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open access

6 GeV light source project cost estimating procedure

Description: To maintain uniformity in estimating the cost requirements of the various components of the 6 GeV Light Source, the following procedure will be used by all the task groups. The procedure uses a Work Breakdown Structure (VBS) to break down the project into manageable, easy to estimate, components. The project is first broken down into major tasks or categories. Then each major division is continuously subdivided until the desired level of detail is achieved. This can be shown best by using the e… more
Date: October 23, 1985
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9/11 Commission Recommendations: Intelligence Budget

Description: This report describes recommendations of the 9/11 Commission as pertains to the intelligence budget.
Date: October 23, 2004
Creator: Nicola, Thomas J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9/11 Commission Recommendations: The Senate Confirmation Process for Presidential Nominees

Description: On July 22, 2004, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission, issued its final report, detailing the events up to and including the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks upon the United States. The 9/11 Commission recommended that the Senate adopt rules requiring hearings and votes to confirm or reject national security nominees within 30 days of their submission at the start of each new presidential administration. Implementing the commissi… more
Date: March 23, 2005
Creator: Palmer, Betsy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Area electrical distribution fault and coordination report

Description: This report documents three-phase and line-to-ground fault values and time overcurrent coordination curves for the electrical utility distribution system located in the 100 Areas. Activities that may improve the coordination of the distribution system have also been identified. An evaluation of system coordination was performed. The results of this evaluation are listed in Appendix B. There are protective devices within the 100 Area distribution system that do not coordinate with one another th… more
Date: September 23, 1994
Creator: Webber, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Area Water Study

Description: This paper gives a cost breakdown of all the water facilities in the 100-F area for the month of January, 1948. Also given is the cost of chlorine for addition to the process water system along with where it is added and in what amounts. Lastly, the average figure for the hardness for the Columbia River water at Hanford.
Date: September 23, 1948
Creator: Beekman, S. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-DR Large sodium fire facility soil sampling data evaluation report

Description: This report evaluates the soil sampling activities, soil sample analysis, and soil sample data associated with the closure activities at the 105-DR Large Sodium Fire Facility. The evaluation compares these activities to the regulatory requirements for meeting clean closure. The report concludes that there is no soil contamination from the waste treatment activities.
Date: January 23, 1996
Creator: Adler, J. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

222-S Analytical services final results for Tank 241-U-101, grab samples 1U-96-1 through 1U-96-4

Description: This document is the final, format IV, laboratory report for characterization of tank 241-U-101 (U-101) grab samples from risers 1 and 7. It transmits additional analytical data for specific gravity (Sp.G.), and all raw analytical data which were not provided in the 45-day report. The 45-day report is attached to this final report as Part II. Secondary analyses were not performed on any of the U-101 samples. This is because none of the primary analyte limits, which trigger the performance of se… more
Date: August 23, 1996
Creator: Miller, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

241-AZ-101 Waste Tank Color Video Camera System Shop Acceptance Test Report

Description: This report includes shop acceptance test results. The test was performed prior to installation at tank AZ-101. Both the camera system and camera purge system were originally sought and procured as a part of initial waste retrieval project W-151.
Date: March 23, 2000
Creator: Werry, S. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A Evaporator Condensate Tank (TK-C-100) tie down evaluation

Description: The existing Condensate Tank (TK-C-100) in the 242-A Evaporator building is not anchored to the floor slab. This tank is a Safety Class 3 sitting in a Safety Class 2 building. The tank needed to be evaluated to withstand the seismic loads. Anchor bolts have been designed to hold the tank during the seismic event.
Date: January 23, 1995
Creator: Hundal, T. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A Evaporator ion exchange column (IX-D-1) tie down evaluation

Description: The existing ion exchange column in the 242-A evaporator building is not anchored to the floor slab. This equipment is a Safety Class 3 sitting in a Safety Class 2 building. The column needed to be evaluated to withstand the seismic loads. Anchor bolts have been designed to hold the column during the seismic event.
Date: January 23, 1995
Creator: Hundal, T. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A/LERF programmable Logic Controller Ladder. Revision 1

Description: This document defines and describes the user-generated application software written to transmit digital and analog signals from the Liquid Effluent Retention Facility (LERF) to the 242-A Evaporator Distributed Control System (DCS). PLCs and modems were installed in the 242-A Evaporator by Project W-105 (LERF) to transmit 6 analog liquid level signals, 6 range alarms based on the analog signals, and 6 leak detection and pump status signals to the 242-A Distributive Control System (DCS) from LERF… more
Date: May 23, 1995
Creator: Teats, M.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1706-KER Coolant Test Facility Operations Manual

Description: This procedure is intended to be used as: 1. An instruction and guide for operation of the KER loops. 2. To aid in familiarization and understanding of the general operation of the loops. 3. To prevent lost time due to errors in loop operation. The procedure is not meant to be completely comprehensive in all details of loop operation.
Date: January 23, 1958
Creator: Dulin, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1999 Leak Detection and Monitoring and Mitigation Strategy Update

Description: This document is a complete revision of WHC-SD-WM-ES-378, Rev 1. This update includes recent developments in Leak Detection, Leak Monitoring, and Leak Mitigation technologies, as well as, recent developments in single-shell tank retrieval technologies. In addition, a single-shell tank retrieval release protection strategy is presented.
Date: September 23, 1999
Creator: Ohl, Phil
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 2001 and 2003 Bush Tax Cuts and Deficit Reduction

Description: This report uses the context of the current and long-term economic environment to examine the tax cuts implemented by the George W. Bush Administration, including the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.
Date: July 23, 2012
Creator: Hungerford, Thomas L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 East Tennessee Technology Park Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for the East Tennessee Technology Park (K-25).The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The Illness and Injury Surveillance Program monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesse… more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for Idaho National Lab. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The Illness and Injury Surveillance Program monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesses, and disabilities an… more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for Lawrence Livermore National Lab. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The IISP monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesses, and disabilities and deaths among current… more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Nevada Test Site Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for the Nevada Test Site. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The Illness and Injury Surveillance Program monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesses, and disabilities … more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for ORNL. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The Illness and Injury Surveillance Program monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesses, and disabilities and deaths among… more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Sandia National Laboratories--Albuquerque Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Report

Description: Annual Illness and Injury Surveillance Program report for 2003 for Sandia National Laboratories-Albuquerque. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) commitment to assuring the health and safety of its workers includes the conduct of epidemiologic surveillance activities that provide an early warning system for health problems among workers. The IISP monitors illnesses and health conditions that result in an absence of workdays, occupational injuries and illnesses, and disabilities and deaths amon… more
Date: May 23, 2007
Creator: United States. Department of Energy. Office of Illness and Injury Prevention Programs.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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