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Description: Some calculations have been made to estimate the characteristics of a neutron-burst type fast reactor similar to Godiva but made up of relatively small component parts--the so-called "layered assembly." One spherical and three cylindrical assemblies have been considered. Critical masses, assuming 5% voids, range from 58 to 65 kg of 93.4% enriched U/sup 235/. For a reactivity addition of 0.33 dollars above prompt criticals bursts between 2 x 10/sup 17/ and 6.7 x 10/ sup 17/ fissions were compute… more
Date: February 25, 1959
Creator: Nestor, C.W. & Tobias, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Detailed Procedure for K Reactors Rear ace Decontamination by Chemical Flush or the Rear Crossheaders, Pigtails and Nozzles as Authorized by the Production Test Authorization IP-239-N.

Description: The purpose of this procedure is to present a detailed, chronological presentation of the preliminary decontamination and post decontamination steps necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Production Test Authorization IP-239-N. The procedure attempts to present the required operation in sufficient detail to successfully accomplish the intent of the test. Certain procedures involve operations of a standard nature and have not been elaborated upon to any great extent, as it is expected tha… more
Date: February 25, 1959
Creator: Crossman, W.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Random Loading of E-Metal Dissolver

Description: Nuclear safety in the dissolution of irradiated 0.95 U235 enriched fuel has been investigated. In particular, critical conditions of fuel of this enrichment in a 52-inch diameter dissolver crib were studied. Since a crib this size is not safe by geometry, dissolution procedures as well as maximum safe batch sizes were analyzed. Uranium-water lattices are normally studied in systems in which rods are uniformly dispersed in the moderator. The results of such a study for 1.34-inch diameter solid … more
Date: February 25, 1959
Creator: Ketzlach, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Two Colorimetric Methods for Uranium

Description: In order to establish the feasibility of using two colorimetric met;iods for the determination of uranium interchangeably, according to the interferences encountered in a particular sampte. results were obtained by each of the methods and compared. The dibenzoyl methane method and the ethyl acetate-ammonium thiocyanate procedure were compared on the basis of values secured on the same day. on different days, on an analysis of the variance. and on an analysis of the residual error for the method… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: McCutchen, R.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Fuel Burn-Up on the Dissolution Process-I

Description: Data on the effects of nuclear fuel burnup on dissolution rates and U losses of a few fuel types are summarized. Burnup to the 40% level produced very little effect on the rate of solution of stainless steel-UO/sub 2/ fuel elements in solutions of the Darex type. Beyond passivation, burnup to the 250 Mwd/T level did not produce a large effect on the rate of decladding nor on the U losses in the Sulfex process. Bunnup to the 15% or 4300 Mwd/T level produced little or no effect on the rate of dec… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Davis, W., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor Experiment Annual Technical Report: 1958

Description: Annual report of the Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor Experiment describing progress during calendar year 1958 and as well as an evaluation of progress and plans for future work.
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Babcock & Wilcox Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Automatic Control and Load Swing Test. Test Results DL-S-144 (T-554924). Section I. Second Performance

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the controlling ability of the Reactor Power and Temperature Control System and to determine the operational characteristics of the station during load swings after change of operating conditions from 523 F, 2000 psi, to 500 F, 1800 psi. The Reactor Power and Temperature Control System satisfactorily controlled rod movements to maintain all primary plant parameters within their individual limits during steady state operation and during ramp function loa… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Mafrica, Roces
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System. Section III. Second Performance. Test Results DL-S-136 (T-550090)

Description: The purpose of this test was to determine the performance of the Reactor Plant Container Air Cooling System with four reactor coolant loops at operating temperature. Due to the fact that the test was performed with the chamber door open, no significant conclusion can be arrived at concerning the efficiency of the Air Cool System. The 1B supply fan circulated approximately 20 per cent less air than the 1A fan during the test. Later investigation revealed that the turning vanes above the 1B dampe… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Redox in-line monitoring instruments information manual

Description: The in-line monitoring instruments installed in the Redox plant in the late 1950s consisted of six gamma monitors, a single channel gamma spectrometer, an alpha monitor, and a neutron counter. A gamma monitor on the steam condensate outlet line and a uranium monitor on the 2DFS stream were to be added at a later date. The first section of this information manual describes the in-line gamma monitors and gives operating instructions for them. The second section covers the alpha monitor, and the t… more
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: Erlandson, O. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Spectrophotometry of Molten Fluoride Salts. Status Report

Description: Progress made in the field of spectrophotometry of molten fluoride salts is summarized. The high-temperature cell assembly designed and fabricated for use in this work is described, as well as the various types of sample containers used. Spectra of nickel fluoride, cobalt fluoride, chromic fluoride, and uranium tetrafluoride in LiF--NaF-KF (46.5-11.5--42 mole%) are presented. (auth)
Date: March 25, 1959
Creator: White, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theory of Asymmetric Arrays of Control Rods in Nuclear Reactors

