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The Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania and New York

Description: Introduction: By way of introduction a section will be described across the Devonian of the northeastern part of Monroe County, Pa., along the line of Brodhead Creek and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The base of this section will rest on the Corniferous limestone well exposed in a railroad cut a mile south of East Stroudsburg and the termination will b6 in the Pocono, as exposed on the Pocono Mountains, from Mount Pocono to the ridge northwest of Tobyhanna.
Date: 1894
Creator: Prosser, Charles S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ancient Volcanic Rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania

Description: From introduction: In December, 1892, as the result of field work on the part of Dr. G. H. Williams in the northern and of the writer in the southern portion of South Mountain, there appeared a preliminary description of two of the rock types, in which their identification as ancient volcanics was announced. In this bulletin it is proposed to substantiate that identification with more detailed proof. It is further proposed to show that these ancient igneous rocks were, at the time of their cons… more
Date: 1896
Creator: Bascom, Florence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Cambrian Rocks of Pennsylvania

Description: From introduction: In his report on the Geology of Pennsylvania,' Professor Lesley summarizes his opinion upon the geology of the South Mountains and Formation No. 1. In this, Formation No. 1 is referred to the Upper Cambrian, and a detailed description is given of its occurrence along the South Mountains and across the State to the Delaware. The superjacent limestone, No. 2, is referred to the Ordovician.' Fuller reference will be made to Professor Lesley's descriptions in speaking of the rock… more
Date: 1896
Creator: Walcott, Charles Doolittle
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Limestones of Southwestern Pennsylvania

Description: From introduction: This report is a summary of the present knowledge of limestone beds in southwestern Pennsylvania.
Date: 1905
Creator: Clapp, Frederick G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Disposition of Pensions Due Inmates of Naval Home, Philadelphia, Report

Description: Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs detailing the opinions and recommendations of the Committee on the proposed Senate bill 5950 to provide for the disposition of pensions due inmates of the Naval Home in Philadelphia. It includes a report of the Navy Department in support of the proposed legislation.
Date: 1908~
Creator: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Naval Affairs
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Public Building at Easton, PA., Report

Description: Report of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds detailing the opinions and recommendations of the Committee on the proposed Senate bill 1930 to provide for the erection of a public building in Easton, Pennsylvania. It includes a report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the proposed legislation.
Date: 1908~
Creator: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Buildings
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Notes on Explosive Mine Gases and Dusts: with Special Reference to Explosions in the Monongah, Darr, and Naomi Coal Mines

Description: From Introduction: "The studies herein reported were begun as a part of researches undertaken by the United States Geological Survey looking to the more efficient utilization of the coal in the United States through the reduction of the waste in its extraction, and were continued as part of further researches having regard to the conversation of the fuel resources of this country and to the lessening of injuries and fatalities in coal mining."
Date: 1909
Creator: Chamberlin, Rollin Thomas
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Coke Industry of the United States as Related to the Foundry

Description: From Introduction: "The present bulletin, published by the Bureau of Mines because of the analyzing and testing of fuels have been transferred from the Geographical Survey to the Bureau of Mines, briefly reviews the status of the coke industry, some features of practice in the use of coke in the foundry, the probable happenings of a cupola heat, and the reasons for modifying charging practice so that a particular coke can be used to best advantage."
Date: 1910
Creator: Moldenke, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent Development of the Producer-Gas Power Plant in the United States

Description: From Introduction: "A summary of the tests made at St. Louis and a resume of the conclusions to be drawn from the tests and from the opinions of gas-producer manufacturers on the status of the gas producer and gas engine was published in a Survey bulletin in 1907. As it is desirable to repeat much of the material that appeared in the former bulletin (now out of print), this presentation may be regarded as a revision of the previous one, although considerable information not previously available… more
Date: 1910
Creator: Fernald, Robert Heywood
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Apparatus and Methods for the Sampling and Analysis of Furnace Gases

Description: From Introduction: "It is the purpose of this paper to describe some apparatus and methods which have proved satisfactory to those engaged in the chemical work of the investigations mentioned. While these methods and apparatus have been designed more particularly with regard to analysis of furnace gases, their use is by no means limited to that purpose."
Date: 1911
Creator: Frazer, J. C. W. & Hoffman, E. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparative Tests of Run-of-Mine and Briquetted Coal on Locomotives

Description: From Introduction: "For purpose of procuring data that could be using in estimating the value of the briquetting process as applied to American fuels, the United States Geological Survey, in cooperation with other interests, began in 1904, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, certain experiments involving the production and use of bituminous-coal briquets."
Date: 1911
Creator: Goss, W. F. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Essential Factors in the Formation of Producer Gas

