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Description: The spread of a beam of particles can be represented by an ellipse in phase space, which represents the spread of the beam in both angle and distance. It is shown that the changes in this ellipse can be followed simply by graphical means, as the beam passes through an optical system consisting of thick and thin lenses and drift spaces. Such calculations are of value when an injected beam must be matched to an accelerator, or when a beam of particles from an accelerator must be transported to an… more
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Smith, W I.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Current-voltage characteristics of a cesium-on-tantalum thermionic converter with a collector temperature comparable to that of the emitter were obtained for a variety of electrode temperatures and cesium vapor pressures. The results show that for emitter temperatures in excess of 2000 deg K, power outputs of a few watts per square centimeter can be obtained when the ratio of collector temperature to emitter temperature is as high as 0.75 to 0.80, which is the required range for best performanc… more
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Blue, E. & Ingold, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: ABS>A system was created for processing large volumes of data from Project ROVER tests at the Nevada Test Site. The data are compiled as analog, frequency modulated tape, which is translated in a Packard-Bell Tape-to-Tape converter into a binary coded decimal (BCD) IBM 7090 computer input tape. This input tape, tape A5, is processed on the 7090 by the RDH-D FORTRAN-II code and its 20 FAP and FORTRAN subroutines. Outputs from the 7090 run are tapes A3, which is a BCD tape used for listing on the… more
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Narin, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

THE DEVELOPMENT OF URANIUM CARBIDE AS A NUCLEAR FUEL. Third Annual Report, September 1, 1961 to October 31, 1962

Description: = 9 6 < ? < 0 t and fabrication method on irradiation stability, thermal conductivity, and hot hardness of uranium carbide were determined. Hypostoichiometric and stoichiometric uranium carbides prepared by both powder metallurgy and skull casting and hyperstoichiometric cast carbide were tested. The preparation of 12% enriched uranium carbide specimens for irradiation testing was completed. Sintered specimens were 98% of theoretical density for hypostoichiometric uranium carbide and 92 to 93% … more
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Crane, J.; Kalish, H. S. & Litton, F. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Galveston Area (ARMS-II)

Description: Report describing an Aerial Radiological Measuring Survey (ARMS) of the Galveston Area between Jan. 27 and Feb. 17, 1962. The survey was part of a nationwide program to measure present environmental levels of gamma radiation. Aerial measurements of ground radioactivity were consistent everywhere with what was expected considering the geology of the area.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Guillou, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Laboratories Operation monthly activities report, December 1962

Description: This is the monthly report for the Hanford Laboratories Operation, December 1962. Metallurgy, reactor fuels, chemistry, dosimetry, separation processes, reactor technology, financial activities, visits, biology operation, physics and instrumentation research, and employee relations are discussed.
Date: January 15, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mechanical Properties of Zircaloy-2 - Niobium - Oxygen Alloys

Description: Introduction: The effects of temperature on the mechanical properties of Zircaloy-2 containing up to 7.5 wt % niobium and 3500-ppm oxygen were studied and are presented herein.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Bibb, A. E. & Fascia, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Superheat Quarterly Project Report: Fourteenth Quarter, October-December 1962

Description: From introduction: "This is the fourteenth in a series of quarterly reports which will cover the progress and results from the conceptual design, economic evaluations and research and development work performed by the General Electric Company as part of the Nuclear Superheat Project."
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Pennington, R. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Target Preparation Program

Description: In early 1961 a Target Fabrication Center was established at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to carry out the routine preparation of a wide variety of targets and to provide research and development support to the target program. Although most of the effort concerned enriched stable isotopes, both normal and radioactive materials are also handled. With the aid of rolling mills, resistance-heat and electron-bombardment vacuum evaporation, presses, and electroplating equipment, targets of elements … more
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Kobisk , E. H
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposed Redox sand filter monitor and stack monitors

Description: The purpose of this January, 1963 report is to review existing Redox exhaust gas sampling equipment and to propose modifications and additions where appropriate. A study was conducted to determine what modifications, if any, should be made to the Redox exhaust gas sampling equipment to improve their present methods of monitoring for excessive amounts of fission product activity.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Oliver, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Purex process performance summary, January 1963 thru December 1963

