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open access

DYNAVAC: a transient-vacuum-network analysis code

Description: This report discusses the structure and use of the program DYNAVAC, a new transient-vacuum-network analysis code implemented on the NMFECC CDC-7600 computer. DYNAVAC solves for the transient pressures in a network of up to twenty lumped volumes, interconnected in any configuration by specified conductances. Each volume can have an internal gas source, a pumping speed, and any initial pressure. The gas-source rates can vary with time in any piecewise-linear manner, and up to twenty different tim… more
Date: July 8, 1980
Creator: Deis, G.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kilowatt Isotope Power System: component test report for the ground demonstration system pump. 77-KIPS-99

Description: The purpose of this test was to demonstrate that the pump utilized for the developmental program to be conducted on the Kilowatt Isotope Power System (KIPS) fulfilled the requirements of Test Procedure 398A, Component Test Procedure for the Ground Demonstration System Pump. The results of the tests are reported. From these results it was concluded that the pump for the Kilowatt Isotope Power System has satisfactorily completed the requirements of Sundstrand Pump Test Procedure, TP 398A.
Date: February 8, 1978
Creator: Brainard, E.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Input and decayed values of radioactive liquid wastes discharged to the ground in the 200 Areas through 1975

Description: Low and intermediate level liquid wastes from chemical separations processing of spent reactor fuel elements have been discharged to the ground in the 200-Areas since 1944. Large volumes of process cooling water, normally free of radioactive contaminants, are discharged to surface ditches or natural surface depressions (ponds). Lesser volumes of liquid waste such as steam condensates, process condensates, scavenged process waste supernatants, and plutonium processing wastes have been, or are be… more
Date: July 8, 1976
Creator: Anderson, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Presidential Inaugurations: The Case of Inaugural Dates Falling on Sunday

Description: This report's purpose is to present the constitutional and historical background of the "interregnum" question and to describe the precedents established on these occasions. It discusses when the date set for the inauguration of the president has fallen on a Sunday.
Date: July 8, 1968
Creator: Beebe, Ronald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Initial evaluation of photographic data of F- and H-Area seepage basin outcrops

Description: Photographic data for the Savannah River Plant (SRP) were reviewed for 1961 through 1987 to determine the value of this photography in estimating the timing and extent of the F- and H-Area seepage basin outcrops along the upper Four Mile Creek floodplain. In excess of 15,000 frames of photography of the SRP were reviewed. The quality of the photography varied widely and included panchromatic (black and white), natural color, and false color infrared. Altitudes of the photography ranged from 2,0… more
Date: February 8, 1988
Creator: Mackey, H. E., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

150 kWe solar-powered deep-well irrigation facility. Phase I. Preliminary design study. Final report

Description: Results of a preliminary design study for a solar-powered irrigation facility to be located on a farm between Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, are presented. The ERDA-specified generic design criteria are detailed. A detailed systems analysis is presented, and preliminary designs of the thermal storage system, organic Rankine cycle power system, cooling water system, power distribution system, and collector foundation are given. Site layout and improvements are described, and a cost analysis of pro… more
Date: August 8, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of costs and benefits for eight powerplant productivity improvement projects. Project 1, Task 3. Final report

Description: In 1976, DOE (FEA) sponsored the development of a systematic methodology for the identification and analysis of candidate projects which a utility might undertake to improve baseload unit reliability. This methodology also enabled the user to estimate a project's effect on the future performance of the unit. A project was sponsored in Illinois to demonstrate the methodology and to encourage increased power plant productivity in the state. A total of 8 improvement projects were conducted and ana… more
Date: June 8, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stop bandwidths of nonlinear beam-beam resonances

Description: A general expression is given for the stop bandwidths, nu../sub N/, of nonlinear beam-beam resonances, which is expanded in powers of Y(s), the vertical beam orbit, and which is valid under certain assumptions regarding the orbits and charge distributions near the interaction regions. This result is applied to obtain results for the rms nu../sub N/ due to random vertical orbit errors, and due to random errors in ..beta../sub y/ at the crossing points. Numerical results are given… more
Date: December 8, 1979
Creator: Parzen, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Model of beam head erosion

Description: An analytical model of beam head dynamics is presented, leading to an estimate of the erosion rate due to the combined effects of Ohmic dissipation and scattering. Agreement with the results of a computer simulation and detailed one-dimensional computations is good in all respects except for the scaling of the erosion rate with net current.
Date: August 8, 1980
Creator: Lee, Edward P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final focus nomenclature

Description: The formal names and common names for all devices in the final focus system of the SLC are listed. The formal names consist of a device type designator, microprocessor designator, and a four-digit unit number. (LEW)
Date: August 8, 1986
Creator: Erickson, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Milliwatt generator heat source. Progress report, July-December 1981

Description: As part of the Milliwatt Generator (MWG) Program, a second series of pressure burst capsules welded offsite was tested; the resulting data indicate that the welds are very similar to those in the first series of capsules. Sufficient hardware was fabricated to meet all scheduled commitments. To provide a unit for feasibility testing, a heat source clad with Hastelloy C was reclad with Inconel 600. Forming development tests on Inconel 600 were conducted with favorable results. A QAS-3 survey was … more
Date: April 8, 1982
Creator: Mershad, E.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary characterization of the pressure suppression experiment load response and source analysis: air test series. [BWR]

