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open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Summary

Description: Report summarizing a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation to guide management on all National Forests in Oregon and Washington highlighting the major points of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Appendix I/B

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. This appendix contains selected letters received in response to the draft of this Environmental Impact Statement.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Appendix I/A

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Public involvement activities in constructing the Environmental Impact Statement and cooperating agencies are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Appendices D & H

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Human health risk of using 16 different herbicides for vegetation management on Forest Service lands and mutagenic and carcinogenic toxicity health risks are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Appendices A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K

Description: Appendices detailing specific aspects of a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation in National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Timber growth, economic efficiency, herbicide use, silviculture, rangelands, vegetation management, and particulate emissions from prescribed burning are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation: Characterization and Management of Risk

Description: Report providing a comprehensive overview of the potential adverse human health effects associated with the vegetation management program proposed by the Pacific Northwest Region of the USDA Forest Service. (Introduction) Risk assessments related to manual and mechanical methods of removing unwanted vegetation, prescribed burning, biological methods, and herbicides are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Managing Competing and Unwanted Vegetation

Description: Report discussing a program for managing competing and unwanted vegetation to guide management on all National Forests in Oregon and Washington. Scope of the statement, issues surrounding vegetation management, public involvement and participation, alternatives, description of the preferred alternative, environmental effects of alternatives, and protection of the environment are discussed.
Date: November 1988
Creator: United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance of Steady and Intermittent Blowing Jet Flaps and Spanwise Upper Surface Slots

Description: Report discussing a program of the Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory (FXM), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, to experimentally investigate steady and intermittent blowing jet flaps and constant percent chord span wise upper surface slots on controlling shock induced boundary layer separation and their effect on transonic performance on a conventional wind (Foreword). A wind tunnel test conducted in the NASA Ames 14 foot wind tunnel is described, along with analyses of jet flap data and stead… more
Date: November 1975
Creator: Ely, W. L. & Berrier, F. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and Evaluation of Insulating Type Ceramic Coatings

Description: Report discussing the development of a metal reinforced ceramic coating system to successfully withstand temperatures of 3500°F while providing insulative values for the supporting structure. Materials used for coating development and evaluation, thermal tests, and recommendations for preparing specimen, testing and coating development are described.
Date: November 1959
Creator: Blocker, E. W.; Hauck, C. A.; Sklarew, S. & Levy, A. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Habitat Development Field Investigations, Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Appendix A

Description: Appendix containing an assessment of vegetation on a dredged material island located near Windmill Point in the freshwater tidal reach of the James River. It accompanies a report on habitat development field investigations of the Windmill Point Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia.
Date: November 1977
Creator: Silberhorn, G. M. & Barnard, Thomas A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Findings: Exploring the Impact of AI

Description: This report discusses the findings of the impact of AI on marginalized communities in the United States from the perspective of leaders within these communities.
Date: November 2023
Creator: National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office. The National AI Advisory Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendation: Improve Monitoring of Emerging Risks from AI through Adverse Event Reporting

Description: This report is a recommendation by the NAIAC to improve monitoring of emerging risks from AI through adverse event reporting. This would allow developers, deployers, and users to report harmful post-deployment events stemming from AI systems.
Date: November 2023
Creator: National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office. The National AI Advisory Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendations: Enhancing AI Literacy for the United States of America

Description: This report contains recommendations for enhancing AI literacy for the United States of America. Recommendations include prompting the Biden administration to develop a campaign around AI literacy and invest in formal and informal education to advance the AI literacy of the American population.
Date: November 2023
Creator: National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office. The National AI Advisory Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendations for Leveraging Cloud Computing Resources for Federally Funded Artificial Intelligence Research and Development

Description: This report identifies four key recommendations for how the federal government can better enable the use of cloud computing resources for federally funded AI research and development. These recommendations were proposed by the Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence.
Date: November 17, 2020
Creator: Alterovitz, Gil; Biswas, Rupak; Brennan, Patricia F.; Gianchandani, Erwin; Parker, Lynne; Ramaswamy, Venkatachalam et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Strategic Computing Initiative Update: Pioneering the Future of Computing

Description: This report is an update to the original computing plan from 2016. This update examines the initiatives from the original 2016 report, outlines key goals, and proposes recommendations to achieve those goals.
Date: November 2019
Creator: National Science and Technology (U.S.). Fast-Track Action Committe on Strategic Computing
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2016-2019 Progress Report: Advancing Artificial Intelligence R&D

Description: This report documents the important progress that agencies are making to deliver on Federal AI research and development.
Date: November 2019
Creator: Artificial Intelligence Research & Development Interagency Working Group
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Guidelines for secure AI system development

Description: This report recommends guidelines for providers of any systems that use artificial intelligence. This content is aimed primarily at providers of AI systems who are using models hosted by an organization, or are using external application programming interfaces.
Date: November 27, 2023
Creator: Great Britain. Government Communications Headquarters (1948- ) National Cyber Security Centre
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report of the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee - AI and Machine Learning

Description: This report asserts that the accelerated pace of the technological change in today's global research and development ecosystem is creating both risks and opportunities in the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) mission domain. To assist the DHS in forecasting both threats and opportunities, work with partners, and improve the ability of DHS components to execute mission critical objectives, the Secretary chartered the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee of the Homeland Security Advisory Coun… more
Date: November 14, 2019
Creator: Allen, Thad; Lanier, Cathy; Rose, Robert; Carrick, Patrick; Cilluffo, Frank; Dannels, Mark et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2023-2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence

Description: This report serves as a guide for CISA's AI-related efforts, ensuring both internal coherence as well as alignment with the whole-of-government AI strategy. It incorporates key CISA-led actions as directed by Executive Order 14110, along with additional actions CISA is leading to promote AI security and support critical infrastructure owners and operators as they navigate the adoption of AI.
Date: November 2023
Creator: United States. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for California

Description: This report provides the new Governor and Legislature with an AI policymaking agenda that revolves around public engagement, building a human infrastructure, attacking pressing social needs, and protecting core values including autonomy, responsibility, privacy, transparency, and accountability.
Date: November 2018
Creator: Nava, Pedro; Varner, Sean; Beier, David; Brigis, Iveta; Buiza, Cynthia; Cannella, Anthony et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State of California: Benefits and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence Report

Description: This report is about the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in State government and presents an initial analysis of the potential benefits to individuals, communities, government and State government workers, with a focus on where GenAI may be used to improve access to essential goods and services.
Date: November 2023
Creator: California Government Operations Agency
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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