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open access

The Neutron Sensitive PCP Ionization Chamber

Description: Manual of operation for a neutron sensitive ionization chamber for reactor instrumentation.
Date: September 4, 1951
Creator: Abele, R. K. & Gundlach, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program Study Report Plutonium Fuel Cycle

Description: From introduction: "The development and demonstration of the natural uranium reprocessed plutonium cycle in power reactors is an important phase of the peaceful applications of nuclear energy."
Date: July 30, 1956
Creator: Albaugh, F. W. & Fryar, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediate Heat Exchanger Preliminary Design. Vol. 1, IHX Preliminary Design

Description: Preface: The intermediate heat exchanger is designed for operation in a nuclear power plant using liquid sodium as the primary and secondary coolant. Since the primary fluid coming from the reactor is radioactive, the purpose of the IHX is to transfer heat to a nonradioactive fluid which then goes to a steam generator. Because of this activity the until will be enclosed in a concrete pit and will not be accessible during periods of operation. Immediately after shut down it will be necessary … more
Date: February 28, 1959
Creator: Alco Products (Firm)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control and Dynamics Performance of a Sodium Cooled Reactor Power System

Description: Introduction: Objectives and Method of Approach. High plant efficiencies can be realized without excessively high core temperatures and high coolant pressures by the use of liquid metal coolant. In an attempt to prove the feasibility of liquid sodium as a reactor coolant ALCO Products, Inc., under sponsorship of the Atomic Energy Commission, is undertaking a design study of three vital system components: the intermediate exchanger, the boiler, and the superheater. Since, in the past programs,… more
Date: 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Kanigen, Electroless Nickel Plating for Steam Side of a Sodium Component Steam Generator

Description: Introduction: This is a final report on the evaluation of Kanigen electroless nickel plating for surfaces in contact with water and steam i a sodium heated AISI Type 316 stainless steel steam generator. The purpose of the coasting was to afford protection from stress corrosion cracking originating on the water-steam side of the unit. It has been concluded that the kanigen coating does not afford adequate protection for the services condition intended. This work was performed as part of the r… more
Date: February 15, 1961
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediate Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator Final Design. Volume 1. Thermal & Mechanical Design

Description: This technical report represents the final design for a sodium to sodium intermediate heat exchanger and a sodium to water steam generator. The intermediate heat exchanger is designed for operation in a nuclear power plant using liquid sodium as the primary and secondary coolant. Since the primary fluid coming fro the reactor is radioactive, the purpose of the IHX is to transfer heat to a nonradioactive fluid which then goes to the steam generator. Because of radioactivity the unit will be encl… more
Date: September 30, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediate Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator Final Design. Volume 2. Chemical & Stress Analysis

Description: Introduction: This volume deals principally with the chemical analysis and the stress analysis for a sodium to sodium intermediate heat exchanger and a sodium to water steam generator. The work presented is an extension and modification of the analysis presented in the preliminary design report. The chemical analysis covers the sodium cover gas system and the effects of sodium-water reactions in the event of a leak in the steam generator. Considerable design work was done in an effort to mainta… more
Date: September 30, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediate Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator Final Design. Volume 3. Specifications

Description: Introduction: Sodium Components Material Specifications. Twenty-three material, inspection and welding specification are presented for the various parts of both the intermediate heat exchanger and steam generator. Tables indicate the applicable parts and assemblies to which these specifications shall apply. For other parts, where the material requirements are not severe, the ASTM or other indicated specifications shall apply.
Date: September 30, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediate Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator Final Design. Volume 4. Operation & Maintenance

Description: This technical report contains the operation and maintenance specifications for the intermediate heat exchanger and the steam generator. The report contains eight sections: (1) General Information, (2) Shipping and Installation, (3) Operation Procedures, (4) Scram and Casualty Shutdowns, (5) Leaks, (6) Instrumentation and Control, (7) Maintenance, and (8) four Appendixes (a) Boiler Water Chemistry Recommendations, (b) Final Concept Drawings, (c) Industrial Nucleonics Literature on Liquid Level… more
Date: September 30, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scale "Up or Down" Analysis for Prototype Test

Description: Introduction: In conjunction with the final design and development of a 70 MW sodium intermediate heat exchanger and a sodium steam generator, an analysis is required which can be used as a basis for a determination to scale up or scale down the designs. Included in this analysis are those considerations leading to the recommendation of the best prototype test unit and to some of the limits imposed on scaling up or down when considering future applications of designs other than those actually … more
Date: May 1, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Test Program for 30 Megawatt Prototype Sodium Intermediate Heat Exchanger and Steam Generator

Description: The designer's concept of a test program for the 30-Mw prototype intermediate heat exchanger and steam generator designed and fabricated as part of the Sodium Components Development Program is presented. The performance data will serve to verify the thermal design, or allow application of improved techniques to future designs, give an improved basis for stress analysis in design of future units, and demonstrate the capability and limitations of the units in relation to the performance specifica… more
Date: September 14, 1962
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tube-To-Tubesheet Welding Development Programs to 30 Megawatt Prototype Sodium Intermediate heat Exchanger and Steam Generator

Description: Special welding techniques for joining Inconel weld overlays on type 316 stainless steel tubesheets and channels are described. The program for the development of the required welding procedures are divided into three specific programs: overlaying Inconel filler Metal 82 on type 316 stainless steel, welding type 316 stainless steel tubes to a type 316 stainless steel tubesheet, and welding Inconel-type 316 stainless steel composite tubes to Inconel weld overlaid type 316 tubesheets. Shock tests… more
Date: 1963
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Miniature Mixer Settler

Description: Unit developed at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory for extraction and overcomes the disadvantages of the batch countercurrent units currently in use.
Date: January 5, 1956
Creator: Alter, H. Ward; Coplan, B. V. & Zebroski, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Berkeley Proton Linear Accelerator

Description: Construction of a linear accelerator which increases the energy of protons from a 4 Mev Van de Graaff injector to a final energy of 31.5 Mev.
Date: November 30, 1948
Creator: Alvarez, Luis W.; Bradner, Hugh; Gordon, Hayden; Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H.; Richman, Chaim & Woodyard, John R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

X-Ray Fluorescence Tables: Program Description

Description: Report discussing the mechanics of X-Ray and COMBO computer programs.
Date: July 20, 1964
Creator: Amsbury, W. P.; Lee, W. W.; Rowan, J. H. & Walden, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Recycle Critical Facility: Final Safeguards Analysis

Description: Report discussing the Plutonium Recycle Critical Facility (PRCF). The reactor, building, associated equipment, operating program, safety, and operating procedures are described.
Date: February 1962
Creator: Anderson, J. K. & Winegardner, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Concentration Meter

Description: From abstract; "Two basic instruments were developed for determining the concentration of uranium in solutions. Both instruments detect the gamma activity present in a sample solution, and interpret this analysis into direct presentation as parts per million."
Date: September 24, 1956
Creator: Arnett, Orville
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Halogen Collector Test Program

Description: Report documenting the Halogen Collector Test program, which was undertaken to provide "methods of removing trace quantities of radioactive iodine from an air stream" (p. 1). The report includes designs of the program and the test facility, test results, analysis of these results, and encountered problems. Appendices begin on page 38.
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Flux Test Facility Studies Progress Report: April 1965

Description: From abstract: " study work was performed on the conceptual design of the proposed fast flux test facility and information was obtained in important areas of supporting technology."
Date: April 1965
Creator: Astley, E. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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