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open access

Seismic Investigations on Holiday Mesa, Monument Valley Area, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From abstract: A refraction seismic survey was made on Holiday Mesa, San Juan County, Utah, between May 21 and June 11, 1954, prior to an exploratory drilling program made by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to delineate channel trends in the area.
Date: November 1955
Creator: Hazlewood, Robert M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress on Geologic Studies in the Capitol Reef Area, Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah

Description: From introduction: Objectives of the geologic studies and mapping in this area are: 1) to study and map geologic formations in which uranium ore may be found with special attention given to the Triassic Shinarump conglomerate, 2) to evaluate uranium deposits and to study local controls and habits of ore, 3) to collect and study geologic data basic to an understanding of regional geologic trends or controls in the distribution of the ore deposits, and 4) to determine the favorableness of the are… more
Date: October 1954
Creator: Smith, J. Fred, Jr.; Huff, Lyman C.; Hinrichs, Neal & Luedke, Robert G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on the Geology and Uranium Deposits at Temple Mountain and Green Vein Mesa, San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah

Description: From abstract: In 1953 the U. S. Geological Survey started the present program of uranium investigations on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission in the San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah. Two areas within the Swell were selected and studied; one in the vicinity of Temple Mountain and the other at Green Vein Mesa.
Date: August 1954
Creator: Witkind, Irving Jerome; Robeck, R. C.; Barton, W. R. & Izett, Glen Arthur
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on the Geology and Uranium Deposits of South Elk Ridge, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From abstract: Elk Ridge is in southeastern Utah in the central part of San Juan County. It forms a conspicuous ridge on the north end of the Monument upwarp. During the summer of 1953 field work was largely restricted to South Elk Ridge, that part of Elk Ridge which is south of The Notch. Permian and Triassic sedimentary rocks crop out in the area and Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks are exposed east of the area.
Date: June 1954
Creator: Lewis, Richard Quintin & Krummel, William J., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance for Radioactive Material in the Shinarump Conglomerate at Balanced Rock Anticline, San Juan County, Utah

Description: Abstract: A reconnaissance for radioactive minerals in the Shinarump conglomerate of Triassic age exposed north of the San Juan River at Balanced Rock anticline was made in July 1953. The purpose of the reconnaissance was to search for any exposed uranium minerals and to determine the favorability of the Shinarump for accumulation of uranium-ore deposits. No uranium minerals or places of abnormally high radioactivity were observed. However, nine exposed channels at the base of the Shinarump con… more
Date: June 1955
Creator: Mullens, Thomas E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tectonic Map of Northern Colorado and Northeastern Utah, Showing the Distribution of Uranium Deposits

Description: From introduction: The compilation of the tectonic map of northern Colorado and northeastern Utah (area h, fig. 2) was done by the U. S. Geological Survey on behalf of the Division of Raw Materials of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Structures shown on the map have been obtained from published geologic maps, and from unpublished data supplied by government agencies, private companies, and independent geologists. The various structures of the Foreland can be divided into three large classes … more
Date: April 1956
Creator: Osterwald, Frank W. & Dean, Basil G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrical Resistivity Investigations on Holiday Mesa, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The purpose of this preliminary electrical resistivity investigation of Holiday Mesa, Monument Valley region, San Juan County, Utah, was to determine the feasibility of a detailed survey to delineate channels cut into the Moenkopi formation and filled with sediments of Shinarump conglomerate. These structures are in many places related to the localization of uranium ore.
Date: May 1954
Creator: Jackson, Wayne H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on Geologic Investigations in White Canyon, San Juan County, Utah, 1952

Description: From introduction: Field work, begun in the field season of 1951, was continued by the U. S. Geological Survey in the White Canyon area, San Juan County, Utah, from May 1 to October 28, 1952, The objectives of this work were to study the habits and character of uranium deposits in the area, to determine control and guides to ore and suitable areas for physical exploration, and to map and study the ore-bearing and adjacent strata to determine the regional geologic controls and habits of the uran… more
Date: January 1953
Creator: Trites, Albert F., Jr. & Finnell, Tommy L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Interim Report on Exploration in the Yellow Cat Area, Grand County, Utah