Description: From Introduction Scope and Purpose of Inquiry: "The Bureau of Mines, to which the testing and analyzing of fuels as carried on by the United States Geographical Survey has been transferred, is continuing producer-gas investigations at the testing station at Pittsburgh, Pa. Results of the gas-producer tests made at the coal-testing plant erected at St.Louis, Mo., and of a study of some of the problems that came up in the tests have been published by Geological Survey. Results of the tests made … more
Date: 1911
Creator: Clement, J. K.; Adams, L. H. & Haskins, C. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Flow of Heat Through Furnace Walls

Description: From Introduction: "This bulletin contains a statement of certain results that will be embodied in a report describing investigations of the combustion of fuel made by the United States Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines in a specially constructed long furnace."
Date: 1911
Creator: Ray, Walter T. & Kreisinger, Henry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Incidental Problems in Gas-Producer Tests

Description: From Introduction: "In the course of this study many incidental problems of prime importance have demanded consideration. Among them is the determination, under practically constant conditions, of the duration of gas-producer tests necessary to reduce the possible error to minimum. A discussion of this proper length of test period forms the part of this bulletin."
Date: 1911
Creator: Fernald, R. H.; Smith, C. D.; Clement, J. K. & Grine, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Notes on Explosive Mine Gases and Dusts: With Special Reference to Explosions in the Monongah, Darr, and Naomi Coal Mines

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines discussing coal mining gas and dust explosions, specifically those at the Monongah, Darr, and Naomi mines of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Studies on mine explosions, as well as methods and analyses are presented. This report includes tables, and an illustration.
Date: 1911
Creator: Chamberlin, Rollin Thomas
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Primer on Explosives for Coal Miners

Description: From Introduction: "Much of the information in this primer has been obtained from experiments conducted by the technologic branch of the United Sates Geological Survey at the mining experiment station at Pittsburgh, Pa. These investigations have shown the recent development of a new type of short-flame explosives, which can be used with greater safety than black powder in mines where there is dangerous gas or inflammable dust, because the flame from the explosion of black powder lasts from 2,50… more
Date: 1911
Creator: Munroe, Charles E. & Hall, Clarence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Résumé of Producer-Gas Investigations: October 1, 1904-June 30, 1910

Description: From Scope of Report: "The purpose of this report is, therefore, to present in convenient form all the more important data accumulated in the course of the tests described, in order that the results may be readily accessible both to the Government officials having charge of the design, purchase, or care of power plants and to all persons interested in the development of the internal-combustion engine and the gas producer as means for utilizing the energy of fuels."
Date: 1911
Creator: Fernald, R. H. & Smith, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Briquetting Tests of Lignite at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1908-9 : With a Chapter on Sulphite-Pitch Binder

Description: From Results of Briquetting Tests: "The results of the briquetting investigations conducted by the Government are expected to prove of considerable value, not only to the Government itself as the owner of extensive lignite deposits and largest single purchaser of fuel, but also to the people living in the the regions where lignite is found. The problem assumes still larger proportions when one realizes that the development of manufacturing industries in those regions depends upon the ability to… more
Date: 1912
Creator: Wright, Charles L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

City Smoke Ordinances and Smoke Abatement

Description: From Introduction: "In connection with the fuel investigations conducted by the Bureau of Mines much information has been accumulated as to the smoke abatement activities in various cities. The essential features of the information are presented in this report, which, it is believed, will be of public interest and benefit, especially to those communities that are just beginning organized effort to abate unnecessary smoke."
Date: 1912
Creator: Flagg, Samuel B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mining Conditions Under the City of Scranton, Pennsylvania

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines regarding the conditions of the mines beneath the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, including suggestions about methods to continue excavating coal while preserving the structural integrity of the city's foundation.
Date: 1912
Creator: Griffith, William & Conner, Eli T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Use of Permissible Explosives

Description: From Preface: "The present bulletin is printed as a supplement to Bulletin 17 and is intended primarily for coal miners, especially for those working in fields where inflammable gas or coal dust may cause disastrous mine explosions. The bulletin is issued by the Bureau of Mines in the hope that it may prove helpful in lessening accidents due to the use of explosives, and in particular may aid in preventing mine explosions, many of which have been caused by the use of improper explosives."
Date: 1912
Creator: Rutledge, J. J. & Hall, Clarence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Volatile Matter of Coal

Description: From Introduction Scope of Report: "This bulletin is a report on an investigation of the volatile matter in several typical coals-its composition and amount at different temperatures of volatilization. As the investigation is still in progress and will doubtless include other coals than those already examined, the bulletin may be considered a preliminary report, stating the problems studied, the methods used, and the results thus far obtained."
Date: 1912
Creator: Porter, Horace C. & Ovitz, F. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910: Part 1. -- Analyses

Description: From Significance and value of Analyses of Coal: "The analyses published in this report cover samples of coal collected in many different parts of the country with unusual care by experiences men, in such manner as to make them representative of extensive beds of coal."
Date: 1913
Creator: Lord, N. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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