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open access

Investigation of 17-4 PH Steel Components Used in SM-1, SM-1A, PM-2A Reactor Plants

Description: Abstract: This technical report covers the investigation of 17-4 PH steel components used in the SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A nuclear power plants, which consist of control rod drive racks, pinions, seal shafts and associated parts. Evidence supporting the continued use of 17-4 PH steel in these applications is presented. Alco's current procurement and processing specifications for 17-4 PH steel are included. The evidence presented is in the form of stress calculations, test and environmental data and… more
Date: January 23, 1962
Creator: Haraway, E. S. & Saccocio, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Continuous injection processing

Description: From introduction: "In this report we consider a few non-adiabatic processes. The types to be discussed will be limited because of two reasons: first, complete descriptions are available for some processes; second, as time goes on alternative injection methods undoubtedly will be discovered, so this list must necessarily be incomplete."
Date: September 23, 1955
Creator: Linlor, William I., 1915-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplement to Reactor Containment Design Study

Description: Summary: Report SL-1868 is a technical and economic feasibility study of four containment methods, i.e., standard containment, pressure relief, pressure supression and low pressure containment, for 44 MWe direct cycle and 180 and 300 MWe dual cycle boiling water reactor plants.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Johnson, R. A. & Nelson, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 3. Analog Simulation of Reactor Plant Transients

Description: Third part of the "final report of a study directed toward the evolution, design, and demonstration of the principle design features of interim indirect cycle water cooled and moderated nuclear power plants which will be useful in early cooperative programs between the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States maritime industry" (p. i).
Date: October 23, 1961
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 5. Spiked Core Concept

Description: Fifth part of the "final report of a study directed toward the evolution, design, and demonstration of the principle design features of interim indirect cycle water cooled and moderated nuclear power plants which will be useful in early cooperative programs between the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States maritime industry" (p. i).
Date: October 23, 1961
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Control System Manual

Description: This report consists of the description, drawings, connections, and schematics of the various control elements that make up the control system of the Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility (ETRC).
Date: June 23, 1961
Creator: Meichle, F. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Distribution of Uranium at Low Acid : Low Uranium Concentrations into 4-1/2 Percent TBP-AMSCO

Description: Report wherein acid free uranyl nitrate hexahydrate was distributed into 4-1/2 percent TBP-Amsco 125-90W and combined with various concentrations of acid in order to study the distribution of uranium and hydrolysis effects.
Date: August 23, 1956
Creator: Andelin, Robert L.; Anderson, Edward L. & McVey, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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