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open access

COMP: a BASIC language nonlinear least-squares curve fitting program

Description: COMP is an interactive nonlinear least squares routine written in BASIC language and used to obtain estimates of parameters in nonlinear functions and to approximate their associated statistical errors. The program uses the linearizing (or Taylor Series) expansion of partial derivatives outlined in Draper and Smith, (1966, pp. 267 to 270). Therefore, partial derivatives must be supplied (as well as the function) by the user for any new models not currently contained in the programs. When a lineā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Thomas, J. M.; Cochran, M. I.; Watson, C. R. & Eberhardt, L. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic field, closed orbit, and energy measurement in the Bevatron

Description: This report provides the information necessary for a better evaluation of particle energy in the Bevatron. Previously, the nominal magnetic field value and radius were used to calculate the value for the kinetic energy of the particle. This value was good to a few percent. Today, more and more experimenters would like to know the energy to a more precise value. To this end, corrections to the measured magnetic field values and the radial closed orbit are provided.
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Crebbin, K. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project Monthly Report

Description: This monthly report summarizes the technical progress and project status for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project being conducted at Pacific Northwest Laboratory under the direction of a Technical Steering Panel.
Date: November 1, 1989
Creator: Dennis, B.S. (comp.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fusion utilization projections in the United States energy economy

Description: The following topics are discussed in some detail in this report: (1) applications of fusion energy, (2) fusion implementation in the US energy system, (3) reactor performance requirements, (4) technology for electric applications, and (5) technology for synthetic fuel/chemical applications. (MOW)
Date: November 1, 1979
Creator: Powell, J.R. & Fillo, J.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Enhanced durability and reactivity for zinc ferrite desulfurization sorbent

Description: AMAX Research Development Center (AMAX R D) has been investigating methods for enhancing the reactivity and durability of the zinc ferrite desulfurization sorbent. Zinc ferrite sorbents are intended for use in desulfurization of hot coal gas in integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) or molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) applications. For the present program, the reactivity of the sorbent may be defined as its sulfur sorption capacity at the breakthrough point and at saturation in a bench-ā€¦ more
Date: November 14, 1988
Creator: Jha, Mahesh C. & Berggren, Mark H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Digital SLIFER Recorder, Model A. [Underground nuclear explosions]

Description: The Digital SLIFER Recorder (DSR) is an instrument that records a time-varying frequency signal in the range from 700 kHz to 1500 kHz with an amplitude greater than 200 mV. This signal is referenced to an input fiducial marker, and recording is initiated by an increase in the frequency of the signal. The primary purpose of this instrument is to record data from the SLIFER system. The DSR records 512 samples after the record trigger signal, with a sample interval of 50 (for a total recorā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Breding, D.R.; Fogel, D.; Loukota, J.J.; Worthen, G.S. & Watterberg, J.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of the radiological survey at 12 Long Valley Road, Lodi, New Jersey (LJ054)

Description: Maywood Chemical Works (MCW) of Maywood, New Jersey, generated process wastes and residues associated with the production and refining of thorium and thorium compounds from monazite ores from 1916 to 1956. MCW supplied rare earth metals and thorium compounds to the Atomic Energy Commission and various other government agencies from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. Area residents used the sandlike waste from this thorium extracting process mixed with tea and cocoa leaves as mulch in their yards.ā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1989
Creator: Foley, R.D.; Floyd, L.M. & Carrier, R.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Efficiencies of gas neutralizers for multi-MeV beams of light negative ions

Description: Measurements are reported of the neutral and charged particle fractions produced by running beams of Li/sup -/, C/sup -/, O/sup -/, and Si/sup -/ at energies up to 7 MeV through gas cells of N/sub 2/, Ar, or CO/sub 2/. We discuss the implications of these measurements for the design of neutralizers to produce high energy light atom beams for heating or current drive in tokamaks.
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Grisham, L. R.; Post, D. E.; Johnson, B. M.; Jones, K. W.; Barette, J.; Kruse, T. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

General multi-configuration Hartree--Fock program: MCHF77. [In FORTRAN (double precision) for IBM 360 and 370]

Description: This technical report contains a listing of a general program for multi-configuration Hartree--Fock (MCHF) calculations, including its documentation. Several examples are given showing how the program may be used. Typical output for several cases is also presented. This program has been tested over an extended period of time for a large variety of cases. This program is written for the IBM 360 or 370 in double-precision arithmetic.
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Fischer, C F
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigations of the Natural Fission Reactor Program. Progress report, October 1976--September 1977

