing: History of EPA Appropriations

Description: This report summarizes, in chronological order, congressional activity to fund items in the State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) account since 1987. In appropriations legislation, funding for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wastewater assistance is contained in the measure providing funds for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.
Date: January 19, 2006
Creator: Copeland, Claudia
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1961-FY2019

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) authorization and appropriations bills for FY1961-FY2019 including: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Significant definitions are also included.
Date: November 27, 2018
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F. & Torreon, Barbara Salazar
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

International Affairs Budget Trends, FY1980 – FY2000

Description: This report serves as a resource for the annual congressional debate on foreign policy spending, providing context and trend analysis of the past 20 years.
Date: September 29, 2000
Creator: Nowels, Larry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2017

Description: This report is a research aid that lists the Department of Defense (DOD) authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2) for FY1970-FY2017. This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public … more
Date: January 18, 2017
Creator: DeBruyne, Nese F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Mid-Session Review of the President's Budget: Timing Issues

Description: This report provides information on the timing of submission of the mid-session review for FY1980-FY2009, a 30-year period that covers all or part of the administrations of five Presidents, applying to the last two years of the Carter Administration, and the full terms of the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush Administrations.
Date: August 19, 2008
Creator: Keith, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plans for Implementing the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program in Fiscal Year 1986.

Description: The Fish and Wildlife Program is an effort to enhance, protect, and mitigate losses of those fish and wildlife which have been affected by the development, operation, and management of hydroelectric facilities in the Columbia River Basin. The implementation plan is organized to address the action items assigned to BPA in Section 1500 of the Council's Fish and Wildlife Program (1984). These action items generally relate to one or more specific measures in the Program. The following information i… more
Date: October 1, 1985
Creator: United States. Bonneville Power Administration.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 13, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Apropriations Bills: A Chronology, FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 23, 2005
Creator: Carter, Linwood B. & Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AIDS Funding for Federal Government Programs: FY1981-FY1999

Description: This report provides a synopsis of the budget activity related to AIDS from the discovery of the disease in 1981 through FY1999. Funding for AIDS research, prevention and treatment programs within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) discretionary budget has increased from $200,000 in FY1981 to an estimated $3.85 billion in FY1999.
Date: March 31, 1998
Creator: Johnson, Judith A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriation Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: April 21, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2006

Description: This report is a research aid, which lists the DOD authorization bills (Table 1) and appropriations bills (Table 2). This report includes all the pertinent information on the passage of these bills through the legislative process: bill numbers, report numbers, dates reported and passed, recorded vote numbers and vote tallies, dates of passage of the conference reports with their numbers and votes, vetoes, substitutions, dates of final passage, and public law numbers. Table 3 shows real growth o… more
Date: June 13, 2006
Creator: Coipuram, Thomas, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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