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District Heating and Cooling Systems for Communities Through Power Plant Retrofit and Distribution Network, City of Piqua, Ohio: Volume 2 [Full Report]

Description: The feasibility analysis and evaluation of the Piqua, Ohio District Heating and Cooling Demonstration program is being conducted by the Piqua Municipal Power Co., the Piqua Law Dept., the Public Works Dept., a firm of economic analysts, and the Georgia Tech Engineering Dept. This volume contains information on the organization and composition of the demonstration team; characterization of the Piqua community; and the technical, environmental, institutional; financial, and economic assessments o… more
Date: September 18, 1979
Creator: Piqua (Ohio)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

District Heating and Cooling Systems for Communities Through Power Plant Retrofit and Distribution Network, City of Piqua, Ohio: Volume 1 [Executive Summary]

Description: The goal of the Piqua, Ohio District Heating and Cooling Demonstration Project is to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of using cogenerated thermal energy from the City's Municipal Power Plant to provide residential, commercial and industrial space heating and cooling and satisfy other community energy needs as appropriate. Progress in four tasks within this project is reported. These tasks include: development of team work plan resource allocation; identification of thermal energ… more
Date: September 18, 1979
Creator: Piqua (Ohio)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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