Experimental investigation of the chemistry of excited states of rare gases. First quarterly progress report, October 15, 1977--January 15, 1978
The quenching of XeF(B) was studied using the steady-state photolysis of XeF/sub 2/ as the source of XeF(B). The product states from the sensitized reaction of Xe(/sup 3/P/sub 1/) with Cl/sub 2/ and COCl/sub 2/ also were studied. The new XeF(B) quenching rate constants are described. The pulsed laser induced fluorescence technique was used to measure radiative lifetimes and two-body quenching rate constant (with Ar) for the low energy Xe(6p)* states. Serious signal/noise problems for the lowest…
February 1978
Setser, D. W.
UNT Libraries Government Documents Department