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open access

Research on Accelerated Reliability Testing Methods Applicable to Non-Electronic Components of Flight Control Systems

Description: Report detailing a study of techniques for the testing of electromechanical components in time compressed form. Included is a synopsis of program effort, description of work accomplished, along with recommendations, for techniques including system failure mode analysis, classification and ranking of failure modes in terms of influence and frequency of occurrence, and physics of failure analysis at part and material levels.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Johnson, W. F.; Stulen, F. H.; McAvoy, F. M.; Schulte, W. C. & Meyer, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Generative AI in Higher Education: The Product Landscape

Description: The authors of this report explain that their findings are designed to enrich the descriptive data captured through the use of their product tracking tool. The authors provide a typology of existing products and value propositions, then they offer observations about what the product landscape suggests about the future of teaching, learning, and research practices, and speculations on the near-term future of the academic generative AI market.
Date: March 7, 2024
Creator: Baytas, Claire & Ruediger, Dylan
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Time for a Pause: Without Effective Public Oversight, AI in Schools Will Do More Harm Than Good.

Description: Report discussing research related to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school systems. The authors implore federal, state, and district policymakers to slow down and restrict the implementation of AI in schools until proper research has been completed and ethical concerns are addressed.
Date: March 2024
Creator: Williamson, Ben; Molnar, Alex & Boninger, Faith
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Opportunities and Challenges

Description: This report summarizes the discussions of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program's Artificial Intelligence R&D, and Cyber Security and Information Assurance's workshop in 2019. The workshop was held to assess the research challenges and opportunities at the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
Date: March 2020
Creator: McDaniel, Patrick; Launchbury, John; Martin, Brad; Wang, Cliff & Kautz, Henry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Deterrence Strategy 2023

Description: This report describes how the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program plans to deploy AI methods in the unique high-security and high-consequence environment in which the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) must operate.
Date: March 11, 2024
Creator: United States. Department of Energy.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications

Description: Report representing the results of a Comptroller General forum on recent developments in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) - and key implications regarding potential benefits, challenges to realizing these benefits, and resulting policy implications and research priorities.
Date: March 2018
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report December 1959 - Chemical Technology Division

Description: Progress is reported on several projects: Druhm, fission product recovery by solvent extraction, fuel cycle development, OCR coolant purification studies, ion exchange, power reactor fuel processing and waste processing.
Date: March 3, 1960
Creator: Bresee, J. C.; Blomeke, J. O.; Haas, P. A.; Horton, R. W.; Ryon, A. D.; Watson, C. D. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Automatic Control and Load Swing Test. Test Results DL-S-144 (T-554924). Section I. Second Performance

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the controlling ability of the Reactor Power and Temperature Control System and to determine the operational characteristics of the station during load swings after change of operating conditions from 523 F, 2000 psi, to 500 F, 1800 psi. The Reactor Power and Temperature Control System satisfactorily controlled rod movements to maintain all primary plant parameters within their individual limits during steady state operation and during ramp function loa… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Mafrica, Roces
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air Diffusion in the Air Operating Water Flask. Section I. Test Results DL-S-205 (T-641110)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the effect of continuous air pressurization of the Valve Operating System water flask on the the oxygen concentration of the water in the flask. Oxygen concentration in the Valve Operating System water flask increased during the testing period of seventeen days. It cannot be determined from the data obtained if equilibrium oxygen concentration was reached. The distribution of oxygen in the flask at the end of 17 days varied from approximately 12 ppm in t… more
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: Beckwith, Robert A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section II. Fifth Performance.1692.2 EFPH. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine critical bank heights and bank worths for various rod configurations at normal plant operating temperature and pressure after 1692.8 EFPH's of Reactor operation. The critical bank heights and bank worths were determined for six different control rod configurations at a coolant temperature and pressure of 520 F and 1780 psig and are charted in the report.
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: McTish, James M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section I. Fourth Performance. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine critical bank heights and bank worths for various rod configurations at ambient temperature. The critical bank heights and bank worths at a coolant temperature and pressure of 130F and 400 psig were determined and are charted in the report. The test was performed after 556.6 EFPE of operation of the station.
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Handling, Service and Waste Disposal Buildings Drain Test. Section I. Test Results DL-S-230 (T-641115)

