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open access

Precise Vapor Pressure Measurement At High Temperature

Description: "An apparatus using a silica Bourdon gage is described for the measurement of vapor pressures or dissociation pressures with an accuracy of 0.1 mm and 0.1 deg C up to maximum pressures of atmospheric or beyond and maximum temperatures of 650 to 1250 deg C. The method is applicable to corrosive substances, to substances whose vapor pressure is sensitive to slight changes in composition, and to substances difficult to purify of volatile contaminants which affect the vapor pressure."
Date: November 1, 1957
Creator: Machol, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intermediary Metabolism of the Photosynthetic Bacteria. Final Report

Description: The primary purpose of these researches was to clarify the various functions of organic substrates in bacterial photosynthesis. The following aspects were investigated; (1) metabolic pathways under photosynthetic and oxidative conditions, (2) energy transfers occurring during the metabolism in cell free extracts, and (3) the relationship between photosynthetic rate and light intensity for selected organic substrates. The results of these investigations were summarized in a paper entitled "The A… more
Date: November 1, 1955
Creator: Siegel, Jack M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Photoelectric K and l Shell Absorption Coefficients for Highly Ionized Atoms

Description: This technical report describes a simple way to calculate numerical values of K and l shell photoelectric absorption coefficients (averaged over subshells) for highly ionized atoms.
Date: November 1, 1955
Creator: Moszkowski, S. A. & Meyerott, Roland Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Paper Presented by M. Minashin

Description: The attached paper is a translation of a rough draft of the paper, "Operating Experience of the APS-1", presented by M. Minashin in Russian at the IAEA Conference on Small and Medium Power Reactors, Vienna, Austria, September 5-9, 1960.
Date: November 1, 1960
Creator: Ullmann, J. W. & Gerrrard, Martha
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectra

Description: A series of measurements was performed to investigate the gamma ray spectra, in the region from about 100 kev to about 3 Mev, resulting from the capture of thermal neutrons in a number of elements. The purpose of the experiment was to supplement the high energy capture gamma ray data in order to remove some of the ambiguities from the proposed energy level schemes and to obtain information for the Shielding Group of Brookhaven National Laboratory on elements normally found in reactors.
Date: November 1, 1953
Creator: Reier, Melvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Treatment Procedures for High Temperature Reactor Coolants

Description: The water plant for a high temperature reactor must be capable of providing several purities of water to the various components of the installation. The actual treatment methods will depend on the location and size of the reactor, the size and sources of the water and the ease of disposal of radioactive wastes. This document examines the needs for the various water purities. It also defines the area of future work to provide the information necessary for the design of water plants for high temp… more
Date: November 1, 1955
Creator: Purcell, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some methods of surface analysis for the prediction of thermal resistance of metal contacts

Description: "Equations for the heat-transfer coefficient existing at the interface of two metals in contact are discussed. The results of applying the equations (with a graphical determination of the geometric parameters) to an iron--aluminum contact are presented. A method is given for performing the graphical analysis by means of a general purpose analog computer. Data are included that were obtained by applying this method to Blanchard ground stainless steel surfaces in contact. Statistical analysis was… more
Date: November 1, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperatures on the Surface of a Slug Jacket

Description: Prior to operating a chain reacting, graphite moderated, water cooled uranium pile at Hanford, the corrosive action of water on uranium was studied. It was necessary to enclose the uranium cylinders in Al jackets. Preliminary data were available which indicated Al jacket corrosion might be influenced by the water temperature. Therefore, in order to specify safe operating conditions, it was desirable to know the temperature at any position on the Al jacket of a slug in the tube. Because of the e… more
Date: November 1, 1944
Creator: Monet, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Element Transient Temperature Studies

Description: A method is presented for the analysis of transient temperatures in a homogeneous circular cylindrical fuel element in a coolant channel with no axial conduction and no heat loss to the channel wall. In addition, some results were obtained for mean fuel element temperatures in power transients for a simpler model, but accounting for details of the axial coolant temperature distribution in the unsteady state. (auth).
Date: November 1, 1961
Creator: Thompson, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of the Stability Constants of Salicylato-Beryllium Complexes by a Distribution Method

Description: An investigation of the solvent extraction behavior of salicylato- beryllium complexes is reported. A simplified method for calculating the stability constants has been developed. The values obtained are beta /sub 1/ = 4.0 x 10/sup 12/ and beta /sub 2/ = 4 3 x 10/sup 22/ in 0.15 M sodium perchlorate. (auth)
Date: November 1, 1961
Creator: Szego, L. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Observations on the Reactivity of Plutonium Dioxide

Description: The index of refraction of PuO2 made by thermal decomposition of PU(C2O2, 6H2O gradually increases from a value < 1.9 to 2.40 as the decomposition temperature is increased from 150 degree to l000 degree C. This change in refractive index parallels a gradual change in the x-ray diffraction pattern from weak, diffuse lines for PuO2 ignited at 150° to sharp, well resolved lines for PuO2 ignited at 1000°C. Similar results are observed for PuO2 made by thermal decomposition of Pu2(C2O4)3*11H2O. The … more
Date: November 1, 1954
Creator: Bjorklund, C.W. & Staritzky, Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Forging Techniques for Uranium