Description: During Fiscal Year 1977, efforts of the Natural Fission Reactor Program have been directed toward (1) further measurements and predictions of reactor product migration at Oklo, (2) uraninite solubility studies, (3) radiogenic equilibria studies of natural Pu, Ra, and Th in U ores, (4) search for evidence of other natural fission reactors, and (5) supportive analytical measurements and procedures development.
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Apt, K.E. (ed.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved ceramic heat exchanger material

Description: Various ceramic materials in the form of small, monolithic bars were screened as candidate materials in heat exchanger structures for automotive gas turbine engines. The material finally selected consists of 60 w/o* petalite (LAS) and 40 w/o of a recrystallizable glass which converts during thermal processing to cordierite (MAS). This new material, GE-3200, was fabricated by Coors Porcelain Company into a circular honeycomb structure 53.3 cm diameter and 10.2 cm thick (21'' x 4'') and having 69ā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Rauch, H. W., Sr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Titanium/gold process characterization

Description: Characterization of the titanium/gold (Ti/Au) deposition process used at the Allied-Signal Inc., Albuquerque Microelectronics Operation (AMO) was performed. Tests were conducted to set up evaporation parameters, correlate titanium and gold thicknesses to sheet resistance, improve thickness uniformity, and reduce frontside contamination of deposit material on product wafers. The Ti/Au process is the final step in the production of integrated circuits (ICs) at the AMO wafer fabrication facility. ā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1991
Creator: Fajardo, L.S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of mild gasification process

Description: Under a previous contract with Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC), Department of Energy (DOE) Contract No. AC21-84MC21108, UCC Research Corporation (UCCRC) built and tested a 1500 lb/day Mild Gasification Process Development Unit (MGU). The MGU, as tested under the previous contract, is shown in Figure 1. Testing completed under the previous contract showed that good quality hydrocarbon liquids and good quality char can be produced in the MGU. However, the MGU is not optimized. The primā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1987
Creator: Chu, C.I.C. & Gillespie, B.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of a water jet drill for development of geothermal resources. Progress report, October 1--November 30, 1977

Description: Progress is reported in the evaluation of the performance of a water jet drill in a stressed rock, particularly in drilling at hole diameters in excess of one inch. Drilling tests are being carried out in a barrier pillar in a layer of coarse, lead-bearing sandstone. Problems encountered in the test drilling are discussed. (JGB)
Date: November 30, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Islets of stability beyond period doubling

Description: Period doubling of a periodic orbit of an area preserving map appears to lead to the elimination of all closed invariant curves in the vicinity. We show, however, that there are always islets of stabilhty again beyond the accumulation point of the period doubling sequence.
Date: November 1, 1981
Creator: Mackay, R.S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Central receiver solar thermal power system, Phase 1. CDRL Item 2. Pilot plant preliminary design report. Volume IV. Receiver subsystem. [10-MW Pilot Plant and 100-MW Commercial Plant]

Description: The conception, design, and testing of the receiver subsystem proposed by the McDonnell Douglas/Rocketdyne Receiver team for the DOE 10-MW Pilot Plant and the 100-MW Commercial Plant are described. The receiver subsystem consists of the receiver unit, the tower on which the receiver unit is mounted above the collector field, and the supporting control and instrumentation equipment. The plans for implementation of the Pilot Plant are given including the anticipated schedule and production plan (ā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1977
Creator: Hallet, Jr., R. W. & Gervais, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phase-change thermal energy storage: Final subcontract report

Description: The research and development described in this document was conducted within the US Department of Energy's Solar Thermal Technology Program. The goal of this program is to advance the engineering and scientific understanding of solar thermal technology and to establish the technology base from which private industry can develop solar thermal power production options for introduction into the competitive energy market. Solar thermal technology concentrates the solar flux using tracking mirrors oā€¦ more
Date: November 1, 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Proposed Allied Services Act: Summary and Arguments, Pro and Con

Description: This report discusses the purpose of the bill which is to encourage and assist states and localities to develop, demonstrate and evaluate means of improving the utilization and effectiveness of human services through integrated planning, management, and delivery of those services in order to achieve the objectives of personal independence and individual and family economic self-sufficiency.
Date: November 14, 1975
Creator: House, Sharon
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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