Search Results

Primary view of Abscopal Effects of Localized Irradiation by Accelerator Beams
Jansen, C. R.; Bond, V. P.; Rai, K. R. & Lippincott, S. W.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Acid-Base Reactions in Fused Salts. Dichromate-Bromate Reaction
Duke, F. R. & Schlegel, James
February 1963
Primary view of Aeroradioactivity Survey and Geology of the Gnome (Carlsbad) Area, New Mexico and Texas (ARMS-I)
MacKallor, Jules A.
February 1963
Primary view of The Calculation of Zero-Point Energies of Molecules by Perturbation Methods
Wolfsberg, Max
February 1963
Primary view of Chronic Excess Salt Consumption as an Etiologic Factor in Human Hypertension
Dahl, Lewis K.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of A Computer Program for Calculating Neutron Interaction Between Cylindrical Storage Containers
Lanes, Stephen J. & Rosenberg, Theodore
February 1963
Primary view of Determination of Beryllium in Urine by Ion Exchange Separation and Fluorimetric Measurement
Sutton, Doris C.
February 1963
Primary view of Di-Interstitial Annealing During the First Neutron Irradiation of Graphite: The Mobility of C2
Schweitzer, Donals G.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of A Differential Equation from the Theory of Neutron Thermalisation
Wade, F J
February 1963
Primary view of The Effects of 250-kv X-Ray on the Dog's Pancreas: Morphological and Functional Changes
Archamefau, John; Griem, Melvin & Harper, Paul
February 1, 1963
Primary view of The Effects of Chronic Gamma Irradiation on the Growth of Kalanchoe cv. "Brilliant Star"
Stein, O. L. & Sparrow, A. H.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of The Effects of Radiations of Different let on Early Responses in the Mammal
Bateman, J. L. & Bond, V. P.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Effects of Trichinella Spiralis Infection on Incorporation of Amino Acids into Serum and Hemoglobin
Hankes, Lawrence V. & Stone, Richard D.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Elimination of Phases the Life Cycle of Leukemic Cells From in Vivo Labeling in Human Beings With Tritiated Thymidine
Killmann, S. A.; Cronkite, E. P.; Robertson, J. S.; Fliedner, T. M. & Bond, V. P.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Energy Dependence Determinations in the 60-180 KeV Range with an X-Ray Machine of Varying Output
Shambon, Arthur; Zila, Albert & Sanna, Robert S.
February 1963
Primary view of Experimental Radiation Measurements in Conventional Structures: Part 2. Comparison of Measurements in Above-Ground and Below-Ground Structures From Simulated and Actual Fallout Radiation
Burson, Z. G. (Zolin G.)
February 1963
Primary view of The Fate of Transfused H3 Thymidine Labeled Bone Marrow Cells in Irradiated Recipients
Fliedner, T. M.; Thomas, E. D.; Meyer, L. M. & Cronkite, E. P.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of The Function of Bridging Groups in Electron-Transfer Reactions
Hush, N. S.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Fundamental Problem of Late Neurological EffectFollowing Acute Irradiation
Yamamoto, Y. L.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Indirect Effect of X-Radiation on Bone Growth in Rats
Conard, R. A.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Inelastic Interactions of 11.4 Bec/c π" Mesons in Hydrogen
Ferbel, T. & Taft, H.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of Ionization Chambers for Environmental Radiation Measurements
Shambon, Arthur; Lowder, Wayne M. & Condon, William J.
February 1963
Primary view of Lysogeny in Rhizobium Leguminosarum and R. Trifolii
Schwinghamer, E. A. & Reinhardt, D. J.
February 1, 1963
Primary view of The Microbeam as a Tool in Radiobiology
Curtis, Howard J.
February 1, 1963
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