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Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses; Eighth Quarterly Progress Report, (September - November 1963)

Description: The objective of the Accurate Nuclear Fuel Burnup Analyses program is to develop more accurate methods for burnup analysis for general use than the current method of analysis of Ca-137 or Sr-90. The program will require from three to five years of effort.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Rider, B. F.; Ruiz, C. P.; Luke, P. S., Jr.; Peterson, J. P., Jr. & Smith, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acid-Base Reactions in Fused Salts. Dichromate-Bromate Reaction

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "The reaction of Lewis acid and base, Cr2O7= and BrO3_, in fused KNO3 - NaNO3 mixtures has been shown to involve an equilibrium followed by a slow decomposition to gaseous products."
Date: February 1963
Creator: Duke, F. R. & Schlegel, James
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Designs and Special Applications for Fast Breeders

Description: The purpose of this paper is to describe a few of the suggested advanced concepts for fast breeder reactors and to compare these with the standard approach as to their potential advantage. I have attempted to estimate the economic effect of full technical success with each of the proposed concepts. The proposed concepts include: (1) single sodium system, (2) steam-cooled core concept, (3) direct cycle reactor using potassium as reactor coolant and working fluid, (4) molten plutonium-fuel alloy… more
Date: November 11, 1963
Creator: Hammond, R. Philip
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor: Final Shielding Design Report

Description: From abstract: "This report has been prepared as a design reference document describing the calculation methods and engineering results for shielding analysis work done during the design of the Advanced Test Reactor."
Date: December 1963
Creator: Howard, J. O. & Jacks, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of UO2 Grain Growth Data From "Out of Pile" Experiments

Description: Summary: Data on equlaxed UO2 grain growth from "out of pile" experiments have been gathered from all known sources and analyzed to determine the relationship between the grain size developed and annealing temperature and between grain size and the time at temperature. On the basis of the analysis, an equation relating gain size to time and temperate has been selected that appears to best describe the data considered as a whole. The coefficients in this grain growth equation have been evaluated… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Lyons, M. F.; Coplin, D. H. & Weidenbaum, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of the Variational Method to the Calculation of the Time Dependence of the Neutron Flux in Small Pulsed Slabs, Cylinders and Spheres

Description: The variational method is applied to the monoenergetic time dependent transport equation to obtain a simple relation for the asymptotic decay constant in small pulsed assemblies. The results indicate that flat trial functions may be a reasonable representation of the flux distributions in the thin slab limit. This approach is superior to many of the usual transport approximations.
Date: December 16, 1963
Creator: Judge, F. D. & Daitch, Paul B. (Paul Bernard), 1925-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applications of Strain Cycling Considerations to Superheat Fuel Design

Description: A potential performance limitation of superheat fuel is the susceptibility of the fuel cladding to low cycle fatigue failure. Two simplified analytical methods are presented to estimate the cyclic lifetime of circular superheat fuel cladding. One failure relation is based on a displacement method. The other failure relation is based on a stress method. These relations were compared with data from the literature, and with data involving damage obtained by Reynolds. A recommended design procedur… more
Date: June 1963
Creator: Rieger, G. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approximate Models for Distributed-Parameter Heat-Transfer Systems

Description: Summary: The use of dimensionless-parameter frequency response diagrams to determine accuracies of lumped-parameter approximations is demonstrated by two examples: calculation of the heat flux at the surface of a semi-infinite solid due to temperature fluctuations of an adjacent fluid; and the response of a counterflow heat exchanger to inlet fluid temperature perturbations. Dimensionless system parameters make it possible to use general-purpose plots to find the error in particular approxima… more
Date: August 20, 1963
Creator: Ball, S. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Reactors Program Annual Progress Report: 1962

Description: Report summarizing ongoing nuclear work performed by the ORNL for the United States Army.
Date: April 10, 1963
Creator: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Asymptotic Neutron Spectra in Multiplying Media

Description: Asymptotic low energy neutron spectra have been measured for two multiplying systems. The reentrant hold spectrum (scalar flux) and the surface leakage spectrum were obtained for both assemblies using the pulsed-source chopper technique at the RPI linear accelerator.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Slovacek, R. E.; Fullwood, R. R.; Gaerttner, Erwin Rudolf, 1911- & Bach, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Exit Steam Quality Control for Boiling Water Reactors

Description: From American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, Nov. 1963. The need for control of the flow distribution and/or steam quality in boiling reactors is discussed. A quality control device is being developed which consists of an entrance venturi and an exit venturi for measuring the flow rates into and out of the channel, means for comparing the two flow rate signals, and a value for regulating the flow rate. This device can be used either as a constant quality device or as a controlled-quality de… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Gall, D. A. & Doyle, E. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Mass Spectrometer for Monitoring Uranium Isotope Concentrations

Description: Abstract: An automatic recording mass spectrometer has been designed; two instruments have been constructed and have operated reliably for more than seven years as process monitors.
Date: January 23, 1963
Creator: Langdon, A.; Evans, E. C. & Tabor, Charles Dewey
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Behavior of Irradiated Metallic Fuel Elements Exposed to Nuclear Excursion in TREAT

Description: In fast reactor safety studies, it is imperative to know the effects of temperature excursions on the fuel elements. Previous controlled out-of-pile experiments on the behavior of uranium fuel elements under meltdown or near-meltdown conditions have been performed using direct electrical resistance heating or furnace heating. As a step toward obtaining more complete information on reactivity effects accompanying fuel meltdown, the behavior of irradiated EBR II and Fermi A samples under transien… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Monaweck, J. H.; Dickerman, Charles Edward, 1932- & Sowa, E. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Beta-Gamma Circularpolarization-Correlation of Sc46 and its Chemical Origins

Description: Appendix I, Determination of random coincidence in a fast-slow coincidence circuit; Appendix II, Multiple scattering during measurements of S-directional distribution from polarized nuclei, of S-y-circular polarization correlation, and of S-y-directional correlation.
Date: 1963
Creator: Daniel. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Beta Radiation Processing at Rigorous Conditions

Description: Introduction: The literature reflects ever expansive studies of radiation chemistry over the past twenty years However, in the application of radiation processing to chemical reactions, in general and excepting a few isolated cases, the yield of useful products have been so low as to preclude practical utilization. Thus, for many reactions,radiation alone at ambient conditions is not a sufficient agent for economical production. Hence, we are led to the investigation of radiation effects on … more
Date: November 15, 1963
Creator: Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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