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open access

Analytical considerations for K-downcomer and bellows

Description: A free body diagram of the bellows will show the possibility of three forces -- one in each direction, three moments -- one in each plane, and the internal pressure. Any or all of these forces and moments may fluctuate due to variations in a driving force, e.g., separation of streamlines which creates slugging of flow through an elbow. Whereas the static equilibrium condition can be analyzed and stresses and strains computed, the dynamic condition cannot be approached without information on the… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Lomax, C. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fission Product Activity in SM-1 Core I Primary System and Surface Contamination on SM-1 Type Fuel Elements. Task XVIII, Phases 2 and 3

Description: Abstract; The fission product data obtained during SM-1 Core I operation (June 1957 - May 1960) is reviewed briefly and interpreted. Evidence is presented to indicate that a fuel element defect was responsible for the high fission product activity level observed in the primary coolant. Relative escape coefficients are calculated and the defect size estimated. Anticipated fission product levels during SM-1 Core II and SM-1A Core I operation are estimated from alpha surface contamination data o… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Hasse, Robert A. & Zegger, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Zirconium Alloys : Summary Report, April 1, 1960 - January 31, 1961

Description: Abstract: "The objectives of this program are the development of zirconium-base alloys possessing exceptionally good corrosion resistance to 680 F water or 750-900 F system and/or improved strength at elevated temperatures. Approximately 100 binary compositions were prepared and screened by corrosion testing in 680 F water; selected compositions were exposed to 750 F steam. The data obtained indicate promising bases for ternary and quaternary alloys. Related investigations involving zirconium p… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Weinstein, Daniel; Holtz, F. C. & Van Thyne, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mound Laboratory Monthly Progress Report for February 1961

Description: A survey and re-evaluation of previous work on polyurethane and polyurethane--epoxy copolymer systems was initiated to determine which phases are more productive than others. The effects of varying excess polyol content were studied. Work was carried out to define the amounts of butamediol that the system Adiprene L-213-ferric acetyl acetonate can tolerate and still be thoroughly cured. An experimental diallyl phthalate formulation was made and tested. A survey is being made of potential source… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Eichelberger, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Generalized computer codes were devised for solving stress problems of some complexity. These codes were applied to stress problsms relating to the graphite moderator elements in the Experimental Gas-cooled Reactor. The stress relief obtained by aubdividing the moderator elements was evaluated. The distontion and bending moments of the elements were also determined. (auth)
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Redmond, R.F.; Hulbert, L.E. & Clark, R.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operation and Analysis of a 3000 KW Liquid Metal Model Steam Generator

Description: Abstract: A 3000 kw (thermal) bayonet duplex tube model steam generator was performance-tested in a liquid metal test loop at MSA Research Corporation, Callery, Pennsylvania, under the cognizance of Atomics International.
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Webster, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiochemistry for the rupture of a Zircaloy-2 clad uranium fuel element in KER-1

Description: During the 0800--1600 shift on July 7, 1960, the delayed neutron monitor on KER Loop 1 indicated a high coolant activity level. Sympathetic responses were also recorded on the Loop 3 and Loop 4 instruments indicating a possible fuel element failure in Loop 1. The KE Reactor began shutdown operations immediately thereafter. The purpose of this report is to summarize the events pertinent to this reactor outage and to discuss the results obtained from coolant samples and a thermocouple wire sample… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Demmitt, T. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tertiary Blast Effects: The Effects of Impact on Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. Technical Progress Report

Description: A total of 455 mlce, rats, gulnea plgs, and rabbits was subjected to lmpact at velocitles ranglng between 25 ft/sec and 51 ft/sec. The deslred velocities were generated by allowlng the anlmals to free-fall from various helghts to a flat concrete pad. The ventral surface of each anlmal was the area of impact. Problt analyses of the 24-hr mortallty data ylelded LD/sub 50/ lmpact veloclties with 95% confldence limits as follows: mouse, 39.4 (37.4 to 42.0) ft/ sec; rat, ft/sec; and rabbit, 31.7 (30… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Richmond, D. R.; Bowen, I. G. & White, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Theory of Hyperfragments

