Search Results

Primary view of Analytical results on leachings from Nutsche Filters
Barton, G.B.
July 2, 1951
Primary view of Physics Division Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending March 20, 1951
Bernstein, S.; Snell, A. H. & Wollan, E. O.
July 2, 1951
Primary view of Chemistry Division Quarterly Report March, April, May 1952
unknown creator
July 2, 1952
Primary view of An Investigation of the Effect of the WADC 30,000-Horsepower Whirl Rig Upon the Static Characteristics of a Propeller
Salters, Leland B., Jr. & Norton, Harry T., Jr.
July 2, 1952
Primary view of Wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of wing-fuselage combination at high subsonic speeds: Sweep series
Wiggins, James W. & Kuhn, Richard E.
July 2, 1952
Primary view of An experimental investigation at subsonic and supersonic speeds of the torsional damping characteristics of a constant-chord control surface of an aspect ratio 2 triangular wing
Reese, David E., Jr.
July 2, 1953
Primary view of Principles and Techniques of Ultrasonic Inspection
Psillas, H. C. & Ballard, D. W.
July 2, 1953
Primary view of A Study of Visual Interception Attacks on a Nonmaneuvering Airplane Target
Cheatham, Donald C.; Mathews, Charles W. & Harper, John A.
July 2, 1953
Primary view of The Use of Area Suction for the Purpose of Improving Trailing-Edge Flap Effectiveness on a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing
Cook, Woodrow L.; Holzhauser, Curt A. & Kelly, Mark W.
July 2, 1953
Primary view of Design and Experimental Investigation of Light-Weight Bases for Air-Cooled Turbine Rotor Blades
Freche, John C. & McKinnon, Roy A.
July 2, 1954
Primary view of Engine performance of alloy 73J turbine blades cast to predetermined grain sizes
Johnston, James R.; Gyorgak, Charles A. & Weeton, John W.
July 2, 1954
Primary view of Multiple over-all performance and rotating-stall characteristics of a 15-stage experimental axial-flow compressor at an intermediate speed
Lucas, James G. & Filippi, Richard E.
July 2, 1954
Primary view of Performance of a Short Turbojet Combustor With Hydrogen Fuel in a Quarter-Annulus Duct and Comparison With Performance in a Full-Scale Engine
Friedman, Robert; Norgren, Carl T. & Jones, Robert E.
July 2, 1956
Primary view of Performance of a short turbojet combustor with hydrogen fuel in a quarter-annulus duct and comparison with performance in a full-scale engine
Friedman, Robert; Norgren, Carl T. & Jones, Robert E.
July 2, 1956
Primary view of Progress Relating to Civilian Applications During June, 1956
Dayton, Russell W. & Tipton, Clyde R., Jr.
July 2, 1956
Primary view of Tests With Hydrogen Fuel in a Simulated Afterburner
Kerslake, W. R. & Dangle, E. E.
July 2, 1956
Primary view of Tests with hydrogen fuel in a simulated afterburner
Kerslake, W. R. & Dangle, E. E.
July 2, 1956
Primary view of The aerodynamic characteristics of a body in the two-dimensional flow field of a circular-arc wing at a Mach number of 2.01
Gapcynski, John P. & Carlson, Harry W.
July 2, 1957
Primary view of The Effects at Subsonic Speeds of Wing Fences and a Tail on the Longitudinal Characteristics of a 63 Degree Swept-Wing Fuselage Combination
Buell, Donald A. & Kolbe, Carl D.
July 2, 1957
Primary view of Flight Measurements and Calculations of Wing Loads and Load Distributions at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds
Malvestuto, Frank S.; Cooney, Thomas V. & Keener, Earl R.
July 2, 1957
Primary view of The Sine-Cosine Method for Reducing the Interference Pressure Drag of Sweptback Wings
Faget, Maxime A.
July 2, 1957
Primary view of Sodium Boiling Calculations
Nicholson, R. B.
July 2, 1957
Primary view of 105-N charge-discharge rates
Nesbitt, J. F.
July 2, 1959
Primary view of In-Pile Loop Tests of GCRE Elements (I-IT and I-I'T)
Nakazato, S.; Williams, P. M. & Wilson, W. D.
July 2, 1959
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