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open access

0.351 micron Laser Beam propagation in High-temperature Plasmas

Description: A study of the laser-plasma interaction processes have been performed in plasmas that are created to emulate the plasma conditions in indirect drive inertial confinement fusion targets. The plasma emulator is produced in a gas-filled hohlraum; a blue 351-nm laser beam propagates along the axis of the hohlraum interacting with a high-temperature (T{sub e} = 3.5 keV), dense (n{sub e} = 5 x 10{sup 20}cm{sup -3}), long-scale length (L {approx} 2 mm) plasma. Experiments at these conditions have demo… more
Date: December 10, 2007
Creator: Froula, D.; Divol, L.; Meezan, N.; Ross, J.; Berger, R. L.; Michel, P. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Force-balanced Magnetospheric Configurations

Description: The knowledge of plasma pressure is essential for many physics applications in the magnetosphere, such as computing magnetospheric currents and deriving magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. A thorough knowledge of the 3-D pressure distribution has however eluded the community, as most in-situ pressure observations are either in the ionosphere or the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. With the assumption of pressure isotropy there have been attempts to obtain the pressure at different locatio… more
Date: February 10, 2003
Creator: Zaharia, Sorin; Cheng, C. Z. & Maezawa, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 3-year plan for beam science in the heavy-ion fusion virtual national laboratory

Description: In December 1998, LBNL Director Charles Shank and LLNL Director Bruce Tarter signed a Memorandum of Agreement to create the Heavy-Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory (HIF-VNL) with the purpose of improving the efficiency and productivity of heavy ion research through coordination of the two laboratories' efforts under one technical director. In 1999, PPPL Director Robert Goldston signed the VNL MOA for PPPL's heavy-ion fusion group to join the VNL. LBNL and LLNL each contribute about 45% of … more
Date: September 10, 2001
Creator: Logan, B. Grant
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

10-MWe pilot-plant-receiver-panel test-requirements document: Solar Thermal Test Facility

Description: Plans are presented for insolation testing of a full-scale test receiver panel and supporting hardware which essentially duplicate both physically and functionally the design planned for the 10 MWe pilot plant. Testing includes operation during normal start and shutdown, intermittent cloud conditions, and emergencies to determine the transient and steady state operating characteristics and performance under conditions equal to or exceeding those expected in the pilot plant. The effects of varia… more
Date: June 10, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

14-Inch Swing Check Valve Test

Description: The check valve for the Hallam Power Reactor uses a knife-edge bearing for the flapper in place of the usual journal-type bearing. Mechanical cycling in sodium at 600 deg F was used to check operation of this bearing. A total of 309 mechanical cycles was completed with no apparent malfunctioning of the valve. Measured leskage rates were 0.46 gpm at 0.93 psig, 0.73 gpm at 3.4 psig. and 0.32 gpm at 5.9 psig. (M.C.G.)
Date: February 10, 1960
Creator: Cygan, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

17 GHz High Gradient Accelerator Research

Description: This is a report on the MIT High Gradient Accelerator Research program which has included: Operation of the 17 GHz, 25 MeV MIT/Haimson Research Corp. electron accelerator at MIT, the highest frequency, stand-alone accelerator in the world; collaboration with members of the US High Gradient Collaboration, including the design and test of novel structures at SLAC at 11.4 GHz; the design, construction and testing of photonic bandgap structures, including metallic and dielectric structures; the inv… more
Date: July 10, 2013
Creator: Temkin, Richard J. & Shapiro, Michael A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

25 Year Lifetime for Flexible Buildings Integrated Photovoltaics

Description: Although preliminary proof-of-principle of the efficacy of barrier materials and processes, first developed by Battelle at PNNL and commercialized by Vitex, has been demonstrated at the laboratory scale, there are several challenges to the practical commercial implementation of these developments in the Buildings Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) market. Two important issues that are addressed in this project are identifying a low cost substrate material that can survive in the outside environmen… more
Date: July 10, 2010
Creator: Gross, Mark E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

40-kW field test power plant modification and development. Monthly technical status report No. 13, September 16, 1978-October 15, 1978

Description: The contract objective is to complete the design and development actions that upgrade the 40-kW fuel cell power plant to a configuration suitable for on-site demonstration testing. The modifications will improve operating capability, durability and maintenance interval and lead to reduced production costs. Equipment to recover and use the by-product heat of electric generation will be available on the power plant for field verification of on-site heat recovery. The 40-kW power plant will be com… more
Date: November 10, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

95-1 Campaign evaporator boildown results

Description: The Process Chemistry Laboratories were requested to support the 242-A Evaporator restart as part of the overall 222-S laboratory effort. The net purpose of these studies is to determine the characteristics of double-shell tank materials as they are processed in the evaporator. The results for the boildown study (which includes pressure and temperature versus % waste volume reduction and density of final boildown residue) supporting the 242-A Evaporator restart are reported below. The boildown … more
Date: October 10, 1994
Creator: Miller, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 Area soil washing: Bench scale tests on 116-F-4 pluto crib soil

