Wire rope improvement program. Fiscal years 1979 to 1980. Interim report
This report describes the work performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory and its subcontractor Battelle Columbus Laboratories on the Wire Rope Improvement Program during FY-1979 and the first half of FY80. The program, begun in 1975 by the US Bureau of Mines, was transferred to the US Department of Energy (DOE) on October 1, 1978. Since that time, the DOE's Division of Solid Fuels Mining and Preparation has sponsored the program. To address identified problems and provide information from w…
August 1, 1980
Morgenstern, M. H.; Alzheimer, J. M.; Anderson, W. E.; Beeman, G. H.; Rice, R.C.; Strope, L. A. et al.
UNT Libraries Government Documents Department