Search Results

Primary view of Application of solar energy to industrial drying of soybeans: Phase III, performance evaluation. Final report
Hall, B. R.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Energy savings by means of fuel cell electrodes in electro-chemical industries. Annual report for August 1, 1978-July 31, 1979
Allen, R. J.; Juda, W.; Lindstrom, R. W. & Petrow, H. G.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Evaluation of improved light water reactor core designs. Final progress report, September 1979. LWRCD-20
unknown creator
October 31, 1979
Primary view of National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program. Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Beeville NTMS Quadrangle, Texas. Uranium resource evaluation project
unknown creator
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Program RECENT (version 79-1): reconstruction of energy-dependent neutron cross sections from resonance parameters in the ENDF/B format. [In FORTRAN IV for CDC-7600 and Cray-1]
Cullen, D. E.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Program SIGMA1 (version 79-1): Doppler broaden evaluated cross sections in the evaluated nuclear data file/version B (ENDF/B) format
Cullen, D. E.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Radioecology of Natural Systems. Final Report, May 1, 1962-October 31, 1979
Whicker, F. W.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Radioisotope distribution program progress report for August 1979
Lamb, E.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Silicon on ceramic process. Silicon sheet growth for Large-Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low-Cost Solar Array Project. Annual report No. 4, September 29, 1978-September 30, 1979
Chapman, P W; Zook, J D; Heaps, J D; Koepke, B; Grung, B L & Schuldt, S B
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Simulation and design of solar thermal processes
unknown creator
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Special problems in nuclear instrumentation. Final report for period ending July 31, 1978
Spokas, J. J.
October 31, 1979
Primary view of Analysis of regional banks' efforts to promote energy conservation among commercial customers. Task II
unknown creator
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Municipal waste energy recovery
unknown creator
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Power-law thermal model for blackbody sources
Del Grande, N.K.
October 30, 1979
Primary view of Analytical study of TATB preheating methods
Chou, T.S.
October 29, 1979
Primary view of Determination of neutron cross sections and resonance parameters for the stable tellurium isotopes for thallium 205, for the osmium isotopes, and for uranium 238. Progress report, March 1, 1979-November 1, 1979. [Denison Univ. , Granville, Ohio]
Winters, R. R.
October 29, 1979
Primary view of Forging evaluaion of 304L stainless steel
Packard, C. L. & Edstrom, C. M.
October 29, 1979
Primary view of Progress report for the US Department of Energy, December 1, 1978-October 31, 1979
unknown creator
October 26, 1979
Primary view of Advances in materials science, Metals and Ceramics Division. Quarterly progress report, July-September 1979
Truhan, J.J. & Weld, F.N.
October 25, 1979
Primary view of Analytical chemical system for the determination of heavy metals and organic compounds. Annual progress report, December 1, 1978-November 30, 1979
Siggia, S. & Barnes, R. M.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Corrosion of delta plutonium by synthetic sea water
Hodges, A. E., III & Haschke, J. M.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Energy sensitivity and variability analysis of Populus hybrid short-rotation plantations in northeastern United States. Final report
Bowersox, T.W. & Blankenhorn, P.R.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Fallout model for system studies
Harvey, T. F. & Serduke, F. J. D.
October 24, 1979
Primary view of Technical information program summary: radiation protection - issues, terms, definitions
unknown creator
October 24, 1979
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