Description: Data from air tests conducted on the 1/5-Scale Model Mark I Pressure Suppression Facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory were analyzed for the purpose of determining the various sources of load signature characteristics. It was determined that hydrodynamic vertical loading function embodies effects from: (a) momentum flux associated with flow from the downcomers; (b) momentum rate associated with bulk pool motion; and (c) unbalanced internal pressure forces related to phenomena associated wit… more
Date: August 8, 1977
Creator: Davis, B. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Demonstration of energy conservation for multi-deck board dryers. Phase I. Final report

Description: A study was made to determine the feasibility of recover and reuse of low level heat from the exhausts of multi-deck dryers used to dry boards in the building materials industry. There are approximately 1000 dryers of this type in the USA, with no heat recovery equipment. These dryers are used in the manufacture of: roof insulation board, ceiling tile and panel stock, wood fiber sheathing, gypsum board, and veneer plywood. Pilot scale tests and analyses show that heat recovery designs utilizing… more
Date: February 8, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory-scale evaluations of alternative plutonium precipitation methods

Description: Plutonium(III), (IV), and (VI) carbonate; plutonium(III) fluoride; plutonium(III) and (IV) oxalate; and plutonium(IV) and (VI) hydroxide precipitation methods were evaluated for conversion of plutonium nitrate anion-exchange eluate to a solid, and compared with the current plutonium peroxide precipitation method used at Rocky Flats. Plutonium(III) and (IV) oxalate, plutonium(III) fluoride, and plutonium(IV) hydroxide precipitations were the most effective of the alternative conversion methods t… more
Date: February 8, 1984
Creator: Martella, L. L.; Saba, M. T. & Campbell, G. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

236-Z canyon utilization study

Description: The 236-Z canyon contains equipment for repurification of plutonium and recovery of plutonium from scrap material. To meet production requirements of Fast Flux Test Facility/Clinch River Breeder Reactor oxide with the existing plant, several new pieces of equipment will be needed in the future. More storage space and a better accountability system are needed to support this increased production. The available canyon space needs to be utilized to its fullest in order to accommodate the new equip… more
Date: March 8, 1977
Creator: Dixon, D.R
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of copper sulfide/cadmium sulfide thin-film solar cells

Description: The most important accomplishments during this period were to demonstrate and to elucidate further the complex effects that occur during the aging of Cu/sub 2/S/CdS thin-film solar cells in flowing wet oxygen. There are two distinct effects. At constant illumination, the short-circuit current of cells aged at room temperature consistently decreases with time. The second effect, related to diode opposing current, is more involved and may result from several competing mechanisms. Over the short t… more
Date: March 8, 1982
Creator: Szedon, J. R.; Biter, W. J. & Dickey, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

LMFBR safety. 5. Review of current issues and bibliography of literature (1975--1976)

Description: The current status of liquid-metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) development and one of the principal safety issues, a hypothetical core-disruptive accident (HCDA), are discussed. Bibliographic information on worldwide LMFBRs relative to the development and safety of the breeder reactor is presented for the period 1975 through 1976. The bibliography consists of approximately 1618 abstracts covering early research and development and operating experiences leading up to the present design practice… more
Date: June 8, 1977
Creator: Buchanan, J.R. & Keilholtz, G.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equipment qualification research program: program plan

Description: The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) under the sponsorship of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has developed this program plan for research in equipment qualification (EQA). In this report the research program which will be executed in accordance with this plan will be referred to as the Equipment Qualification Research Program (EQRP). Covered are electrical and mechanical equipment under the conditions described in the OBJECTIVE section of this report. The EQRP has two p… more
Date: June 8, 1982
Creator: Dong, R.G. & Smith, P.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Total pion cross section measurements. Annual progress report, January 1, 1979-December 31, 1979

Description: The principal effort has been devoted to the data analysis for the pion-nucleus total cross section experiment. Forward scattering amplitudes have been obtained for ..pi..+- mesons on Al, /sup 40/Ca, Cu, Sn, Ho, and Pb. These results are given. Work is continuing on the data reduction for the remaining targets.
Date: February 8, 1980
Creator: Jakobson, M. J. & Jeppesen, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory procedures used in the hot corrosion project

Description: The objective of the Hot Corrosion Project in the LLNL Metals and Ceramics Division is to study the physical and chemical mechanisms of corrosion of nickel, iron, and some of their alloys when these metals are subjected to oxidizing or sulfidizing environments at temperatures between 850 and 950/sup 0/C. To obtain meaningful data in this study, we must rigidly control many parameters. Parameters are discussed and the methods chosen to control them in this laboratory. Some of the mechanics and m… more
Date: April 8, 1980
Creator: Jeys, T.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental geology workshop for the Geysers--Calistoga known geothermal resources area

Description: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) is studying ways in which the environmental quality of The Geysers-Calistoga known geothermal resources area may be protected from any significant harmful consequences of future geothermal development. The LLL study includes the effects of development on air and water quality, geology, the ecosystem, socioeconomics, and noise. The Geothermal Resource Impact Projection Study (GRIPS) has grants to undertake similar work. On 28 and 29 November 1977, LLL and GRIP… more
Date: February 8, 1978
Creator: Ledbetter, G. & Crow, N.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Near-Term Hybrid Vehicle Program, Phase I. Appendix D. Sensitivity analysis report. Final report

Description: The study methodology, the selection of input parameters and output variables, the sensitivity study results, and the conclusions of the sensitivity analysis for the Near-Term Hybrid Vehicle (NTHV) Program are presented. The objective of the Sensitivity Analysis was to determine the impact of variations in selected parameters on the utility, the economic attractiveness, and the marketability of the hybrid vehicle. The parameters to be varied include travel characteristics, energy costs, hybrid … more
Date: October 8, 1979
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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