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open access

The Extraction Method of Purification of Uranyl Nitrate

Description: Technical report. Three extractions of a diethyl ether solution of uranyl nitrate with small portions of water are effective in removing rare earths, as is shown by radio-gadolinium and radio-europium tracer experiments. A study of representative ethers, alcohols, ketones, and esters showed that diethyl ether and a mixture of 85% ethyl methyl ketone with 15% xylene are the best solvents for the extraction.
Date: August 28, 1942
Creator: Myers, L. S., Jr.; Anderson, K. C.; Wexler, Sol & Boyd, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgical Laboratory, Chemical Research - Radiation Chemistry, Report for the Month Ending May 15, 1943

Description: Technical report that information has bee obtained on the effect of beta and gamma radiation on the electrical resistance of insulating materials The results are summarized. The recovery to original resistance values has been measured. In general, the initial rate is rapid for the first few hours; the rate then decreases sharply. Certain samples show evidence of complete recovery. Effects on mechanical properties of several plastics has also been studied. Data on gas evolution from severa… more
Date: May 15, 1943
Creator: Franck, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Hydride, a Review to January 1, 1944

Description: Abstract. A review of all work on uranium hydride published in the CC, CT, CN and CE reports to January 1, 1944, is presented. Some additional information not yet published has been included, so this report includes all data known from the above sources and at Ames to the above date. This report supersedes all previous report on uranium hydride coming out of the Ames laboratory.
Date: February 10, 1944
Creator: Newton, A. S.; Warf, J. C.; Johnson, O. & Nottorf, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Analytical Method for Determining Hydrogen in Tuballoy

Description: Technical report describing a gasometrical method for the determination of H2 in extruded U rods.
Date: February 9, 1944
Creator: Russell, H. W. & Nelson, H. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Heavy-Water Homogeneous Pile: a Review of Chemical Researches and Problems

Description: Technical Report: A generalized review of the chemical problems and researches related principally to the heavy water homogeneous pile is presented herewith. The report covers researches performed principally by the Columbia Group who initiated the study. This report contains a chronological outline of the development, a discussion of some special topics whose significance is paramount in any slurry pile discussion, and finally an outline of important research problems remaining, roughly grad… more
Date: February 28, 1944
Creator: Hiskey, C. F. & Eidinoff, Maxwell Leigh, 1915-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contributions to the Water Problem

Description: Technical report describing the investigation of the short-lived activities produced in oxygen compounds by irradiation with pile neutrons. The most prominent of these activities in cooling water is a beta and gamma emitting activity of about 8 second half-life. Because of its production by epicadmium neutrons it was believed to be the 8 second N16 produced in the pile by n,p on O16. The identification has been accomplished and it is established that the 8 second activity is N16. Part 2 of the… more
Date: July 3, 1944
Creator: Novey, Theodore B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Wigner Effect in Graphite, Relationship Between Advantage Factor and Location of Samples in an Operating Pile

Description: Technical report. The extent of the Wigner effect in graphite at any point in a pile is sensitive to the local structural situation. It is greater near a slug. These control experiments give information on changes in graphite to be expected in selected places in the pile.
Date: October 20, 1944
Creator: Novick, A.; Neubert, T. J. & Burton, Milton, 1902-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgical Laboratory, Chemical Research - Radiation Chemistry, Report for the Period Ending January 15, 1945

Description: Technical report with short reports covering (1) Effect of radiation on water and aqueous systems; (2) Effect of neutrons on graphite; (3) Effect of radiation on solid compounds; and (4) Scattering, stopping-power, ion-pair production, etc.
Date: February 1, 1945
Creator: Burton, Milton, 1902- & Allen, A. O. (Augustine O.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation of Carrier Free Zr-Cb Tracer, Problem Assignment No. 263-X61C, Progress Report

Description: Technical report abstract. A rapid procedure for the preparation of very pure carrier-free Zr and Nb tracer involves the chloroform extraction of the cupferrides of Zr and Nb activities from process solutions. Zr and Nb form very stable chloroform soluble cupferrides in acid solutions (CK-993) and are separated from other fission elements almost quantitatively to yield pure mixture of Zr and Nb activity. A minimum of operations is required and the method is easily adaptable to remote control.
Date: August 28, 1944
Creator: Marinsky, Jacob A. (Jacob Akiba), 1918-2005 & Ballou, Nathan Elmer, 1919-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Oxide Slurry Pumping Experiments

Description: Abstract: Experiments on colloid milling and pumping show that uranium trioxide, when carefully dehydrated, can be dispersed in water to form a relatively stable slurry, suitable for a homogeneous slurry pile. At temperatures considerably below those of anticipated pile operation particle size growth occurs attended by increase in settling rate and decrease in viscosity. Theses properties of the slurries may be strongly affected by impurities present as well as by special operating condition… more
Date: September 15, 1944
Creator: Brandt, R. & Dean, G. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrolytic Production of Uranium from Solutions of its Tribromide in Fused Salts