Description: The Pacific Northwest Laboratory conducted a bench-scale treatability study on a pluto crib soil sample from 100 Area of the Hanford Site. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of physical separation (wet sieving), treatment processes (attrition scrubbing, and autogenous surface grinding), and chemical extraction methods as a means of separating radioactively-contaminated soil fractions from uncontaminated soil fractions. The soil washing treatability study was conducted on a soil… more
Date: June 10, 1994
Creator: Field, J. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AZ-101 Mixer Pump Test Qualification Test Procedures (QTP)

Description: Describes the Qualification test procedure for the AZ-101 Mixer Pump Data Acquisition System (DAS). The purpose of this Qualification Test Procedure (QTP) is to confirm that the AZ-101 Mixer Pump System has been properly programmed and hardware configured correctly. This QTP will test the software setpoints for the alarms and also check the wiring configuration from the SIMcart to the HMI. An Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP), similar to this QTP will be performed to test field devices and connec… more
Date: January 10, 2000
Creator: Thomas, W. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

105-KW Sandfilter Backwash Pit sludge volume calculation

Description: The volume of sludge contained in the 100-KW Sandfilter Backwash Pit (SFBWP) was calculated from depth measurements of the sludge, pit dimension measurements and analysis of video tape recordings taken by an underwater camera. The term sludge as used in this report is any combination of sand, sediment, or corrosion products visible in the SFBWP area. This work was performed to determine baseline volume for use in determination of quantities of uranium and plutonium deposited in the pit from san… more
Date: February 10, 1995
Creator: Dodd, E.N. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 area effluent treatment facilities configuration management plan

Description: Provides facility specific configuration management guidance and references. Describes methods used at Liquid Effluent Facilities for configuration control in accordance with upper tier requirements
Date: October 10, 1995
Creator: Sullivan, N. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 Area effluent treatment facility process control plan 95-001

Description: Provides initial run plan guidance for the 200 Area Effluent Treatment Facility in the treatment of Liquid Effluent Retention Facility waste during Phase III testing
Date: October 10, 1995
Creator: Sullivan, N. J.; Flyckt, D. L. & Peres, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 area liquid effluent facility quality assurance program plan. Revision 1

Description: Direct revision of Supporting Document WHC-SD-LEF-QAPP-001, Rev. 0. 200 Area Liquid Effluent Facilities Quality Assurance Program Plan. Incorporates changes to references in tables. Revises test to incorporate WHC-SD-LEF-CSCM-001, Computer Software Configuration Management Plan for 200 East/West Liquid Effluent Facilities
Date: October 10, 1995
Creator: Sullivan, N. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 Area monthly report No. 4, April 1966

Description: This monthly report details activities of the 200 Area for the month of April 1966.
Date: May 10, 1966
Creator: Christy, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 Area weekly report

Description: No Description Available.
Date: March 10, 1955
Creator: Christl, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

200 area weekly report

Description: This is the weekly progress report for the 200 area for the week of November 10, 1955. Areas discussed pertaining to the solvent extraction plants include operation status, 232-F Building, 221-F - NFE dissolver, 200-F - solvent purification, 221-F - increased throughput, 241-F additional waste storage tanks, 221-F canyon pumps.
Date: November 10, 1955
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

224-UA continuous calciner trough examination

Description: The continuous calciners at UO{sub 3} Plant are of a new design which was developed at HAPO and placed in service late in 1956. The heat transfer troughs are considered to be the most vulnerable parts of the calciners because of their high operating temperatures. Thermal stresses are calculated to be quite high, and when added to the direct mechanical stresses from powder load etc., come close to the limiting safe stress for stainless steel at the operating temperature. It is felt that trough f… more
Date: March 10, 1958
Creator: Kennedy, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

234-5 Building RM line equipment tests, Task III mixer

Description: Several operations that are important to the process as carried out in Task III (Reduction) are performed by the mixer. In order to specify the process certain tests were made to study these operations and are discussed in this report. They include: Mixing Time, Mixer Discharge Rate, Mixer Holdup, and Mixer Capacity. A description of the test, conclusions and recommendations is provided.
Date: April 10, 1952
Creator: Collins, P. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

242-A Evaporator/plutonium uranium extraction (PUREX) effluent treatment facility (ETF) nonradioactive air emission test report

Description: This report shows the methods used to test the stack gas outlet concentration and emission rate of Volatile Organic Compounds as Total Non-Methane Hydrocarbons in parts per million by volume,grams per dry standard cubic meter, and grams per minute from the PUREX ETF stream number G6 on the Hanford Site. Test results are shown in Appendix B.1.
Date: May 10, 1996
Creator: Hill, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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