Description: "Mesic decay of hyperfragments is discussed systematically on the basis of a previous model for hyperfragments. The general formalism for the two-body and three-body mesic decay was developed. The polarization-direction correlation and the angular correlation for the two-body and the three-body decays are discussed together with the decay probability. The formalism was developed so as to include the isotopic spin selection rule ( DELTA I = 1/2 and 3/2) for the mesic decays. The theory was appli… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Iwao, Syurei
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Descriptions are given of various procedures used in determining leaks in the tubes of the 1B heat exchanger. Air pressurization tests determined leakage and leak rate of nine tubes. The leak-location-detector-probe method was found promising for locating defects along the length of the tube. Results of the probalog, dye-penetrant, and ultrasonic tests proved inconclusive in determining leak locations. (B.O.G.)
Date: February 24, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Atomic Energy Levels in Crystals

Description: Report discussing discrete energy levels observed within certain crystals which are due to perturbations of energy levels of the free ion by an electrostatic field arising from the crystal lattice. The analytic procedures for determining the field from the charge configuration are given, and the resulting fields are classified according to their symmetry. After a general survey of group-theoretical ideas, the applicable groups are analyzed in detail, and characters appropriate for both integral… more
Date: February 24, 1961
Creator: Prather, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Partially Degenerate, Relativistic, Ideal Electron Gas

Description: Tables of the electron pressure and kinetic energy for a partially degenerate, relativistic, ideal electron gas are computed by numerical integration using an IBM 7090 electronic calculator. These are given in terms of log10(B) and log10(0), where B is the ratio of the temperature to the rest mass of the electron and (O) is proportional to the numerical density of electrons. The tables include values of T from 5 million to 400 billion degrees and cover the range of electron densities from the r… more
Date: February 23, 1961
Creator: Grasberger, William H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Zirflex Decladding of Tube-in-Tube Type Fuel Elements

Description: Pilot unit Zirflex dissolutions were carried out on near prototypical tube-in-tube type elements clad in oxidized Zircaloy. The runs were made with the elements horizontal and at simulated large scale operating conditions. No significant difference was noted between the actual decladding achieved in these experiments and that which was predicted from prior studies on similarly oxidized elements with somewhat different geometries. No gas blanketing nor diffusion effects were observed. Initially,… more
Date: February 23, 1961
Creator: Smith, P. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A series of pilot plant runs was conducted to define new cartridges for increasing the capacity in the Purex 1 Bx, 2A, lC and 2E columns and eliminate plastic cartridge failures in the HA column scrub section, the HS column and the 2A column. The most favorable designs are presented and data from the various runs are included. (J.R.D.)
Date: February 22, 1961
Creator: Jansen, G. & Richardson, G.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: January 1961

Description: This report, from the Chemical Processing Department at HAPO for January 1961, discusses the following: Production operation; Purex and Redox operation; Finished products operation; maintenance; Financial operations, facilities engineering; research; employee relations; and special separation processing and auxiliaries operation.
Date: February 21, 1961
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of the Six Turbulent Reynolds' Stresses by the Hot Wire Method for Arbitrary Intensity and Geometry with Special Application to Axisymmetric Flow

Description: A relationship is derived the mean square fluctuating current of a hot wire anemometer and the sic turbulent Reynolds stresses in the stream-coordinate system without employing the usual low turbulent intensity approximation. The relatively simple result is a consequence of assuming proportionality between the wire current reading and the perpendicular velocity component instead of the non-linear dependence required by King's law. The assumption is valid for instruments equipped with the proper… more
Date: February 21, 1961
Creator: Wichner, R. P. & Peebles, F. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of the Six Turbulent Reynolds' Stresses by the Hot Wire Method for Arbitrary Turbulent Intensity and Geometry with Special Application to Axisymmetric Flow

Description: A relationship is derived between the mean square fluctuating current of a hot wire anemometer and the six turbulent Reynolds' stresses in the stream- coordinate system without employing the usual low turbulent intensity approximation. The relatively simple result is a consequence of assuming proportionality between the wire current reading and the perpendicular velocity component instead of the nonlinear dependence required by King's law. The assumption is valid for instruments equipped with t… more
Date: February 21, 1961
Creator: Wichner, R. P. & Peebles, F. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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