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The 0.38 Percent Across-the-Board Cut in FY2000 Appropriations

Description: This report outlines cuts made in the federal budget for FY2000. The 0.38% cut was expected to yield savings of $2.4 billion in budget authority and $1.4 billion in outlays for the fiscal year. Departments with cuts in excess of $100 million included the Departments of Defense, Transportation, Health and Human Services, and Education.
Date: February 25, 2000
Creator: Keith, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9-Zoom : A One-Dimensional, Multigroup, Neutron Diffusion Theory Reactor Code for the IBM 709

Description: The following document describes the usage and purpose of the neutron diffusion theory reactor program 9-Zoom, a memory-contained program that takes advantage of 709 features such as, for example, preferential order of multiply by zero, and for small problems approaches input-output limitations with excellent convergence properties.
Date: August 25, 1959
Creator: Stone, S. P.; Collins, E. T. & Lenihan, S. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

10-MWe pilot-plant-receiver panel test requirements document solar thermal test facility

Description: Testing plans for a full-scale test receiver panel and supporting hardware which essentially duplicate both physically and functionally, the design planned for the Barstow Solar Pilot Plant are presented. Testing is to include operation during normal start and shutdown, intermittent cloud conditions, and emergencies to determine the panel's transient and steady state operating characteristics and performance under conditions equal to or exceeding those expected in the pilot plant. The effects oā€¦ more
Date: August 25, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 25-Inch Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber

Description: No Description Available.
Date: May 25, 1964
Creator: Barrera, F.; Byrns, R. A.; Eckman, G. J.; Hernandez, H. P.; Norgren, D. U.; Shand, A. J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The objective of this calculation is to evaluate the required minimum burnup as a function of initial boiling water reactor (BWR) assembly enrichment that would permit loading of spent nuclear fuel into the 44 BWR waste package configuration as provided in Attachment IV. This calculation is an application of the methodology presented in ''Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report'' (YMP 2003). The scope of this calculation covers a range of enrichments from 0 through 5.0 weight pā€¦ more
Date: August 25, 2004
Creator: Scaglione, J.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Area D4 Project Building Completion Report May 2006 - June 2007

Description: This report documents the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) and the demolition of the 153-N, 1515-N, 1516-N, 1517-N, 1518-N, 1519-N, 1331-N, 1332-N, and 181-NC facilities in the 100 Area of the Hanford Site. The D&D and demolition of these facilities included characterization, engineering, removal of hazardous and radiologically contaminated materials, equipment removal, utility disconnection, deactivation, decontamination, demolition of the structure, and removal of the remaining slabs. more
Date: July 25, 2007
Creator: Ison, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Areas, January 15 through January 21

Description: This report gives the weekly progress for the B, D, and F piles. The report also gives a brief discussion of the following activities: process water control and pressure drop studies; purging of D, B, and F piles; slug corrosion studies; tube corrosion studies; thimble corrosion studies; and graphite expansion studies.
Date: January 25, 1946
Creator: Jordan, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Areas technical activities report: Engineering, June 1947

Description: There were no cases of unusual blistering of slugs being followed under Production Tests. Two normal production tubes were borescoped following trouble with discharge. In Tube 3188-D a distorted slug became stuck in the region of sharp curvature near the inner end of the rear gun barrel; this is the first time this phenomenon has occurred. Examination of irradiated slugs of rolled metal after normal exposure indicates that rolled material has no particular advantages over extruded material fromā€¦ more
Date: June 25, 1947
Creator: Woods, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

101-SY waste sample speed of sound/rheology testing for sonic probe program

Description: One problem faced in the clean-up operation at Hanford is that a number of radioactive waste storage tanks are experiencing a periodic buildup and release of potentially explosive gases. The best known example is Tank 241-SY-101 (commonly referred to as 101-SY) in which hydrogen gas periodically built up within the waste to the point that increased buoyancy caused a roll-over event, in which the gas was suddenly released in potentially explosive concentrations (if an ignition source were presenā€¦ more
Date: July 25, 1994
Creator: Cannon, N. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-K east sandfilter backwash line sample analysis report. Second campaign

Description: This project seeks to produce uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) analyses of samples taken from the KE basin filter backwash line each time the sand filter is backwashed. K Basin operations will use the analytical results to determine additions of fissile materials to the backwash sludge pit and thereby maintain a running inventory of fissile elements in the pit. K Basin Operations must not exceed a certain total inventory in order to be within a criticality specification. The second campaign of thā€¦ more
Date: January 25, 1996
Creator: Miller, George L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-K east sandfilter backwash line sample analysis report: Third campaign

Description: This project seeks to produce uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) analyses of samples taken from the KE basin filter backwash line each time the sand filter is backwashed. K Basin operations will use the analytical results to determine additions of fissile materials to the backwash sludge pit and thereby maintain a running inventory of fissile elements in the pit. K Basin operations must not exceed a certain total inventory in order to be within a criticality specification. The third campaign of thiā€¦ more
Date: January 25, 1996
Creator: Miller, George L. & Bechtold, D. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-AN-A pit leak detection ANA-WT-LDSTA-331 acceptance test procedure

