Search Results

Primary view of Intermediate-depth geothermal temperature study. Gradient holes: 11-33 and 63-33, Soda Lake, NV
Hill, D.G.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Development of an extended-burnup Mark B design. First semi-annual progress report, July-December 1978. Report BAW-1532-1. [PWR]
unknown creator
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Feasibility Studies of in-Situ Coal Gasification in the Warrior Coal Field. Quarterly Report
Douglas, George W. & McKinley, Marvin D.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Axisymmetric instability in a noncircular tokamak
Lipschultz, B.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of District heating and cooling systems for communities through power plant retrofit distribution network. Final report, September 1, 1978-May 31, 1979
unknown creator
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Wilcox sandstone reservoirs in the deep subsurface along the Texas Gulf Coast - their potential for production of geopressured geothermal energy. Final report
Debout, D. G.; Weise, B. R.; Gregory, A. R. & Edwards, M. B.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Limited-angle imaging in positron cameras: theory and practice
Tam, K.C.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Silicon on ceramic process. Silicon sheet growth for Large-Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low-Cost Solar Array Project. Annual report No. 4, September 29, 1978-September 30, 1979
Chapman, P W; Zook, J D; Heaps, J D; Koepke, B; Grung, B L & Schuldt, S B
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Site-specific legal and institutional analysis of the barriers to geothermal hydrothermal commercialization present at target prospects in the five Pacific Rim states
unknown creator
October 20, 1979
Primary view of Investigation of the feasibility of using wind power for space heating in colder climates. Annual report for the period ending June 30, 1978. [University of Massachusetts Wind Furnace project]
Cromack, D E
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Generating technology assessment. Phase I work plan, Task 1 report
unknown creator
October 15, 1979
Primary view of Analysis of regional banks' efforts to promote energy conservation among commercial customers. Task II
unknown creator
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Seismic evaluation of commercial plutonium fabrication plants in the United States
Bernreuter, D. L.; Coats, D. W.; Murray, R. C. & Tokarz, F. J.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Amorphous thin films for solar cell application. Quarterly report No. 2, July 1-September 30, 1979
Jonath, A D; Crowley, J L; MacMillan, H F; Anderson, W W; Junga, F A; Kooi, C F et al.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Flash hydropyrolysis of coal. Quarterly report No. 9, April 1-June 30, 1979
unknown creator
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Ceramic coatings on diesel engine components. Period covered: January 1979-August 1979
Kvernes, I & Lillerud, K P
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Photoelectronic properties of zinc phosphide crystals, films and heterojunctions. Quarterly progress report No. 2, July 1-September 30, 1979
Bube, R.H.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Municipal waste energy recovery
unknown creator
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Energy sensitivity and variability analysis of Populus hybrid short-rotation plantations in northeastern United States. Final report
Bowersox, T.W. & Blankenhorn, P.R.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Fuel cell applied research: electrocatalysis and materials. Quarterly report, January 1-March 31, 1979
Srinivasan, S.; Isaacs, H. S.; McBreen, J.; O'Grady, W. E.; Olender, H.; Olmer, L. J. et al.
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Policy Analysis Screening System (PASS) demonstration: sample queries and terminal instructions
unknown creator
October 16, 1979
Primary view of Potential sources of non-petroleum based alcohols for vehicular fleet testing
unknown creator
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Statistics of wind fluctuations over complex terrain
Dutton, J A; Panofsky, H A; Larko, D; Shirer, H N; Stone, G & Vilardo, M
October 1, 1979
Primary view of Energy-environmental impacts of five energy conservation measures in the Middle Atlantic and Pacific states
Moskowitz, P. D.; Edelson, E.; Le, T. Q.; Sevian, W. A.; Smith, J. E. & Struth, A.
October 1, 1979
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