Search Results

Adams, R.K.
August 17, 1956
Primary view of Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Semiannual Progress Report: January 1 - June 30, 1962
Aerojet-General Corporation
August 17, 1962
Primary view of Federal Liability for Hurricane Katrina-Related Flood Damage
Alexander, Kristina
August 17, 2007
Primary view of Gray Wolves Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Distinct Population Segments and Experimental Populations
Alexander, Kristina & Corn, M. L.
August 17, 2011
Primary view of Synchrotron radiation power calculations and bending radius choice for LER (Low Energy Ring)
Alexandrov, A.; Hutton, A. & Logatchev, P.
August 17, 1990
Primary view of Investigation of a triangular wing in conjunction with a fuselage and horizontal tail to determine downwash and longitudinal-stability characteristics: transonic bump method
Allen, Edwin C.
August 17, 1951
Primary view of The First Day of a New Congress: A Guide to Proceedings on the House Floor
Amer, Mildred L.
August 17, 2005
Primary view of Phase I Archaeological Survey of Parcel ED-3 and Historic Assessement of the Happy Valley Worker Camp Roane County, Tennessee
Associates, New South
August 17, 2009
Primary view of Vadose Zone Microbial Community Structure and Activity in Metal/Radionuclide Contaminated Sediments. Final Technical Report
Balkwill, David L.
August 17, 2002
Primary view of From double exchange to superexchange in charge ordering perovskite manganites
Bao, W.; Axe, J. D.; Chen, C. H.; Cheong, S. W.; Schiffer, P. & Roy, M.
August 17, 1998
Primary view of Disaster Evacuation and Displacement Policy: Issues for Congress
Bea, Keith
August 17, 2006
Primary view of Exemptions from Environmental Law for the Department of Defense: Background and Issues for Congress
Bearden, David M.
August 17, 2007
Primary view of Removing gaseous contaminants in {sup 3}He by cryogenic stripping
Benapfl, M.; Biltoft, P. & Coombs, A.
August 17, 1995
Primary view of Real Data for Real Routes
Best, Ralph; Maheras, S. J.; McSweeney, T. I. & Ross, S. B.
August 17, 2001
Primary view of A Transportation Risk Assessment Tool for Analyzing the Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste to the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository
Best, Ralph; Winnard, Thomas; Ross, Steven & Best, Ralph
August 17, 2001
Primary view of Contractor Sales Training: Providing the Skills Necessary to Sell Comprehensive Home Energy Upgrades
Billingsley, Megan & Stuart, Elizabeth
August 17, 2011
Primary view of Status report for chemical development, sections A and B for week ending August 10, 1956
Blanco, R. E. & Ferguson, D. E.
August 17, 1956
Primary view of Pilot Testing of WRI'S Novel Mercury Control Technology by Pre-Combustion Thermal Treatment of Coal
Bland, Alan; Newcomer, Jesse & Sellakumar, Kumar
August 17, 2008
Primary view of Clean Air Act Amendments And The 97th Congress
Blodgett, John E.
August 17, 1981
Primary view of A novel geotechnical/geostatistical approach for exploration and production of natural gas from multiple geologic strata. Technical progress report, April--June 1993
Brunk, R. G.
August 17, 1993
Primary view of Effects of Tohoku Tsunami and Fukushima Radiation on the U.S. Marine Environment
Buck, Eugene H. & Upton, Harold F.
August 17, 2012
Primary view of Development of precipitated iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. Quarterly technical progress report, April 1, 1995--June 30, 1995
Bukur, D.B.; Lang, X.; Wei, G. & Xiao, S.
August 17, 1995
Primary view of Preliminary test specification for neutron detector test to be irradiated at the Plum Brook Reactor (21/W003)
Bush, N. & Rothleder, B.M.
August 17, 1965
Primary view of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Project Design Basis Capacity Study
August 17, 2000
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