Description: The purpose of the test was to prove the integrity of the non-active drains, the special drains, the sanitary drains, the chemical waster drains and the storm water drains by means of a water flow test and visual inspection. The two roof boxes and the one floor drain of 1B Auxiliary Equipment Room did not drain properly. The lab sink in the west end of the Radiochemistry Lab drained to the Special Monitored West Transfer Tank instead of the Monitored Waster Transfer Tank. All other drains funct… more
Date: March 31, 1959
Creator: Barclay, Richard E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section II. Fourth Performance. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine critical bank heights and bank worths for various rod configurations at normal plant operating temperature and pressure. The critical bank heights and bank worths were determined for various rod configurations after 560 EFPH's of reactor operations are charted in the report.
Date: March 31, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bibliography on Uranium Dioxide

Description: A bibliography of 284 references to AEC reports US patents and the periodical literature of the world.
Date: March 1959
Creator: Hausner, Henry H. (Henry Herman), 1901-1995
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear-Conventional Power Plant Cost Study. Conventional Coal Fired Power Plants : 25,000 KW to 325,000 KW for Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

Description: In order to establish a basis for comparing the estimated cost of nuclear power plant designs, a set of general and detailed design considerations for conventional coal-fired power plants was established. Five preliminary designs of conventional coal-fired power plants ranging in size from 25to 325 mw were selected, and cost estimates were prepared. ( A.C.)
Date: March 2, 1959
Creator: Chittenden, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Neutron Scattering from Thick, Plane Slabs of Concrete, Aluminum, and Water

Description: The purpose of the experiment was to obtain scattering data for fast neutrons. Evidence is south as to the validity of the albedo approach in predicting the back-scattered neutrons does from large, thick plane media. If a neutron energy flux corresponding to a dose rate of J+ passes from one medium containing a source into a moderating medium a quantity of energy will pass back into the medium containing the source. The quantity measured was the dose rate.
Date: March 1958
Creator: Gilbert, Homer Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Iodine Monitoring at the National Reactor Testing Station

Description: Operations at the National Reactor Testing Station generally involve new types of fuel elements or reactors or the chemical processing of spent fuel elements. Because the isotopes of iodine are produced in high yield during fission and their short half lives permit equilibrium concentrations to be built up rapidly considerable inventories of these isotopes will be present after a reactor has operated for a relatively short length of time. The gaseous nature of the element allows its escape afte… more
Date: March 23, 1959
Creator: Sill, Claude W. & Flygare, J. Kenneth, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control Rod Positions for Criticality. Section II. Third Performance. Test Results DL-S-149 (T-550130)

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine critical bank heights and bank worths for various rod configurations at normal plant operating temperature and pressure. The critical bank heights and bank worths were determined for various rod combinations are charted in the report.
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: Baird, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Periodic Radiation Survey. Section III. Second Performance. Test Results DL-S-184, T-612076

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the rate of radioactive decay of the hairpin loops after isolation and to determine the changes in radiation level resulting from continued operation of the reactor at power. The results indicate that the radiation decayed very rapidly after isolation of the hairpin loop. After one minute, the level had decayed to nearly its lowest point. Discrepancies which appear in the data can be attributed to two factors: (1) changing the survey meter part way thro… more
Date: March 24, 1959
Creator: Shramko, John, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System. Section III. Second Performance. Test Results DL-S-136 (T-550090)

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the performance of the Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System with four reactor coolant loops at operating temperature. Due to the fact that the test was performed with the chamber door open, no significant conclusion can be arrived at concerning the efficiency of the Air Cool System. The 1B supply fan circulated approximately 20 per cent less air than the 1A fan during the test. Later investigation revealed that the turning vanes above the 1B dampe… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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