Description: This report documents information acquired from the operation of the purex process during the year of 1963 at the Hanford Site. The report is broken down into sections containing data collected on two to four week intervals. The data included: Performance, flowsheets, feed preparation, solvent extraction, product treatment, solvent treatment, acid recovery, waste concentration, fission product recovery, and waste treatment and storage.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Judson, B. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiolysis of Organic Fluids, Annual Progress Report: October 1, 1961-September 30, 1962

Description: From introduction: This report reviews the Susie program (particularly reactor dosimetry and data analysis) as well as other items that represent a smaller share of the total effort.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Bolt, R. O.; Burrous, M. L.; Carroll, J. G.; Hall, K. L.; Sweeney, M. A. & Tobriner, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Development Program Progress Report, December 1962

Description: Research and development progress is reported on water-cooled reactors, liquid-metal-cooled reactors, general reactor technology, plutonium-recycle reactor program, advanced systems research and development, and nuclear safety. (M.C.G.)
Date: January 15, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A start-up scheme for Tory II-C during simplified boost trajectories

Description: This memorandum discusses TORY II-C reactor control and reactor kinetics during simplified boost trajectories. Reactor start-up, power excursions, and automated control systems are investigated.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Stubbs, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-Facility Approach to Investigations of Fast Reactor Meltdowns

Description: Report issued by the APDA over studies conducted on hypothetical fast reactor meltdown accidents. As stated in the summary, "the purpose of this study is to investigate the technical feasibility of conducting fast reactor meltdown experiments to determine a more realistic maximum accident and to provide a better evaluation of fast reactor safety" (p. 7). This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: January 15, 1963
Creator: Doyle, T. A.; Page, E. M.; Nicholson, R. B.; Hagstrom, J. T. & Nims, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Discussion of theories on particle motion in electric and magnetic fields precedes examination of theories on the source of the inner and outer Van Allen belts. Theories for the inner belt propose solar cosmic ray injection and galactic cosmic ray injection as the source of the protons. Neutron albedo is particularly examined but seems to be unaccountable for the proton belt. Neutron albedo and injection from the sun are also considered as possible sources of the electrons in the outer belt. Fl… more
Date: February 15, 1963
Creator: Kistler, V. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Laboratories monthly activities report, January 1963

Description: This is the monthly report for the Hanford Laboratories Operation January 1963. Reactor fuels, chemistry, dosimetry, separation processes, reactor technology, financial activities, biology operation, physics and instrumentation research, operations research and synthesis, programming, and radiation protection operation are discussed.
Date: February 15, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Irradiation Processing Department Monthly Report: January 1963

Description: This document details activities of the irradiation processing department during the month of January, 1963. A general summary is included at the start of the report, after which the report is divided into the following sections: Research and Engineering Operations; Production and Reactor Operations; Facilities Engineering Operation; and Financial Operation.
Date: February 15, 1963
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Irradiation Processing Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pathfinder Atomic Power Plant. Boron Stainless Steel Control Rods for Pathfinder Reactor. Final Summary Report

Description: An extensive development, fabrication, and design analysis program was completed on 2 wt% boron stainiess steel for Pathfinder boiler and superheater control rods. Results indicated that the control rods will operate satisfactorily in the reactor under all foreseeable conditions. It was concluded that the maximum local burnup on the boiler rods is limited to 1.0 core at.% and the superheater rods to 0.5 core at.% to remain well below the onset of any deleterious effects. All stresses imposed on… more
Date: February 15, 1963
Creator: Patterson, D.A.; Nehrig, D.A.; Klumb, R.H. & Peterson, T.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Development Program Progress Report, January 1963

Description: Research and development activities are reported on Borax V, ZPR- III, - VI, and -IX, EBR-I, EBR- II, and FARET. Reactor technology investigations are reported in reactor physics, reactor fuel development, viewing systems, heat engineering, and chemical separations. Research on advanced systems is reported on reactors and undersea nuclear power applications. Nuclear safety development in thermal and fast reactors is also reported. (J.R.D.)
Date: February 15, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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