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open access

Operation of the 184" Cyclotron

Description: The operation of the 184" synchro-cyclotron is reviewed in terms of the theory as developed by the authors. Certain relevant data on the properties of the magnet and rotating condenser are also presented.
Date: May 17, 1949
Creator: Henrich, L. R.; Sewell, D. C. & Vale, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Steam Power Plants: Economics

Description: Economic study covering several classes of cycles of reactor steam power plants.
Date: May 25, 1954
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Shielding Requirements for the Army Package Power Reactor

Description: Abstract. The design, selection, and calculation of the Army Package Power Reactor shielding are described. The APPR-1, a prototype of a package reactor for remote locations, has a primary shield of iron and water. this shield has been adopted to permit fast erection and to provide low transported weight. economically, including transportation cost, the iron water shield is better than a lead water shield and is competitive with a concrete shield for a remote site. Because of the location at… more
Date: May 1, 1956
Creator: Meem, J. L. (James Lawrence). & Fairbanks, F. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Analysis for the Army Package Power Reactor No. 1

Description: Abstract: The reactor analysis of the critical experiment and the APPR-1 resulted in a loading of the APPR-1 of 31.096 gm of B-10 with 22.5 kg U-335. This loading will result in adequate reactivity for a core life of 13 MWYR based on uniform burnup of U-335 and B-10. Calculations indicate that five of the seven control rods provided are more than adequate to shut the reactor down at any time. The temperature coefficient of reactivity should be at least -2 x 10-4 [delta] K/0F.
Date: May 29, 1956
Creator: Gallagher, J. G.; Giesler, H. W.; Johnson, W. R.; Fairbanks, F. B.; Oby, P. V. & Crouch, A. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Analysis for the Army Package Power Reactor No. 1

Description: Abstract: The reactor analysis of the critical experiment and the APPR-1 resulted in a loading of the APPR-1 of 31.096 gm of B-10 with 22.5 kg U-335. This loading will result in adequate reactivity for a core life of 13 MWYR based on uniform burnup of U-335 and B-10. Calculations indicate that five of the seven control rods provided are more than adequate to shut the reactor down at any time. The temperature coefficient of reactivity should be at least -2 x 10-4 [delta] K/0F.
Date: May 29, 1956
Creator: Gallagher, J. G.; Giesler, H. W.; Johnson, W. R.; Fairbanks, F. B.; Oby, P. V. & Crouch, A. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Extended Zero Power Experiments on the Army Package Power Reactor : ZPE-2

Description: Introduction: This report is principally concerned with analysis of measurements taken on the APPR-1 core during the course of the extended Zero Power Experiments (ZPE-2). The bulk of these measurements are reported in APAE No. 21. There are some additional measurements reported in APAE Memo 115. In addition to the analysis of the ZPE-2 data some re-evaluation has been made of a few of the results obtained from the first set of Zero Power Experiments (ZPE-1). The ZPE-1 measurements are repor… more
Date: May 7, 1958
Creator: Byrne, B. J. & Oby, P. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Automatic Analyzing Monitor for Reactor Effluent Cooling Water

Description: From objective: "The objective of this work was to design, develop, assemble, and test and automatic analyzing monitor for recording the prominent isotopes in reactor effluent cooling water."
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Rieck, H. G.; Ratcliffe, C. A. & Schwendiman, L. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Description of Purex Plant Process

Description: Description of Purex plant process for irradiated uranium for the separation and decontamination of plutonium and uranium from each other and from fission products.
Date: May 19, 1959
Creator: Irish, E. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Summary Report for the Army Package Power Reactor : SM-1, Task XVII

Description: Preface. This technical report is an updated and revised version of the original SM-1 (APPR-1) Hazards Summary Report. The original report was issued July 1955, almost two years before construction of the SM-1 plant was completed. During that time interval there were numerous design changes. Consequently, the original report does not accurately describe the plant as built. This revision is written after the SM-1 has been operated 3 years. It describes the as-build plant and includes plant mo… more
Date: May 1960
Creator: Rosen, S. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scale "Up or Down" Analysis for Prototype Test

Description: Introduction: In conjunction with the final design and development of a 70 MW sodium intermediate heat exchanger and a sodium steam generator, an analysis is required which can be used as a basis for a determination to scale up or scale down the designs. Included in this analysis are those considerations leading to the recommendation of the best prototype test unit and to some of the limits imposed on scaling up or down when considering future applications of designs other than those actually … more
Date: May 1, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The ML-1 Design Report

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the design of the mobile nuclear power plant which is to be the prototype of a mobile, low-powered nuclear power plant intended to furnish electrical power in remote locations."
Date: May 16, 1960
Creator: Linenberger, G. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Superheat and Moisture Separation on the SM-2 Design

Description: From abstract: "The study evaluates the utilization of superheat and moisture separation techniques in the SM-2 design to improve the steam plant reliability and thermal efficiency. Ease of packaging, steam plant transient response, and capital costs are also considered. The reference design used for comparison is the steam cycle employing saturated steam at 600 psia described in APAE No. 40, Volume II."
Date: May 27, 1960
Creator: Phelps, E. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interim Report of Nuclear Analysis Performed on SM-2 Core and Vessel : September 1, 1958 to December 31, 1959.

Description: Abstract: This technical report contains a description of the nuclear analysis performed upon the SM-2 core and vessel for the period September 1, 1958 to December 31, 1959. Calculations are given for core reactivity, power distributions, lifetime, reactor control, kinetics, radiation problems, fuel and poison burn-ups, and the nuclear effects of poisons, temperature, and geometry. Wherever possible, experimental data is included in order to test the validity of the analytical models. The SM-… more
Date: May 27, 1960
Creator: Bobe, P. E.; Birken, S. H.; Byrne, B. J.; Clancy, E. F. & Fried, B. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey of Piping Failures for the Reactor Primary Coolant Pipe Rupture Study

Description: From summary: "An industrial piping failure survey covering 701 contacts in electric utilities, petroleum refineries, chemical processing, marine applications, architect-engineers, component manufacturers, piping fabricating and erectors, insurance companies, and others was conducted as part of the Reactor Primary Coolant Rupture Study."
Date: May 1964
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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