Description: Introduction: Seldom does the actual arrangement of control elements in a nuclear reactor confers to the ideal and convenient mathematical array. In order to achieve shim control. safety and regulation, it is desirable to design with rods of different sizes and materials. With given fuel element arrangement, typically in square or hexagonal lattice spacing, there will be rods located at different distances form the center of the core and from each other. As the reactor operates, absorbers wil… more
Date: April 25, 1959
Creator: Murray, Raymond L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program Monthly Progress Report: April 1959

Description: Abstract: This monthly progress report covers the activities of the Army Gas-Cooled Reactor System Program for April 1959. The program includes a water-moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite-moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas-cooled reactor (ML-1), and the coordination of the Gas Turbine Test Facility. [It reports] the progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicable design crit… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Aerojet-General Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Army Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems Program. Monthly Progress Report for April 1959

Description: The Army Gas Cooled Reactor System Program includes water moderated heterogeneous reactor (Gas Cooled Reactor Experiment I), a graphite moderated homogeneous reactor (Gas Cooled Reactor Experiment II), a mobile gas cooled reactor (ML-1), and the co ordination of thc Gas Turbine Test Facility. The progress of each project, the associated tests and data evaluation, the applicabie design criteria, and the fabrication of reactor components are briefly summarized. (For preceding period see IDO-28538… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial cooling of the Columbia River by dam regulation: Part 1

Description: In early July 1958, it appeared that Columbia River temperatures at HAPO would be near 24--50{degree}C by the end of August. River temperatures were averaging 40 to 50{degree}C above 1957 figures and were 3{degree} to 4{degree} above the ten year highs. It seemed desirable to examine the problem to determine if any corrective measure could be taken, since it was apparent that production losses were imminent. The large storage of cold water behind Grand Coulee Dam, normally untapped, was a sourc… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial Cooling of the Columbia River By Dam Regulation Part 1

Description: In early July, 1958, it appeared that Columbia River temperature at HAPO would be near 24.5ºC by the end of August. River temperature were averaging 4º to 5º above 1957 figures and were 3º to 4º above the ten year highs. It seemed desirable to examine the problem to determine if any corrective measure could be taken, since it was apparent that production losses were imminent.
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Artificial cooling of the Columbia River by dam regulation. Part 3

Description: The temperatures of the Columbia River was reduced 1 to 30 Centigrade with beneficial effects at HAPO. It is reasonable to expect that future benefits may be possible. It is desirable that the temperature of the river be controlled each year to the maximum extent possible. Instrumentation improvements requested to effect optimum savings. Records of river temperatures and flows should continue to be maintained by IPD as a necessary part of temperature optimization. Where possible, the coincident… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Kramer, H. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brief Review of Heat Transfer Problems Encountered in the Production of Magnetic Fields

Description: The design of internally cooled electrical coils for the production of high intensity magnetic fields presents many new aspects and combinations of the familiar modes of heat transfer. However, the customary methodology appears to be sufficient for preliminary analysis and understanding of those problems. This methodology comprises the derivation of a qualitative, approximate equation expressing the relative performance of the various parts of a system, followed by an examination of this equati… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Alexander, L G
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brief Review of Heat Transfer Problems Encountered in the Production of Magnetic Fields

Description: The design of internally cooled electrical coils for the production of high frequency intensity magnetic fields presents many new aspects and combinations of the familiar modes of heat transfer. However, the customary methodology appears to be sufficient for preliminary analysis and understanding of those problems. This methodology comprises the derivation of a qualitative, approximate equation expressing the relative performance of the various parts of a system, followed by an examination of … more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Alexander, L. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Criteria for a Pile Oscillator

Description: An elementary discussion is given of the reactor parameters which determine the signal-to-noise ratio obtainable with a pile oscillator. (auth)
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Dresner, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Criteria for a Pile Oscillator

Description: In the use of a reactor as a device to measure neutron cross sections, the pile oscillator is often employed because of its much higher sensitivity compared to that available in static reactivity measurements. The factor limiting the available in static reactivity measurements. The factor limiting the available sensitivity is the generation of random noise, which originates in the statistical nature of the chain reaction. In other words, the nuclear reactions which maintain the chain reaction d… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Dresner, Lawrence
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hastelloy F Dissolver Installation in 321 Building

Description: Hastelloy F is a prime contender as a material of construction for plant dissolvers in the power fuel reprocessing program. Consequently, the fabrication and installation of dissolver was undertaken to delineate any unknown problems associated with the use of Hastelloy F; and, at the same time, to provide a vessel for development studies on the Niflex or the Sulfex processes. The purpose of this report is to describe the actual basis for design as well as to present the problems encountered dur… more
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Cooley, C. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the Nuclear Materials Content of Non-Production Fuels

Description: In considering the problems associated with the measurement of SSNM content of Non-Production Fuels, two distinct problems are apparent. The first is the technical problem of obtaining highly accurate measurements in a complicated chemical and physical system. The second is the administrative problem of choosing a measurement system which provides a basic of financial settlement acceptable to both the seller (reactor operator) and the buyer (Commission).
Date: May 25, 1959
Creator: Schneider, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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