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Primary view of Low-Cost Solar Array Project. Progress report 14, August 1979-December 1979 and proceedings of the 14th Project Integration Meeting
unknown creator
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Low cost Czochralski crystal growing technology: near term implementation of the flat plate photovoltaic cost reduction of the Low Cost Solar Array Project. Fifth quarterly progress report, April 1-June 30, 1980
Roberts, E. G.
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Studies of photosynthetic energy conversion. Comprehensive three-year report, September 1, 1972--August 31, 1975
Clayton, R. K.
January 1, 1975
Primary view of Brookhaven highlights for fiscal year 1991, October 1, 1990--September 30, 1991
Rowe, M.S.; Cohen, A.; Greenberg, D.; Seubert, L. & Kuper, J.B.H.
January 1, 1991
Primary view of Quantitative analysis of the hydrothermal system in Lassen Volcanic National Park and Lassen Known Geothermal Resource Area
Sorey, M.L. & Ingebritsen, S.E.
January 1, 1984
Primary view of Western Gas Sands Project. Status report, 1 May-31 May, 1980
unknown creator
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Electrochemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans reactions with pyrite
Pesic, B.
January 1, 1992
Jensen, J D
January 1, 1968
Primary view of Catalyst and process development for hydrogen preparation from future fuel cell feedstocks. Quarterly progress report, October 1, 1979-December 31, 1979. [Pt/Rh, Ni/Rh, Ni/Pt/Rh, Ni, Ni/Ru, Ni/Pt, Ni/Co]
Yarrington, R M; Feins, I R; Hwang, H S & Mayer, C P
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Coordination/management tasks for the IEA and CCMS solar heating and cooling programs
unknown creator
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Numerical study of the NOL large-scale gap test
Bowman, A.L.
January 1, 1980
Primary view of A Novel Coal Feeder for Production of Low Sulfur Fuel
Khang, S. J. & Keener, T. C.
January 1, 1990
Primary view of Institutional research and development, FY 1987
Struble, G. L.; Lawler, G. M.; Crawford, R. B.; Kirvel, R. D.; Peck, T. M.; Prono, J. K. et al.
January 1, 1987
Primary view of Redox reactions involving chromium, plutonium, and manganese in soils
Amacher, M.C. & Baker, D.E.
January 1, 1979
Primary view of Vacuum ultraviolet electronic properties of liquids. Annual progress report, 1 November 1979-31 October 1980
Painter, L.R.
January 1, 1980
Primary view of Development of 400- to 450-MHz RFQ resonator-cavity mechanical designs
Hansborough, L.D.
January 1, 1982
Primary view of Sonic enhanced ash agglomeration and sulfur capture
unknown creator
January 1, 1991
Primary view of TNS Doublet tokamak ohmic-heating power supply study
Rogers, J.D. (comp.)
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Pilot plant test plan, Task IX: technical support. Industrial Low-Btu Fuel Gas Demonstration-Plant Program
unknown creator
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Office of Waste Isolation progress report, December 1977
Zerby, C.D.
January 31, 1976
Primary view of Health effects models for nuclear power plant accident consequence analysis: Low LET radiation
Evans, J. S.
January 1, 1990
Primary view of Development and process evaluation of improved Fischer-Tropsch slurry catalysts
Withers, H.P. (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA (United States)); Bukur, D.B. & Rosynek, M.P. (Texas A and M Univ., College Station, TX (United States))
January 1, 1987
Primary view of TCT hybrid preconceptual blanket design studies
Aase, D. T.; Bampton, M. C. C.; Doherty, T. J.; Leonard, B. R.; McCann, R. A.; Newman, D. F. et al.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of NQR-NMR studies of higher alcohol synthesis Cu-Co catalysts
unknown creator
January 14, 1991
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