Description: Abstract. the electrodeposition of uranium metal, in the form of tree-like deposits, from molten strontium halide baths is described. Under the best conditions studied, approximately 40% recovery is attained. Freedom from side-reactions of the reduced uranium with anode products and/or refractory materials, and high cathode current densities appear to be essential to the success of the process. the refining of uranium under similar conditions appears to occur quite readily, with approximatel… more
Date: August 15, 1944
Creator: Webster, Richard A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effects of Neutron Bombardment on the Electrical Resistance of Aluminum, Beryllium and Tuballoy (Uranium)

Description: Abstract. Wigner effects on aluminum, beryllium, and tuballoy have been studied by the electrical resistance method. Samples were exposed during an interval which would have produced an increase of approximately 22% in resistance of AGOT-K graphite. The resistance of tuballoy increased approximately 1%. It is shown that the increase can be accounted for by the amount of fission product impurity formed during the exposure. Neither aluminum nor beryllium showed any change. In the case of Be,… more
Date: November 2, 1944
Creator: Royal, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Method of Recovering Thorium from Slag Materials

Description: Abstract. a method of recovering thorium from slag from the bomb process of producing thorium has been developed. HCl and NaOH are the only chemicals required in quantity. Materials required for a representative slag are given.
Date: March 23, 1945
Creator: Johnson, Oliver & Fisher, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Melting Point -- Composition Diagrams in the U-UBr3 System

Description: Abstract. A portion of the liquid-solid phase equilibrium region of the system U-UBr3 has been investigated by the method of thermal analysis. Uranium tribromide was prepared by introducing bromine vapor into a bulb containing finely divided uranium formed from the hydride. Cooling curves were obtained with tribromide and then with various compositions of tribromide and uranium. the information obtained showed that no solid sub halide exists but that the metal was soluble in the halide.
Date: December 20, 1944
Creator: Thurmond, Carl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Research -- Extraction and Properties of U233; Report for the Period Ending December 15, 1944

Description: Technical report containing short articles on (1) Determination of physical constants for U233; (2) Determination of decay chain of U233; (3) Extraction of U233; (4) Extracting solvents for uranium; (5) Factors affecting the extraction uranium and thorium by organic solvents, especially ether; and (6) Analysis of ore samples for protoactinium.
Date: February 24, 1945
Creator: Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999; Manning, F. M. & Katzin, L. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on a Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Microgram Quantities of Thorium : Experiments in the Dissolution of O2 Metal [UO2]

Description: Abstract. thorium can be precipitated as a salt of p-dimethylaminoazophenylarsonic acid at a pH of about 1.5. the precipitate, collected on a sintered glass filter is washed with dilute ammonium hydroxide to dissolve the dye. the amount of thorium is determined by measuring the concentration of the dye spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 millimicrons. Zirconium, which interferes, can be separated and determined using the same reagent in strong hydrochloric. the behavior of thorium… more
Date: January 1, 1945
Creator: Byerly, W.; Niedrach, L.; Davin, W.; Dyas, H. & Bane, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Complexing Agents for the Solvent Extraction of Uranium from Thorium. I. The Use of Thiocyanate in the Extraction of Uranium. II. The Use of Antipyrine in Solvent Extraction

Description: Abstract. In the first section of this technical report a new method of extracting uranium from thorium nitrate solution is discussed. This method consists of extracting an aqueous solution of thorium nitrate, nitric acid, sodium sulphate, and potassium thiocyanate with hexone. By this procedure, using an equal volume of hexone it is possible to extract 83 percent of the uranium while only 0.3 percent of the thorium is extracted. other experiments show that even greater separations are possi… more
Date: February 16, 1945
Creator: Reas, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Iron in Thorium, Beryllium, and Cerium

Description: Introduction. the colorimetric determination of iron based on the formation of the colored ferrous-1,10-phenanthroline complex has been used successfully by a number of investigators. In this technical report, its adaptation to the routine determination of iron in cerium, thorium, and beryllium metals and their compounds is described.
Date: September 10, 1945
Creator: Ericson, R. P & Fornefeld, E. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Spectrographic Analysis of Beryllium and its Compounds

Description: Abstract. Spectrographic procedures for determining small amounts of the common contaminants in beryllium and its compounds are described. Suggestions relative to the preparation of synthetic standards are also given.
Date: June 22, 1945
Creator: Smith, A. Lee (Albert Lee), 1924-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extraction of Uranyl Nitrate and Thorium Nitrate by Organic Solvents

Description: Abstract. The separation of uranyl nitrate from aqueous solutions of 0.635 M thorium nitrate, 3 M nitric acid and 3 M calcium nitrate by extraction with organic solvents has been investigated. Solvents which gave good separations were 2-tthyl hexyl acetate, ethyl benzoate, n-butyl either and beta-beta- dichloroethyl ether. In general, higher esters, ethers and alcohols are better for separating uranium from thorium that the lower homologues. Several solvents were tested at lower nitric acid… more
Date: November 5, 1945
Creator: Johnson, O. & Newton, A. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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