Description: This document describes the method used to test design criteria for Safety Class, Intrinsically Safe leak detector system installed in 241-AN-A Valve Pit located at 200E Tank Farms. The purpose of this Procedure is to demonstrate that the pit leak detection relay cabinet and intrinsically safe probe circuit is fully operable.
Date: August 25, 1999
Creator: VanDyke, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-AN-A valve pit manifold valves and position indication acceptance test procedure

Description: This document describes the method used to test design criteria for gear actuated ball valves installed in 241-AN-A Valve Pit located at 200E Tank Farms. The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate the following: Equipment is properly installed, labeled, and documented on As-Built drawings; New Manifold Valves in the 241-AN-A Valve Pit are fully operable using the handwheel of the valve operators; New valve position indicators on the valve operators will show correct valve positions; New vaā€¦ more
Date: August 25, 1999
Creator: VanDyke, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-AN-B pit leak detection ANA-WT-LDSTA-231 acceptance test procedure

Description: This document describes the method used to test design criteria for Safety Class, Intrinsically Safe leak detector system installed in 241-AN-B Valve Pit located at 200E Tank Farms. The purpose of this Procedure is to demonstrate that the pit leak detection relay cabinet and intrinsically safe probe circuit is fully operable.
Date: August 25, 1999
Creator: VanDyke, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-AN-B valve pit manifold valves and position indication acceptance test procedure

Description: This document describes the method used to test design criteria for gear actuated ball valves installed in 241-AN-B Valve Pit located at 200E Tank Farms. The purpose of this procedure is to demonstrate the following: Equipment is properly installed, labeled, and documented on As-Built drawings; New Manifold Valves in the 241-AN-B Valve Pit are fully operable using the handwheel of the valve operators; New valve position indicators on the valve operators will show correct valve positions; New vaā€¦ more
Date: August 25, 1999
Creator: VanDyke, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-SY Tank Farm Construction Extent of Condition Review for Tank Integrity

Description: This report provides the results of an extent of condition construction history review for tanks 241-SY-101, 241-SY-102, and 241-SY-103. The construction history of the 241-SY tank farm has been reviewed to identify issues similar to those experienced during tank 241-AY-102 construction. Those issues and others impacting integrity are discussed based on information found in available construction records, using tank 241-AY-102 as the comparison benchmark. In the 241-SY tank farm, the third DST ā€¦ more
Date: July 25, 2013
Creator: Barnes, Travis J.; Boomer, Kayle D.; Gunter, Jason R. & Venetz, Theodore J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-U-701 new compressor building and instrument air piping analyses

Description: Building anchorage analysis is performed to qualify the design of the new compressor building foundation given in the ECN ``241-U-701 New Compressor Building.`` Recommendations for some changes in the ECN are made accordingly. Calculations show that the 6-in.-slab is capable of supporting the pipe supports, and that the building foundation, air compressor and dryer anchorage, and electric rack are adequate structurally. Analysis also shows that the instrument air piping and pipe supports for thā€¦ more
Date: August 25, 1994
Creator: Huang, F. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A Campaign 99-1 process control plan

Description: 242-A Evaporator 99-1 will process approximately one million gallons of waste from tank 102-AW in June 1999. The process control Plan provides a general description of activities, which will occur during 242-A Evaporator Campaign 99-1 and to document analyses conducted to demonstrate that 102-AW waste is acceptable for processing. Predict is a registered trademark of Risk Decisions England Corporation, United Kingdom.
Date: August 25, 1999
Creator: Le, E. Q.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

244-CR Vault Interim Stabilization Project Plan

Description: The 244-CR Vault is a two-level, multi-cell structure of reinforced concrete constructed below grade. The lower cell contains four individual compartments, each containing a steel process storage tank and equipped with a concrete sump. The upper cell contains the piping and support equipment, and has two compartments for each of the tanks. The ''pump pit'' is accessed by the removal of concrete cover blocks, while the smaller ''riser pit'' is accessed by steel cover plates. The facility most reā€¦ more
Date: April 25, 2000
Creator: PARKMAN, D.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

300 Area D4 Project 3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2006 Building Completion Report

Description: This report documents the deactivation, decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition of five buildings in the 300 Area of the Hanford Site. The D4 of these facilities included characterization, engineering, removal of hazardous and radiologically contaminated materials, equipment removal, utility disconnection, deactivation, decontamination, demolition of the structure, and stabilization or removal of the remaining slab and foundation as appropriate.
Date: September 25, 2006
Creator: Smith, D. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

300 Area, January 15--January 21

Description: This report from the reactor fuel manufacturing facilities at Hanford highlights extrusion, canning, and welding operations. Processing of thorium and bismuth is discussed. Radiography of fuels revealed voids that conformed underweight reject measurements.
Date: January 25, 1946
Creator: Kidder, C. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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