Search Results

Primary view of Numerical Calculation of Blast Waves in Non-Uniform Atmosphere
Fife, Paul C.
November 15, 1954
Primary view of Note on Power Recovery From Warm Water
Wood, E. C.
November 15, 1956
Primary view of Studio Arts Collection Evaluation Report
Harker, Karen
November 15, 2021
Primary view of Criminology Collection Evaluation Report
Harker, Karen
November 15, 2021
Primary view of An Algorithm for Construction Feasible Schedules and Computing Their Schedule Times
Heller, Jack & Logemann, George
November 15, 1960
Primary view of Theory of Cusped Geometries
Kileen, John
November 15, 1960
Primary view of Utilization of Radiactive Isotpoes in Coal Process Research
Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
November 15, 1960
Primary view of The Relative Physiological and Toxicological Prosperities of Americium and Plutonium
Langham, Wright H. (Wright Haskell), 1911-1972 & Carter, Robert E.
November 15, 1951
Primary view of Development for Techniques for Rolling Uranium Metal
Deutsch, D. E.; Hanks, G. S.; Taub, J. M. & Doll, D. T.
November 15, 1950
Primary view of Beta Radiation Processing at Rigorous Conditions
Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
November 15, 1963
Primary view of Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Detailed Reconnaissance Survey for Trans-Pecos, Texas: Part 3. Sierra Vieja Survey Area
Butz, T. R.; Payne, A. G.; Grimes, J. G.; Helgerson, R. N. & Bard, C. S.
November 15, 1979
Primary view of Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Detailed Reconnaissance Survey for Trans-Pecos, Texas: Part 4. Tascotal Survey Area
Butz, T. R.; Payne, A. G.; Grimes, J. G.; Helgerson, R. N. & Bard, C. S.
November 15, 1979
Primary view of Mass Spectrographic Analysis of Solids
Garrison, Warren Manford, 1915-
November 15, 1945
Primary view of Nuclear Superheat Quarterly Project Report: Seventeenth Quarter, August-October 1963
Flock, W. L.
November 15, 1963
Primary view of A Uranium Dioxide Fuel Rod Center Melting Test in the Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor
Williamson, H. E. & Hoffmann, J. P.
November 15, 1963
Primary view of Report on State Democratic Executive Committee Meeting
unknown creator
November 15, 2008
Primary view of Systems study of fuels from grains and grasses. Quarterly progress report, July--October 1976
Benson, W.; Allen, A.; Athey, R. & McElroy, A.
November 15, 1976
Primary view of Literature review of EMP effects on apertures
Brittingham, J. N.
November 15, 1976
Primary view of Monitor of distributed data systems (MODDS). Part 1. Digest of functional specifications
Birss, E W; Donnelley, J E & Yeh, J W
November 15, 1976
Primary view of Innovative Clean Coal Technology: Demonstration of innovative applications of technology for cost reductions to the CT-121 FGD process
unknown creator
November 15, 1990
Primary view of Conceptual design of the blanket and power conversion system for a mirror hybrid fusion-fission reactor. Addendum 1. Alternate concepts. 12-month progress report addendum, July 1, 1975--June 30, 1976
Schultz, K. R.; Dee, J. B.; Backus, G. A. & Culver, D. W.
November 15, 1976
Primary view of Annual technical progress report inducer pump program government fiscal year 1976 and 1976T. [LMFBR]
unknown creator
November 15, 1976
Primary view of Immigration: "Recalcitrant" Countries and the Use of Visa Sanctions to Encourage Cooperation with Alien Removals
Wilson, Jill H.
November 15, 2018
Primary view of Spray nozzle pattern test for the DWPF HEME task technical plan. [Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF), High-Efficiency Mist Eliminators (HEME)]
Lee, L.
November 15, 1991
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