Search Results

Primary view of 1979 New Mexico legislative session: energy issues and legislation. [WIPP]
Barsumian, L. & Vandevender, S.G.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Advances in materials science, Metals and Ceramics Division. Quarterly progress report, July-September 1979
Truhan, J.J. & Weld, F.N.
October 25, 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Final Report. Volume 1: Thief River Falls, Grand Forks, Fargo, Milbank, Watertown, New Ulm and St. Cloud Quadrangles of North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Final Report. Volume 2: Watertown Quadrangle of South Dakota/Minnesota
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Boise Quadrangle of Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 2. Final Report: Idaho Falls Quadrangle of Idaho
EG & G GeoMetrics
October 1979
Primary view of Alternative process schemes for coal conversion. Progress report No. 3, June 1-August 31, 1979
Sansone, M J & Dang, V D
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Amorphous thin films for solar cell application. Quarterly report No. 2, July 1-September 30, 1979
Jonath, A D; Crowley, J L; MacMillan, H F; Anderson, W W; Junga, F A; Kooi, C F et al.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Analysis of a coal brokerage for a midwest site. [Green Bay and Kewaunee, Wisconsin]
Knorr, R. & Wilkie, K.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Analysis of interactions of mechanical deformations and mass transfer on heat transfer from an underground nuclear-waste repository. Final report
Bloom, S.G. & Hulbert, L.E.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Analysis of regional banks' efforts to promote energy conservation among commercial customers. Task II
unknown creator
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Analytical chemical system for the determination of heavy metals and organic compounds. Annual progress report, December 1, 1978-November 30, 1979
Siggia, S. & Barnes, R. M.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Analytical study of TATB preheating methods
Chou, T.S.
October 29, 1979
Primary view of Antrim oil shale-electric heater and propane burner field ignition experiments. Topical report, August 1977-April 1978
Cole, J. L. & Shannon, J. E.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Application and experimental qualification of the equivalent solid plate method to the analysis of perforated plates with square penetration patterns
Jones, D. P. & Henry, G. M.
October 1979
Primary view of Application of interstate compacts to energy-facility siting
unknown creator
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Application of matrix formalism to problems with memory
Kheifets, S.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Application of oil-field well log interpretation techniques to the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field
Ershaghi, I.; Phillips, L. B.; Dougherty, E. L. & Handy, L. L.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Application of solar energy to industrial drying of soybeans: Phase III, performance evaluation. Final report
Hall, B. R.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Application of wind energy to Great Plains irrigation pumping. Final report
Hagen, L. J.; Lyles, L. & Skidmore, E. L.
October 1979
Primary view of Assessment of an atmospheric fluidized-bed coal-combustion gas-turbine cogeneration system for industrial application
Graves, R. L.; Holcomb, R. S. & Tallackson, J. R.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Assessment of feasibility, economics, and market potential for a molten salt system at 1000/sup 0/F reheat steam: feasibility, economics, and market potential
DeRienzo, P; Masaki, M & Mathur, P
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Atomic coherence created by a pulsed dye laser
Scarl, D.
October 3, 1979
Primary view of Auditing measurement control programs
Roberts, F.P. & Brouns, R.J.
October 1, 1979
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