Description: Uranium has been successfully forged using a Lobdell-Nazel forging hammer and a forging temperature range of 500 to 650 degrees centigrade. Using standard forging techniques, the metal readily flowed at the temperature chosen. A noticeable increase in tensile strength, yield strength and percent elongation was obtained in forged metal as compared with cast metal. To obtain complete recrystallization and uniform grain size, a minimum of approximately 75 percent reduction in cross section by forg… more
Date: November 1, 1950
Creator: Anderson, R. E.; Taub, J. M. & Doll, D. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Nebraska

Description: Report documenting the suitability of Nebraska for plant locations to produce synthetic liquid fuels, based on raw materials, water sources, and local interest
Date: November 1, 1950
Creator: Ford, Bacon, and Davis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Considerations Regarding Stability of MTA Mark I as a Closed-Loop System

Description: The basic scheme under consideration in this research on stability of closed-loop of the Mark I machine is one in which a voltage proportional to the magnitude of the rf fields in the cavity acts to control rectifier voltage output. It is recognized that such is not the only scheme for maximization of output which may be conceived, but only what seems to be a logical and direct way of attaining such an objective.
Date: November 1, 1951
Creator: Waddell, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Non-Gravimetric Method for the Determination of Uranium on Platinum Discs

Description: From abstract: "This paper discusses a method for the determination of uranium on platinum discs which does not involve direct weighing of the deposited film. A statistical analysis of the results obtained indicates that the procedure is more consistent than that based on a gravimetric method and offers a relatively quick and convenient means for obtaining uranium assay results where an accuracy of approximately 99% is desired."
Date: November 1, 1946
Creator: Lilly, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Memo from Darla Thompson to Ken Whalen, November 1, 2005]

Description: A memo from Darla Thompson to Ken Whalen on November 1, 2005 with the subject Office Management Report, 2nd half of September & October. Thompson has sent Whalen a Texas Daily Newspaper Association report with updates on the association, accomplishments and other news.
Date: November 1, 2005
Creator: Texas Daily Newspaper Association
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Deposit Summary

Description: Deposit summary of $305.00 made on November 1, 2009.
Date: November 1, 2009
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Development of methods and procedures for high rate low energy expenditure fabrication of solar cells. Final report

Description: A one year program to develop a new concept for silicon solar cell production based upon the use of pulsed electron beam processes combined with ion implantation has been completed. Feasibility of producing solar cells at high speed by a simplified vacuum-room temperature processing sequence has been demonstrated. The method has many advantages, particularly for large scale production at lowest possible cost.
Date: November 1, 1976
Creator: Kirkpatrick, A. R.; Minnucci, J. A. & Greenwald, A. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics with polarized beams. Report of the ANL Technical Advisory Panel. [Research with polarized proton beams]

Description: Experimental directions which will be the most useful in developing underlying theories of hadronic collisions are outlined. As a pedagogical device to accomplish this, approximate percentages of a total program which could be devoted to different areas have been quoted. Findings are presented in the form of a short basic report with several long detailed appendices. In the basic report our opinion as to the amount of polarized beam experimental effort that should be applied to the following ar… more
Date: November 1, 1975
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of CTR irradiation on the mechanical properties of structural materials

Description: Mechanical properties of CTR structural materials are important in determining the reliability and economics of fusion power. Furthermore, these properties are significantly affected by the high neutron flux experienced by components in the regions near the plasma of the fusion reactor. In general, irradiation hardens the material and leads to a reduction in ductility. An exception to this is in some complex engineering alloys where either hardening or softening can be observed depending on the… more
Date: November 1, 1976
Creator: Wiffen, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy conversion and economics for geothermal power generation at Heber, California, Valles Caldera, New Mexico, and Raft River, Idaho: case studies. Topical report 2

Description: A portion of the results from a one-year study to assess the feasibility of constructing a 25 to 50 MWe geothermal power plant using low-salinity hydrothermal fluids as the energy source is presented. The objective of this report was to investigate the compatibility of the different power conversion options with real geothermal reservoirs and to analyze the economics of power generation. Nine cases are discussed which were chosen to yield further insight into the effect of reservoir temperature… more
Date: November 1, 1976
Creator: Holt, B. & Ghormley, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Methods for analysis of trace elements in coal, coal fly ash, soil, and plant samples. [59 refs]

Description: Results of a literature search are presented, and analytical methods are proposed for studies of trace elements in coal, coal ash residue, soil, and vegetation. Increased trace element levels in soils and plants collected near power plants have been reported by several investigators. Many sample dissolution and analysis techniques were used in the reported studies. A nine-laboratory comparison of trace element analyses for a variety of methods showed excessive variation relative to quoted uncer… more
Date: November 1, 1976
Creator: Slates, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of radiation-induced transient absorption and recovery in fiber optic waveguides. [Pulsed electrons and x-rays]

Description: The absorption induced in fiber optic waveguides by pulsed electron and X-ray radiation has been measured as a function of optical wavelength from 450 to 950 nm, irradiation temperature from -54 to 71/sup 0/C, and dose from 1 to 500 krads. The fibers studied are Ge-doped silica core fibers (Corning Low Loss), ''pure'' vitreous silica core fibers (Schott, Bell Laboratories, Fiberoptic Cable Corp., and Valtec Fiberoptics), polymethyl-methacrylate core fibers (DuPont CROFON and PFX), and polystyre… more
Date: November 1, 1976
Creator: Skoog, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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