Description: From introduction: This report summarizes the results of diamond-drill and wagon-drill exploration by the U. S. Geological Survey in the Yellow Cat area from October 9, 1951, to May 22, 1952. The Yellow Cat area is about 10 miles southeast of Thompsons, Grand County, Utah. It is accessable by two graded roads which leave U. S. Highway 50 at points 5 miles east of Thompsons and 7 miles west of Cisco, Utah. A sampling plant and purchasing depot, belonging to the United States Vanadium Co., is at … more
Date: September 1952
Creator: Alvord, Donald C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on Geologic Studies in the Red House Cliffs Area, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From introduction: The main objectives of the Red House Cliffs project are to appraise the uranium possibilities of the area, to determine the areal distribution and character of the ore-bearing Shinarump conglomerate and to prepare a geologic map of the area. The purpose of this preliminary report on the Red House Cliffs project is to summarize results of the field work done from July 6, 1952, to October 31, 1952, and to present plans for future work on the project. This work was done on behal… more
Date: December 1952
Creator: Mullens, Thomas E. & Hubbard, Harold A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Delineation of the Shinarump Pinchout by Drilling, Clay Gulch, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The results of diamond-drill exploration for the Shinarump member of the Chinle formation in Clay Gulch, San Juan County, Utah, indicate that between Clay Gulch and exposures along Red House Cliffs, about 2 miles east, a dominantly continuous blanket of the Shinarump member wedges out northeast of a line trending N. 150 W.
Date: October 1956
Creator: Santos, Elmer S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Preliminary Summary Report of a Reconnaissance of Sandstone-Type Copper-Uranium Deposits in Parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming

Description: From introduction: The reconnaissance was made during the summer of 1951 by two field parties: (1) a reconnaissance in parts of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona by Russell Gibson, and (2) Geological Survey reconnaissance in parts of New Mexico,.Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming (by the writers), the results of which are summarized in this report.
Date: December 1951
Creator: Gott, Garland B. & Erickson, Ralph Leroy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Notes on the 1951-52 Investigations of the Thomas Range Fluorite District, Juab County, Utah

Description: From page 3: Uraniferous fluorspar pipes cut Paleozoic dolomite in the western part of the Thomas Range, along a ridge known locally as "Spor's Mountain". The fluorspar district (fig. 1) is approximately 50 miles northwest of Delta, Utah, and is in Tps. 12, 13 N., R. 12 W., Salt Lake principal meridian. From July to September 1952 approximately 10 man-months were spent in the district. During this time, field work started in 1951 was completed. Mapping and sampling the fluorspar deposits was do… more
Date: 1950
Creator: Osterwald, Frank W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Indian Creek Uranium Prospects, Beaver County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The secondary uranium minerals metatorbernite (?) and autunite (?) were discovered at Indian Creek in the spring of 1950. The deposits, in sec. 28, T. 27 S., R. 6 W., Beaver County, Utah, are 20 miles west of Marysvale, and about three-eighths of a mile east of a quartz monzonite stock.
Date: January 1951
Creator: Wyant, Donald G. & Stugard, Frederick, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Deposits on the Bulloch Group of Claims, Kane County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The Bulloch group of uranium claims are in T. 40 S., R. 9 we, Kane County, Utah. The past production has been 8.5 tons of submarginal ore submitted to the Marysvale purchasing depot of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1950; this shipment assayed 0.16 percent U308, Uranium is finely disseminated in clay, carbonaceous clay, carbonized wood fragments, iron-oxide concretions, petrified logs, sandstone, and conglomerates of the lower part of"the Dakota sandstone and upper part of the S… more
Date: January 1951
Creator: Beroni, E. P.; McKeown, F. A.; Stugard, F., Jr. & Gott, Garland B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The East Slope No. 2 Uranium Prospect, Piute County, Utah

Description: From abstract: The secondary uranium minerals autunite, metatorbernite, uranophane (?), and schroeckingerite occur in altered hornfels at the East Slope No. 2 uranium prospect. The deposit, in sec. 6, T. 27 S., R. 3 W., Piute County, Utah, is about I mile west of the Bullion Monarch mine in the central producing area of the Marysvale uranium district. Hornfels, formed by contact metamorphism of bullion Canyon volcanic rocks along the edge of a quartz monzonite stock, is in fault contact with th… more
Date: January 1951
Creator: Wyant, Donald G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geochemistry of sericite and chlorite in well 14-2 Roosevelt Hot Springs geothermal system and in mineralized hydrothermal systems

Description: Chemical compositions of chlorite and sericite from one production well in the Roosevelt geothermal system have been determined by electron probe methods and compared with compositions of chlorite and sericite from porphyry copper deposits. Modern system sericite and chlorite occur over a depth interval of 2 km and a temperature interval of 250/sup 0/C.
Date: June 1, 1980
Creator: Ballantyne, Judith M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geothermal exploration program, Hill Air Force Base, Davis and Weber Counties, Utah

Description: Results obtained from a program designed to locate a low- or moderate-temperature geothermal resource that might exist beneath Hill Air Force Base (AFB), Ogden, Utah are discussed. A phased exploration program was conducted at Hill AFB. Published geological, geochemical, and geophysical reports on the area were examined, regional exploration was conducted, and two thermal gradient holes were drilled. This program demonstrated that thermal waters are not present in the shallow subsurface at this… more
Date: March 1, 1980
Creator: Glenn, W.E.; Chapman, D.S.; Foley, D.; Capuano, R.M.; Cole, D.; Sibbett, B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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