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open access

Photoelastic evaluation of Phoebus 2 main closure design

Description: A two dimensional photoelastic study of two designs of clamps for the Phoebus 2 main closure is detailed. Predicted prototype stress data is given in the form of a stress parameter which includes the axial load and a representative clamp radius.
Date: February 5, 1965
Creator: Fischer, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design and Operating Experience of the ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (EVESR)

Description: Summary: "The various design features significant to superheat are described for the 12-1/2 MW., 960 psig, 1050° F, steam-cooled, low-enriched, annular-fueled, experimental superheat reactor built by the General Electric Company at the Vallecitos Atomic Power Laboratory. Results obtained during the first six months of full-power operation, on the emergency cooling system, core thermal performance, and pressure vessel temperatures are presented and compared with predictions. Operating experience… more
Date: February 1965
Creator: Ianni, P. W.; Fritz, J. R. & Law, D. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lithologic Log of the U12g.06-U1 Core Drill Hole, Area 12, Nevada Test Site

Description: The following report presents the lithologic log of the description of the tuff penetrated by the U12g.06-U1 core drill hole located at the end of the U12g main tunnel at the Area 12, Nevada Test Site.
Date: February 15, 1965
Creator: Emerick, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical feasibility of using uranium oxide fuels at Hanford

Description: The use of uranium oxide fuel and the dispensing with metallic fuel elements in the Hanford production reactors have been contemplated in the past but have not been examined in any detail. This report reviews the technical feasibility of using oxide fuel and discusses the reactor limitations and changes in plutonium and isotope production. These results are based on preliminary calculations and a research and development program would be required to establish the validity of the calculated valu… more
Date: February 15, 1965
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Branch monthly report, January--December 1965

Description: This document provides a discussion of Reactor Branch activities during the months of January 1965 through December 1965. (FI)
Date: February 9, 1965
Creator: Plum, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pressure drop characteristics of solid aluminum dummy patterns in K Zircaloy-2 process tube

Description: Pressure drop tests were performed in the 189-D-Hydraulics Laboratory to determine the number of K-Reactor solid aluminum pieces (SAs) required to throttle the tube flow of a 46-piece KVE and a 38-piece KVN arch-rail I&E fuel charge to that of a corresponding bridge-rail charge. In addition, the effects on Panellit pressure and tube flow were determined for several cases.
Date: February 16, 1965
Creator: Angle, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research and Engineering Operation Irradiation Processing Department monthly record report, January 1965

Description: Process and Reactor Development progress includes depleted uranium irradiation in the B and KE reactors and thoria irradiation in the B, C, D, KE, and KW reactors. Reactor Engineering reports on higher graphite temperature tests, graphite strength tests, heat removal requirements following reactor shutdown, and reactor deactivation. Reactor Physics topics include: E-Q loading, test facility loss of coolant protection, ball 3X replacement, and in-core flux monitors. Radiological Engineering repo… more
Date: February 3, 1965
Creator: Greager, O. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Examination of furnace belt failure in 232-Z incinerator

Description: Metallographic examination has been completed on samples from the Nichrome V wire mesh furnace belt in the 232-Z building incinerator. During service the furnace belt had broken in several places where the wire was welded together. A grain boundary phase was found in weld metal during metallographic examination of the as received material. It is probable to conclude that the failure during service was caused by accelerated corrosion of the weld and that the accelerated corrosion in that area wa… more
Date: February 11, 1965
Creator: Nelson, T. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production Test IP-719: The effect of water plant variables on effluent activity. Final report

Description: One source of the parent materials which are converted into the radioisotopes in reactor effluent is the impurity content of Columbia River water. It has been demonstrated that as the efficiency of removal of the radioisotope parent materials increases, the amount of radioisotopes in the reactor effluent decreases. An example of this is the activity reduction which results from the use of high alum feed. In order to determine whether effluent activity would be influenced by the length of filter… more
Date: February 23, 1965
Creator: Geier, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Exposure data, Y test hole - C reactor

Description: This report gives the exposure data for the C Reactor at the Hanford Reservation February 1965.
Date: February 25, 1965
Creator: Ferguson, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: January 1965

Description: This report details activities of the Chemical Processing Department during the month of January 1965.
Date: February 23, 1965
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiochemical analyses of water samples collected postshot in the vicinity of Tatum Dome, Mississippi. Technical letter: Dribble 42

Description: On the basis of the analytical methods used, preliminary radiochemical analysis of the water samples collected after the Salmon event indicate that no detectable level of radioactive contamination exists. Samples were obtained from the calcite caprock at a depth of 934 to 1,006 feet and through intervening aquifers to aquifer 1 at a depth of 365 to 421 feet from the surface. The water sample collected from the calcite caprock was taken within approximately 1,700 feet of the detonation. Periodic… more
Date: February 8, 1965
Creator: Janzer, V. J. & Rucker, S. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Computer calculation of angular momentum coupling coefficients and of (d,p) stripping reaction cross section. Technical report No. 14. [B53 DWC, B53GOR, B53RIM, B53SIX, in FORTRAN]

Description: A theoretical expression for the stripping differential cross section is derived and prepared for computer evaluation. Input information is provided for the code B53DWC, which calculates this cross section, and the codes B53GOR, B53SIX, and B53RIM, which evaluate 3-J, 6-J, and 9-J coefficients. (RWR)
Date: February 1, 1965
Creator: Strobel, G.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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